Chapter 1

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                      Raziya Begam was eagerly waiting for the arrival of her friend. She was visibly pleased when she heard her friend's voice, "Greeting to Begam Sahiba". Raziya rebuked her firmly, "I am still the same Raziya who studied with you in college. If you address me formally, then I will call you are Mrs Khanna". "I was just joking, Raziya", her friend laughed at her. "I am so happy to see you, Karuna", Raziya hugged her tightly.

"Where is Azaan?", Karuna asked while looking around. "He is busy with marriage preparations. Once he came back from London, he took over all responsibilities from me", Raziya beamed with pride. "Why wouldn't he? After all it's his baby sister's marriage", Karuna was happy for them. "Where is your son?", Raziya asked with a tint of disappointment, "Don't tell me he is unable to come". Karuna smiled sheepishly, "Shaurie is extremely busy". 

Raziya's face became grave and was about to scold when Karuna explained, "He will land here on the day of the wedding and will not dare to miss it". "He better be else I will pull his ears", Raziya joked, "It's been ages since I saw Shaurya. How is doing?". Karuna sighed, "He became a workaholic. I cannot blame him completely. When his father passed away, Shaurie had to take over the business at a younger age. He worked hard, day & night to bring back glory of Khanna group". "Get him married. Once a woman comes into his life, he will be on track", Raziya advised. "Shaurie rarely socializes and doesn't go anywhere other than his official events", Karuns moved closer to her friend, "Why don't you help me find him a bride?". "Why not?", both friends giggled and Raziya asked carefully, "What kind of girl you are looking for Shaurya?".

Karuna actually took a minute to think. "Beautiful, soft-spoken and cultured girl who will love and care for my Shaurie", when Raziya heard Karuna's words, a pretty face flashed in her mind. Mehek. The vivacious, smart and honest daughter of Sharma's. But before she could suggest her name, Karuna added, "She should be well educated and sophisticated. After all she will be Queen of Khanna empire hence I cannot compromise on our standards". Raziya frowned as Mehek's face faded away. Although Mehek ran her own successful catering business, she was not well versed. She was never good in studies and far from being worldly. She is extremely shy and got anxious among crowd. Then another name came up in her mind. Nehal.

Azaan was walking around with Mehek, monitoring the arrangements. He was satisfied and gave a cheerful nod to Mehek. "Mehek, make sure everything is perfect", he told again. "Ofcourse, Sir", she mocked a salute him. He knocked her forehead and he told her firmly, "Don't forget to delegate it to your employees and be near Kainat. Else she will be complaining non-stop that I kept her friend away". Azaan walked away and Mehek gazed at him. They grew up together and are close friends. Yet when Azaan had returned home after his studies, Mehek started to have these strange emotional sensation when he was around her. 

"Stop drooling", Sonal , Mehek's second in command rebuked her. Mehek made face at her and asked her to focus on her job. "Get hold of yourself, Mehek. I don't want you to get hurt", Sonal pointed it out again. "How many time do I have to tell you, Sonal? Azaan is my best friend. Nothing more", Mehek countered although she was unsure. "A friend who was your hero, who matched all your checklists for a perfect mate...", Sonal was about go and on but Mehek held her palm to stop her. "Azaan is son of Raziya Aunty. The richest woman in our town who is a motherly figure for me. I wouldn't even dream to be married to him", Mehek explained to Sonal. Her friend sighed and shook her head, "Sort out your feelings for Azaan. If you have romantic feelings for him then express it to him. Or else if you want to be platonic, maintain safe distance from him to avoid vivious rumours". Mehek knew that Sonal always meant well but her constant nagging about Azaan was a nuisance to Mehek. So brushed she it off and got back to her work.

Mehek looked herself in the tall mirror. She was clad in pure white lahenga that Nehal had given off to her. Mehek could never complain that it was worn out. Nehal would have hardly used for a couple of occasions and discarded it once the fashion outdated. It suited Mehek perfectly and she loved the colour white yet she wished that her family would have got her new set of cloths for Kainat's wedding. Beggars can never be choosers, she mused. 

After her parents death, Sharma family was benevolent enough to take in their prodigal son's daughter. Mehek was never ill-treated but was never considered as a family member. She was above a servant but not a cherished as a daughter. When she failed in studies, they never took any extra effort to guide her. When school authorities failed her, she was simply pushed into household works. While Nehal was given all attention, to get into a posh college, Mehek stayed  in kitchen. Cooking was her passion and with her friend Sonal, she started her own business. Sharma family neither disturbed her nor showered her with affection. Mehek couldn't complain but she missed her parents. She craved for warmth of family. Raziya Aunty always tried to play her mother and encourage her to seek her dreams. She became close to Azaan and Kainat since she spend most of her childhood days in their household. Sonal was her school friends and they continued to remain close even after she dropped off.

Nehal walked in gracefully into her room. Although she was never rude to Mehek, they were never close. Dressed in brand new white lehenga with apt accessories, she looked like a swan while Mehek appeared like an outdated version. "Let's go", Nehal told curtly and Mehek followed her. "Di, why didn't you buy a new dress for yourself?", Mohit asked her while they header Mirza mansion. Mohit, her cousin was the only person swho showed a bit of affection towards Mehek. "I am saving it for my restaurant. Besides I look pretty in it", she told him. "You look lovely in any attire", he agreed, "Once I get my first salary, I will buy you a designer lahenga",he promised. Mehek giggled at his words.

All Sharmas proceeded the venue to attend Mehendi function of Kainat. While they were entering, a posh sedan stop before the venue. Mohit drooled over the car model but Mehek pulled him inside without sparing another glance at it. As soon as they walked in, a handsome man dressed in three piece suit came out of the car.

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