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The fuckening: When your day is going too well, and something is finally happening to fuck it up.

I remember seeing the term "the fuckening" in some meme a while ago, and it made me laugh out loud because it was so relatable. I've had a lot of fuckenings lately, and I really think one is about to happen right now.

"So you're saying you won't be here if Alex is gonna stay here for a week or two?" Aiden says, repeating my words back to me.

"Exactly," I say, and send him a cold smile.

"I thought you and her were good," he says, and leans his elbows on his knees.

Haley isn't here, she promised Ives and Josie she would help them look at some new outfits for the upcoming parties, and The Secret's goodbye-concert. They won't be leaving for their tour yet, but they'll take a break from shows to practice and study. Probably a good idea..

I wish Haley was here.

It's not that I don't like hanging out with Aiden, he's pretty cool, and we've hit it off better than I thought. I thought we'd be butting heads since we have the same girlfriend and all, but he's pretty laidback. Usually. Today he's been pestering me a lot about Alex.

It's not like I haven't helped Alex, I did help her get a hold of Ives to apologize and talk it out, but that was honestly more for Ives than her. I still don't like her very much. She could be homeless for all I cared.

Well, she actually is now. Ha!

"Kind of. I know she's your little sister, but I'd rather not have her around my girlfriend," I say, narrowing my eyes at him.

I know it might be a bit unfair of me to say it like that, but I have as much right to worry about that as he has. And he doesn't seem to be worried at all.

"Your girlfriend?" he questions, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yep," I say, smirking and popping the P way more than necessary.

"She's mine, too, you know," he mutters, and I roll my eyes a little.

Of course I know. Doesn't he think I know that? I wish she could be all mine sometimes, but surprisingly enough, it doesn't bother me that she has Aiden too. After all, he makes her happy.

I might be way off base, since I haven't been with her for as long as he is, but I feel like I have the right to protect her from dangers just as much as he has. I just think his sister is a danger that I'd like to protect her from, but I know I can't force her to do anything. She's way too independent. She will never let me dictate a thing in her life. Which is good.

I just wish she would let me decide that Alex is no good.

"Of course I know that," I huff at him. "I also know that if she wants to help Alex, there's nothing I can do to stop her. So I'll just stay out of it."

I get up from the couch and pick up my jacket from the armrest. He looks at me, judges me.

"If that's what you want," he says, and leans back.. "She apologized, and they're good now."

"But she still did it," I comment.

"Well, yeah."

I sigh and look through the living room a few times, to try to get the right words queued up to say what I want to say. I run my hand over my face before I just shake my head and look at Aiden again.

He's staring at me, hopeful.

"I'll tell Haley she can stay at my dorm if she wants to spend the night sometimes, and I'll make an effort to take her out or something," I say, and I watch as Aiden's hopeful look disappears and is replaced with one of disapproval.

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