Chapter 32: The Beginning of the End

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The world was cold, almost freezing in time.

Clouds split like faraway hands that lost grip onto each other, illuminating the bright full moon that rose above the pinewood trees, so beguiling across the sky glazed intensely of midnight hue.

Someone was roaming around the dark castle walls, footsteps thudding and echoing like it came from a deep and dreary cave. I listened to the mysterious entity slip into doors without making too much noise. I listened to it climb upstairs, slow and careful…

Until it reached the corridor to my bedroom.

Then the footsteps grew louder and louder, closer and closer. I couldn’t move, couldn’t even close my eyes to avoid seeing my demise. I knew it was coming for me. I knew it was me that it sought after.

No. I trembled under the sheets. Please, no.

The door creaked.

I held my breath in fright.

And a shadow crept in.

I wasn’t able to do anything, my screams locked down in the location of their birth, my mouth zipped as if it was sewn by a thousand prickles and a thousand yarns. Panic infiltrated my system. Sheer revulsion bade me to gag.

He stood there by my bedside table, baring teeth. And just like I feared, his blade dug into my flesh and pierced my heart.

The impact forced my mouth to open, stretching the invisible stitches and had me feel like I ripped off skin. I got to cry out the pain, only to hear nothing.

Nothing but the sound of my heart, beating, horrifyingly beating, as loud as it could make my ears bleed—


I gasped, a mixture of sweat and tears running across my face. The ceiling of my bedroom greeted me, yet this time there was light peeking through.

My first instinct was to grab Aculeus, but then I saw Prince Jacque beside me, tightly holding onto my hand like he was scared of letting go. He was there as the replacement of where the Black Hood once stood.

The Black Hood.

This past month was nightmare-free. What was that all about? A friendly reminder that he’s still here with an identity still unknown? A warning that I won’t get to change my destiny to die against the blade? What? What is it?!

I quickly sat up, my breaths wild and shallow like I was underwater for too long and was about to drown. My hand automatically shuddered onto my chest, inspecting for any scars, any evidence that it had been dug up.

Nothing there. Just clear, unharmed skin.

Death must be tired of waiting for my fated fall.

“Rosette, thank goodness!” Prince Jacque Darryl let out a heavy exhale, relief washing over him. “You were whimpering and making all these terrified racket when I passed by your chambers so I called the maids—”

“Jacque!” I softly sobbed, my morning voice dry like a bunch of sandy grains got inside.

It has been long since I felt so happy to be alive.

The first was when I received that nightmare of the woods as a kid. My mom had to rush upstairs and cradle me back to sleep.

No wonder I ached for physical contact. I wanted—I needed to feel secure.

Without hesitation, I lunged forward, wrapping my arms around his neck. I could tell he was surprised, given that he was comparable to a frozen statue for a few seconds. Eventually, his hands were rubbing circles on my back.

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