Chapter 42: The Paintings of Unfortunate Events

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April 22, 1779

‘Tis nothing but a loveless marriage; Eldred is always out there as I am sitting on the Queen's Throne like a porcelain doll. I may find the dolls pretty, yet there is sure reason to why I am born human, and that is having the will to act upon my own choices.

Ah, yes, when he is not around, I am at peace. I reach peak serenity and hear the zephyr coming from my homeland, beckoning me to return. I desire to escape at every spall of opportunities, but I do not do so.

The palace feels so big.

And I feel so small.

However, today and all the other days, my precious Vante tapped on the glass panes on the other side of the kaleidoscopic window, ignoring the maids for he wanted my company instead. Without a care, I easily slipped away from my golden seat and ran towards the outside—where my seven sons were waiting.

I spent my afternoon well. We had tea and brioche. Eugene made a mess to bake such a delicious treat. He was the oldest among the seven, yet I let him act his age. Even young birds take time to spread their wings and fly until they can build their own nest.

Agustus has matured and would become shy when I try to baby him. I miss pinching his cheeks. Despite his feline-like behavior, I was surprised that he wanted a dog. He would call it Holly, for he was enraptured by the tree's evergreen leaves and red berries as of late. Perhaps I can grant his wish once he turns 18.

Jacob was very playful and active despite Nathaniel's attempt to read stories with me at that time. Fortunate for me, I managed to convince them to share their activities with each other. I enjoy it whenever they get along. Being open to new wonders is good. It is admirable when they accept their differences.

Tayden was a bit silent. What in heaven's name is Eldred teaching him now? I will have a word with that man. My sweet boy does not need to waste a breath for his clownery. Eldred cannot lay a finger on my son whilst I am here.

Vante told me about him dreaming to be a wizard, which I thought was amusing. Our world is not made of magic, but I do believe in the miracles created of love. Love casts a very strong spell that can even break the boundaries of time. That, I believe, is my valued definition of magic.

Jacque did his best to catch up with his brothers today. He can only watch and imitate their actions, so he sat on my lap the whole endeavor. I do not worry. I know he will grow to be a fine man. His brothers adore him as much as I do.

I played the piano for them today. Although my heart was expressing the melancholia constantly breaking me in a slow and painful manner, in spite of my desires to go home where doves coo, I stay here. The palace did not feel so big and I did not feel so small...when my children are with me. 

The people of Grand are angry with their king, but it is not necessary for these little ones to take part of their curses. It is a good thing that I prevailed in giving out the order as queen. Their identities are hidden, safe.

All my life, I thought I would never discover the magic of love, yet I did. I thank my seven sons for that.


Briar Rosette finished reading the entry, closing the leather-bound notebook in her hands. She was robbed of speech, her head hung low as she patiently waited for someone else to occupy the attention she vacated.

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