Chapter 4

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            "I think marriage is in air", Mansi Chachi spoke enthusiastically, "First Kainat then Nehal and now Azaan". Mehek saddened listing to Azaan's marriage. Manasi Chachi misunderstood her gloominess and spoke quickly, "Don't worry, Mehek. Once Nehal is married into Khanna family, our status will be better . Then it will be easier to find a good match for you". Mansi tried to appease Mehek since she didn't want any evil eye to be cast on her daughter's good fortune. 

Mohit chuckled at Mansi's false promises to Mehek. He was well aware of Mehek's nature that made her always do good for others even if she is mistreated. "Chachi, I am least interested in marriage. Now I want to work hard and make my business successful ",Mehek made it clear and walked away. Mohit was anticipating it from Mehek, yet he wondered why his bubbly sister appeared to be upset.

"Don't be sad. It wouldn't have worked out anyway", Nehal told her when Mehek entered her room with a glass of milk. Mehek knitted her brows in confusion while Nehal continued her nightly routine by applying cream to her body. "I know you like Azaan", she told boldly. Mehek broke into tears. She had been trying her best to keep her emotions at bay. It was hard to pretend before her closed ones like Raziya Aunty, Sonal or Mohit. But she couldn't keep her composure when crudely confronted by Nehal. Probably her aloofness made Mehek bare her feelings before her.

Despite being cold to Mehek, Nehak never harmed her and at times acted for her well being as well. She was never ill at heart and had her share of problems. Nehal came near and hugged Mehek softly. Mehek felt good being pacified by Nehal. After few minutes, her cries subsided to soft sobs. "We all are disappointed with our lives, Mehek", Nehal told her. When she looked at Nehal eagerly, she continued, "I am not happy either. This marriage proposal is not of my liking". "If you don't like Mr Khanna, then why didn't you tell it to our family?", Mehek was aghast. "There is nothing not to like about Mr Shauarya Khanna. He is afterall the Shaurya Khanna. Money, looks and class, he got it all. He is perfect", Nehal sounded exasperated, "It's just that I don't want to be married now. Not to him , not to anyone".

Both sibling were seated on Nehal's bed. "Why don't we talk to your parents?", Mehek suggested. "They never listens, Mehek. My wishes never mattered to them. They think to know what is best for me and drag me into it. At school they refrained me from attending drama classes citing that it may eat my study time. My passion is Arts. I never wanted to study business but they pushed me into it. I knew my marriage will be the same yet it is hard to accept". Mehek kept her palm over Nehal's hand and asked softly, "what do want to do, Nehal?". Nehal smiled at Mehek. For the first time someone genuinely cared about her ambition. "I want to be an actress Mehek", she confided in her sister. 

Mehek always knew Nehal was talented on stage. She was the star of school youth festivals but once she reached higher classes, Chachi forbid her. "You were splendid on stage", Mehek admired her. "Thanks Di", Nehal was glad. "You know I went for an audition in college. If they would have selected me, I may have been able to fulfill my dream along with studies. But now that my marriage is fixed, I know all hopes are shattered", she told dejectedly. "What if I try to convince your parents?", Mehek was desperate to help Nehal. "They will ignore and scold you. They may even accuse you being jealous of my good fortune", Nehal spoke truthfully and Mehek agreed. "Then why don't we talk to Mr Khanna", Mehek proposed. Nehal was appalled.

Finally the day came. Shayara got officially engaged to Azaan. It wasn't a grandeur event as that of Kainat's since the couple preferred to keep it simple. Hence amidst close family member and friends, Shayara got betrothed to Azaan. Mehek stood at a corner with Nehal & Sonal witnessing their engagement. She sighed while Sonal kept a consoling hand on her shoulder. Soon they were distributing sweets and serving food to guests. "I am so happy to have Shayara as my daughter-in-law", Raziya spoke in pure joy but it pierced Mehek's heart. Sensing her sorrow, Raziya asked her with motherly care, "What happened my child? Why are you upset?". She shook her head and tried to move away. Raziya misunderstood that she was sad that all her peers were getting married except her. She decided to find a good match for her soon.

"Hello Mehek. I was hoping to see you here", a familiar voice got Mehek's attention. It was from Aadil, Azaan's cousin. Mehek smiled at him. Aadil is one of naughtiest cousins of Azaan. Yet he is charming and handsome. Aadil was not as bright as Azaan and remained as second fiddle in Mirza family. Unlike Azaan, he is non-pompous and possessed a flamboyant nature. He always flirted with Mehek. Yet he was so sweet that Mehek never felt like rebuking him. "Good to meet you too, Aadil Sir", Mehek greeted him cheerfully. "C'mon Mehek, I am still same Aadil for you. No need to add Sir", he added sweetly. Mehek smiled and they talked for a while. She felt light and happy in his company. Aadil always managed to bring smile on her face. For a moment, she forgot about Azaan & her problems. Unknown to her, Azaan was throwing daggers while they were conversing.

"Nehal, this is our chance. Aadil will drop us near Mr. Khanna's office. Our family will think that we are still here attending the function", Mehek explained breathlessly to her sister. Nehal was still skeptical. She was afraid whether their plan will backfire. She couldn't possibly rely on Shaurya Khanna. She hardly knew her fiancé. Rather than their cursory conversations over phone, she never even met him personally. It was hard to expect him to be considerative when her own family crushed her dreams. "Nehal, are you listening? This is our chance. In couple of days, you are to be married", Mehek pointed it out. Nehal shook away her fears. She didn't want to be tied down and watch ambitions to be shattered. "Let's go", she told confidently.

"I never thought to meet you in this avatar, Aadil", Mehek tried to make small talk. "You didn't expected me turn successful once I got away from shadow of Mirza family name, didn't you?", Aadil accused her sweetly. It was humorous but tint of dismay coated his words. "I didn't mean to offend you, Aadil. It's just that you always wanted to be a Lawyer and help others. I could never imagine you to own a successful start-up" Mehek struggled to explain but Aadil laughed out. "Law is still my first love but it would have never earned wealth for me. I wanted to make my own mark, Mehek", he sighed while focusing on the road, "else I would have faded out as second hand man of Mr. Azaan Mirza. I had to compromise for a better future". 

Mehek was aware of the sibling rivalry amongst Azaan and Aadil. She wondered why everyone including her, favoured Azaan when Aadil was his equivalent. Fortunately it had led Aadil to a prosperous life and she was proud of him. His success inspired her and she smiled at him. "Who knows may be one day, when I have made enough money, I will launch my own law firm", Aadil smiled at her. "Ofcouse, I am sure you will", Mehek tapped his shoulder. In their playful conversation, Mehek & Aadil didn't notice Nehal who was pondering on Aadil's words.

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