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My life is brilliant.

Everything is great! Well, except the fact that one of my boyfriends won't be around when I'm gray and old, but he seems to be okay with it now.. After talking to his dad about it again earlier today..

"Do you two want some privacy tonight?" Aiden asks from his place on the couch, as he fidgets with his phone case.

I look over at him, kind of unsure of what he means, or why he's asking that, but I can't say I don't want to spend some time with Max.

"I thought you liked listening to her last night," Max says from the other side of the couch.

He's laying with his legs on my lap, and he has his hands under his head. Until now he was just staring at the ceiling, clearly encapsulated by the peaceful silence that settled over all three of us after we god back from dinner. I'm sure we all had some thoughts to sort out.

He looks really tired, still, and he didn't eat much for dinner. Or for breakfast. Not as much as I've seen him eat in the cafeteria before, at least, but I guess it's just his mind racing through a few things. He's been through a lot, and I really want to be there for him.

"Well, yeah, obviously," Aiden says, and grins widely. "I really wanted to join, too, but I guess we'll do that some other time."

"You can do her mouth while I fuck her pussy?" Max asks, raising his eyebrows at me suggestively. They can't see each other while I'm in the middle, and I scowl at Max.

"No! Why are you even suggesting that?" I ask them both, because they're both being stupid and annoying.

I have to admit that Max's words had my abdomen turn around in anticipation, and I am wondering what that would be like. I've always had this fantasy about being fucked by two men at the same time, hearing them both grunt loudly as they do me like I'm there for their pleasure only.. But when they talk about it like this, it seems scary. I guess I might be a little submissive in bed or something.. I know I love it when Max just does what he want to me, but I also love it when Aiden asks me what I want and gives it to me with no hesitation at all. They're both amazing in their own ways.

My feelings for Max has been catching up to the depth of what I'm feeling for Aiden really fast, and I think it might be a little too fast, so I'm kind of scared.. What if he just wanted to be with me because he wants to try being with someone who has another boyfriend, like it's just an item on his bucket list?

I look at him, and my nerves are slightly calmed by the very amused look on his face. I then turn around to look at Aiden, and he looks really smug where he's laying, wiggling his eyebrows at me, just like Max did earlier, only a bit more teasingly, and less serious. I think..

"We're definitely doing that. The other way around, too," Aiden says, and then he gets back to fidgeting with his phone case.

He pushes it off, and then puts it back on, and pushes it off, and puts it back on. It's driving me nuts, but he always does it.

"Obviously," Max says, and looks up at the ceiling again.

I feel like I'm in the middle of some male bonding or something right now, as they seem to want to share their fantasies with each other, and tell each other what they would do to me. Together.

Then Aiden sits up, and he sends me a warm smile, before he leans over to kiss me sweetly.

"I'll head over to mom and dad's. Maybe I could talk to Alex for a bit too," he says, and winks at me, telling me silently that he'll want details later, and I slap his arm.

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