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It's getting late, and it's definitely too cold to stay outside at night right now. It's winter, it's snowing, and I'm quite honestly fed up with what the hell Aiden is doing.

He grins at me as he keeps leading me into the forest. We've already been driving for about an hour, and now he's dragging me through the trees on foot, with a huge ass backpack hanging from his shoulders, and he's not even letting me carry the large bag he's got hoisted up on one of his already very occupied arms.

I'm not weak. I can totally take the bag. Maybe not the backpack, but I can definitely carry the bag.

"Just a little further," he says, probably noticing my impatience.

I huff a little, and look around me as he continues to drag me further into the deep, dark forest.

If I didn't know him, I'd say he's taking me out here to kill me. He's not, though, that guy couldn't hurt a fly. In our relationship, I'm the one who comes to the rescue when there's a spider, and he's the one to plan out sweet, romantic gestures. Like this one, if it wasn't so damn cold.

"I'm freezing my ass off, babe," I complain, and all I hear from him is his very amused chuckle.

He's taken me camping before, but he always tells me beforehand and lets me know what to wear and stuff. Now he just picked me up from our apartment and told me to get in the car. He did bring me a jacket, though, but I'm in my pajama-pants and a tank top underneath the stupid jacket.

I didn't even close the jacket, because I'm an idiot, and now he's holding my hand as if his life depends on it, so I can't exactly stop to pull up the zipper.

I can sense the excitement in my boyfriend's body. He's like a child in a toy store, eager to finally find the new toy he's been looking for for ages, and we're closing in.

The curly hair on top of his head is shining in the dim light from the sunset, and his dimples are so prominent that I'm practically melting. He's more than a head taller than me, but we've always seen eye-to-eye on a lot of things. Like this arrangement we've got in our relationship. It's probably weird to a lot of people, but to us, it's second nature.

He gets off on hearing about me being with another man, and I do enjoy the occasional story whenever some pretty girl tries to get in his pants, but he never goes the extra mile. He says it doesn't feel right, but he loves it when I do it. I don't do it often, though. That night with Max was the third time in total. No one's been better than Max, though, besides Aiden.

I smile to myself as I think of how it felt to be smashed up against that wall, with the tall, muscular, broody guy pounding into me. He's like the complete opposite of Aiden.

Aiden is nice and caring, and he is a sucker for "making love", even though he is really great at fucking hard, too. But Max is different. He seems like he needs it to be rough, like his whole existence is depending on it, or something, and I like that.

I catch Aiden smirking at me as I bite my lip to try to focus on where we're going. He knows I've been thinking about Max a lot since this weekend, and he welcomes it. If anything, he asked me to try to get him to break his rule of only being with a girl once.

The two of them know each other a little from before, since they both grew up around here. Aiden went to college another place, and met me, and we've been together since the second month of my freshman year. I'm now a sophomore, and we're still going strong, even a year and a half later. Aiden wanted to transfer here to look after his sister after her friend tried to kill herself last year, just after Halloween. She seems fine now, but when we first saw her after it happened, she was so broken it broke my heart.

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