Chapter 29: The Feeling Is Mutual

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"Why do you cry, little mousey?"

Prince Agustus Dane lowered himself in order to have his eyes meet mine, those cat eyes that speckled filtered light coming from the trees, with each corner sharpened like the tip of a fine brush. This scene was far too familiar. I could still vividly remember how he came to my rescue, remember how his hand grabbed my waist as he pulled me close, remember how he made me feel weak.

And now, we're here in the very same woods, doing the very same actions.

I couldn't bring myself to speak.

It wasn't peculiar like the feeling I get with Prince Tayden, but rather it felt almost as if fate was intent in making us see through each other, as if our skin transformed into glass, fragile and transparent.

At last, I heavily inhaled and harshly wiped my tears, not wanting him to see me like this despite the fact that he always does anyway. "Why are you here?"

He scrunched his nose for a brief second before retorting.

"That should be my question," said the prince, glancing at the Oaktree behind us with a strange shine in his irises and then at me, "Of all places, why here? And of all people, why you?"

"Well, that sounded rude." I scoffed in disbelief.

"You're lost, aren't you?" he sighed, "We've been running into each other quite often. Coincidence says that."

I shook my head and repositioned my legs, in some way getting comfortable compared to a few minutes ago. "There are too many times that we find one another during the weirdest of circumstances. It must be meant to happen. Fate says that."

Ever since I believed in time traveling, I somehow got myself to believe in the sly magic tricks of destiny.

The prince's brows rose higher. "Are you implying that I'm doing this on purpose?"

"We never truly know." I nonchalantly shrugged, earning his disagreeing frown.

"You are absolutely outlandish."

"I might be worse."

Prince Agustus pinched the bridge of his nose, exasperated. "Did I not remind you of this?"

He proceeded to gently tug the silver whistle dangling along my neck and onto my chest. I flinched at the sudden contact of his fingers sweeping against my skin during the momentum.

"You did remind me," I bravely countered, gulping down the intensity of his gaze fixated onto me, "but I refuse your presence. I do not n-need any rescuing. I can h-handle myself just f-fine."

"I knew it," he smirked, "you stutter when you lie."

Damn it.

He stood up and removed the fallen leaves and twigs that made their way to his boots and his fitting black top that revealed his proportions. I looked the other direction, afraid he might notice me gawking and tease about it. I hate it already, the thought of it occurring setting heat across my cheeks.

Reluctantly, I took his hand and he helped me get up.

"Of all places, why here?" I muttered his question and morphed it into a question of my own, "And of all people, why you?"

The brat only chuckled, but to my ears, it didn't sound wicked like it usually should be. It was simply a low expression of amusement without any other intentions. It was simply a slip of his natural character from ten years ago.

"Don't worry, little mousey," he reassured me, patting my head, sending an electrical shock throughout the fibers of my being, "you loathe me? The feeling is mutual."

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