Chapter 40

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                              Mehek quickly opened her two bedroom apartment and found the baby sitter sleeping on the couch. Shaurya walked in tow and glanced around. "I moved here recently from my studio apartment. So it's a bit messy, please adjust", she told him and tried to wake the baby sitter. Once awake, she was complaining and rambling about being late & difficulty to get a bus ride back to her home. Mehek was too tired that she gave her few currencies to shut her  and asked her take a cab. Still while leaving, she gave a faint warning that she will come late next day to compensate. 

Once she was out, Mehek rolled her eyes, "Getting a good nanny is such a worry". Shaurya nodded sympathetically. "Can I see Yuvaan?", he asked eagerly. Mehek nodded and led him to the crib in which he was sleeping sound. "He is so cute", Shaurya eyes moistened which he tried to hid from Mehek but she already noticed.

Mehek was too busy next day to get Shaurya accustomed to her home. While he was trying to adjust his new environment, she hurriedly left for office. "Yuvaan is playing in my room. Don't worry about him as his nanny will be here soon", Mehek checked the clock and quickly grabbed her things, "if he cries try to feed him from his milk bottle", she told him before running out to catch her bus. She realised it was unfair on Shaurya but she was helpless. His arrival was unplanned and Mehek didn't get any time to manage it. Perhaps by evening she will be able to wrap her work early and work out a plan to help him. With this intention, she opened her laptop and started to work.

By the time, Mehek was done for the day, it was again late. She knew she has to pay the baby sitter extra, along with hearing her rants. Yuvaan would have already slept and her play time with him will be missed again. Infact, she was too tired that she didn't mind hitting the bed empty stomach. 

Apparently she needs better planning to manage work and home. Else she will end up being a mother who ignored her child. She sighed thinking about Shaurya. Among all her tension, she conveniently forgot about him. She had to find a good therapist and start searching for a job for him. May be she bit more than she could chew. Probably Vicky was right, she already had a lot in her plate and it was bad idea to take responsibility of Shaurya.

With all these distressful thoughts, Mehek was about to unlock her door when Shaurya opened it for her. His welcome smile warmth her heart. Once she came inside, she realised that Yuvaan's Nanny had already left in the evening after giving him in Shaurya's care. "How did you manage?", her eyes widened in surprise. "Cake walk. Yuvaan is no trouble. A handful cutie pie", Shaurya informed that Yuvaan just slept and started to serve dinner for Mehek. She was beyond surprise now. "Shaurya, you don't have to cook for me. I would have ordered take away for us", she scolded herself for not thinking about it earlier. "Don't be silly. It's no trouble. I learned a lot while staying alone",  he served her a plate, "besides I need to repay you someway".

In few days, Mehek was amazed by the way Shaurya settled into her home. He cooked, managed domestic help and took care of Yuvaan. Meanwhile, Mehek managed to find a good therapist for Shaurya and he started his sessions. However Shaurya miserably failed in all attempts to find a job. He was jittery and gibberish while attending interviews, even over phone. But she didn't mind him staying at home. In fact, she preferred it.

 Yuvaan needed special attention due to his heating impairment issues. Sadly the paid help did little for it and Mehek didn't have enough time due to her job. But Shaurya spend quality time with Yuvaan. Mehek realised that he was doing a great job while handling Yuvaan. He constantly kept talking to Yuvaan and he listened. Yuvaan grew keen to communicate with Shaurya. Day by day, Yuvaan started to become closer to Shaurya. Mehek and Shaurya too had a great comradeship while they acted as Yuvaan's parents. They supported eachother whole heartedly.

When Yuvaan's nanny suddenly quit, Shaurya stepped into the position without any delay. Although Shaurya didn't want, Mehek decided to pay him the same salary. She felt their life was settled. Her career was going good, she has a sweet child, her home is well managed and Shaurya was settled with the nanny job along with undergoing his therapy. 

Mehek felt that her life cannot get better. She was too happy to realise that Shaurya was creeping back into her life and creating a space for himself. Yasmin Maasi suggested to find an affordable place for Shaurya near to Mehek's apartment so that he will get his own space. But Mehek brushed it off with excuse that it will be too much trouble and Shaurya didn't object either. Maasi never intruded further apart from telling Shaurya that he can call her if he changes his mind.

One afternoon, Mehek took an early day off and decided to surprise Shaurya & Yuvaan. Her entire team went for a day team outing and was planning to party all night. Mehek excused herself as she preferred to spend time with her family. She had got Shaurya's favourite ice cream flavours and flowers on her way. While she approached her house, she was a bit taken aback when a young lady came out of her house carrying a child as old as Yuvaan. 

"You must be Mehek, Yuvaan's mother", she greeted her cheerfully and introduced herself as their neighbour. From her words, it was clear that she met Yuvaan and Shaurya regularly for play dates. "You are so lucky", she beamed, "Yuvaan's father is so nice. I wish my husband was more like him. Shaurya is a gem of a man". Mehek didn't comprehend why her blood boiled, listening to her praises for Shaurya from her mouth.

"This is a surprise", Shaurya smiled warmly at her while looking at the flowers and food packets Mehek carried. "You don't seemed to be glad", she spoke coldly. "Don't be silly. We love ice-creams. Don't we Yuvaan?", he humoured but Mehek was not amused. "Who is she?", she asked firmly while taking Yuvaan from him. " Who? Archie?", Shaurya laughed softly fueling her anger, "She is mother of Yuvaan's friend. We do play dates now & then. A nice lady she is". 

Mehek was fuming sensing their mutual admiration. "Why was she referring to you as Yuvaan's father?", Mehek was crass. She knew she was being unreasonable but her anger got best of her. Shaurya was a taken aback so he fumbled, "I...I guess...I think.... she may have assumed...". "She assumed and you let her assume. How dare you, Shaurya?", she jumped at him. "Mehek calm down. Trust me, I didn't give any inappropriate vibes. She may have misunderstood that I am a stay home father", he tried to defend.

"Why did you let her believe it Shaurya? Did you forget that you are just a caretaker of Yuvaan? Or did you keep the pretense so that you can screw a lonely and neglected woman?", she accused him. "Mehek!", he raised his voice but took breaths to control himself when he noticed that Yuvaan is affected. "Mehek, give Yuvaan to me. We will talk later", he held out his hand but she refused and kept Yuvaan away. "He is my son and I know how to take care of him. You are just a paid servant", her words were abrasive and he was definitely hurt but he tried not to show it.

Yuvaan started to whimper in fear. He could sense that Mehek and Shauyra were fighting. Mehek's body language scared him and he wanted to go to Shaurya. "Ppa...Ppa..", he spoke faintly and tried to reach Shaurya. It would have appeared really cute else time but Yuvaan's inclination towards him, fueled her anger. She shouted at Yuvaan, "He is not your father. He is nobody. I am your mother and your father". 

Yuvaan was now terrified and wailing. He was desperate to reach Shaurya. Mehek realised his plight and tried to calm him but failed. Finally she gave up and handed him to Shaurya. He immediately took Yuvaan in his arms. Yuvaan quickly got pacified and clung to Shaurya while he rocked him softly. Mehek felt betrayed that her son too preferred Shaurya over her. She got furious and walked out the apartment in anger. 

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