Chapter 17

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                           Mehek got startled when a pair of hands embraced her from behind. "You look so pretty in saree", Shaurya whispered into her ears and kept his chin on her nape. She was glad to hear his compliment yet not fully comfortable in his hold. She was afraid it will be termed a inappropriate if they get caught. "Shaurya, please leave. Someone will see us", she told him hastily. He didn't move but continued rubbing his nose onto her ears and sniffed into her mane. Despite her reservations, Mehek giggled, "Shaurya, you are tickling me". 

Shaurya laughed softly and Mehek realised that he is a bit tipsy. He drew patterns on her stomach and in reflex Mehek pulled her stomach inside. "You like it, don't you?", he asked hoarsely while she stood dumbfound. she failed to deny his claim. It was difficult to term the feelings he evoked in her. When she didn't protest, his hand moved boldly up and brushed her breast. She shied away when her nipples hardened under his fingers. In spur of a moment, she turned to hide herself in his arms.

Mehek breathed hard and pressed her faced close to his chest. Her hands were on his chest, as if trying to barrier her body from his. Shaurya chuckled at her silly reaction and hugged her back. "My innocent wife", he pulled a face from his chest and gazed her lovingly. She could looked at him and closed her eye. She seemed to have submitted to his charms. He confessed his desire, "I am dying to taste you". He bent down and kissed her softly. Gently he sucked her plump lips, giving her ample time to get comfortable and respond.

Mehek did nothing but follow her instincts. It was her first kiss and it felt amazing. Eventhough she had no clue how to react, she went on with the flow. She stayed submissive, enjoying his ministrations. He gently moved her hands away from chest him and made them wound around his neck. Slowly she tried to mimic him and earned a stirring groan from him as she moved her lips on him. He tightened his grip on her waist and pulled her closer. 

Shaurya sought entrance into her mouth but she was too naïve to understand it. He bit her lower lip tenderly, leading her to gasp. He took the chance and pushed his tongue into her mouth to evade it passionately. Unknowingly Mehek titled her head, giving him a better angle to plunder her mouth. Her hands sifted through his thick hair while his deepened their kiss. "Bhabhi, are you okay?....oh sh*t...I am so sorry", Vicky's embarrassed scream bought them back to earth.

Mehek was quick to gain her senses. She swiftly dashed to the bathroom and slammed the door. It took Shaurya few more breaths to calms himself. He looked angrily at Vicky who smiled at him mischievously. "You got a boner, Bro", Vicky teased Shaurya. "F*ck you, Vicky", Shaurya furiously charged on to him. Vicky was not as well built as Shaurya but he was fast. So he ran quickly to escape while Shaurya pursued him. Vicky made Shaurya chase him till they were out in the garden. At last Shaurya managed to tackle Vicky on lawn and playfully punched him. Karuna and Dadi watched them and burst into laughter. They forgot all worries while watching them play like children.

"Oh raging bull, please spare me", Vicky appealed, "save some energy to ravish your wife at night". Shaurya quickly stiffened and moved away from Vicky. He gave Vicky a helping hand and they both settled themselves on garden chairs. "Bhai, when Karuna Aunty told that you are not in love with Mehek Bhabhi, I was worried", he laughed, "But not anymore. Looks like Khanna mansion will soon need a nursery". "It's not like what you think", Shaurya stayed annoyed. Vicky knew his brother well and waited silently for him to open up. "We are not close like you have mistaken. Mehek is still wary about us...our marriage.", Shaurya bare his mind to Vicky. "It didn't look that way from where I stood. You were literally chewing eachother", he chuckled again but covered his mouth when Shaurya glared at him. "Sorry, Bhai. Tell me what is the problem?", Vicky tried to be helpful. "Mehek gets uncomfortable around me. I feel terrible when I sense her rejection", he explained, "I got a bit tipsy tonight else I wouldn't have taken the liberty to kiss her". "Yet it led to a hot make out", Vicky teased him. This time Shaurya was unable to hide his smile.

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