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I got the letter in the mail. The letter from the hospital, with the results of my blood test. I don't really want to open it. It's been at my mom's for a few days, and now it's here. With me. It's been over a week since I took the test, and I was kind of surprised when the answers came so quickly. I guess dad hurried them or something, bribed them with some money, probably.

It's Friday, luckily, and I'm on my way out.

If I don't open it, I can still pretend I'm not going to get sick. Even if the odds are fifty-fifty, I'm still gonna assume the worst, that's just who I am. If I do open it however, it's not a mystery anymore. It's kind of like Schrödinger's cat. I'm both sick and healthy, as long as I don't look at the answer. That poor cat, though. I hope it didn't die.

Fucking hell, I've been to way too many classes lately if I can know about that shit from the top of my head...

I've been staring at the fucking letter for hours, and now I'm just happy I'm going out.

I pull on my leather jacket, and leave the letter under my pillow, so that Harry won't see it and worry or some shit. I pull the hood of my hoodie out from underneath my jacket, and put a few rolled up joints into my pocket, along with my wallet and my keys.

I pull my phone out as I walk out of the door, to call Haley.

"Are you coming?" she snaps, as soon as she answers the call.

"Relax, baby, I'm on my way," I say, and roll my eyes at her impatience. "Where are you again?"

"We're waiting for you right outside," she says, and huffs, as if I'm stupid for not remembering that.

"Right," I say, and walk out of my dormitory. "I'm out front in two minutes."

She hangs up, and I chuckle to myself at her fucking impatience once again. I really like it, though. She's like a female me, although, a lot sexier and a lot happier. She isn't half as moody as I am most of the time, but she's definitely not taking any shit from anyone. She's the boss.

I can only imagine what it's like when she and Aiden has sex. He's so careful and loving, and she's bossy and demanding. With the two of us, we both know I take control, and she loses her bossiness, but with him? I don't know, it's kind of hot to think of her as a bossy lover.

I grin a little as I see their car. It's a good car. Not too old, but it's not new either. It's a silver Honda of some sorts, and I open up the door to the backseat, and squeeze inside.

Haley's head whips around from in front of me, and she scowls at me immediately. I can see Aiden's amused grin as he starts the car and drives away from campus.

"Have you received the results yet?" she asks me, almost hostile, like I'm in an interrogation.

She's been asking me every day since I took the damn test. My answer every time has been no.

"No," I say, and shrug it off. "Where are we going?"

"To the mall," Aiden says, and sighs a little. "Our little, restless girl says you owe her a pair of panties?"

He looks at me through the rearview mirror, with an even more amused grin now, and I roll my eyes again.

"That's true," I say, and grin at her, as I remember how angry she got when I ripped off her underwear that night we were together. "I'll probably owe her a couple more sometime soon."

"Don't you dare!" Haley exclaims, and points her finger accusingly at me.

That only makes me want to do it more, so I grin mischievously at her.

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