Chapter 3

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                 For next few days, Azaan completely ignored Mehek. She was neither brave to confront him. It was a relief not to tackle the mess they got themselves into yet Mehek felt bad that a rift has come amidst their friendship. Whenever Mehek looked at Raziya Aunty, she felt guilty and ashamed. Raziya Aunty had always treated her like her own daughter. Still she repaid her kindness by desiring her son who is way out of her league. Mehek was aware that she didn't possess money, education or class to match Azaan. If he is royal prince awaiting the coronation, then she is just a mere kitchen maid. Prince may court poor maid in fairy tales but life is not a fairy tale. Mehek wished conflicting tempest will pass out of her life sans destruction. Sonal was aware of Mehek's turmoil but she didn't disturb her and tried to support her.

Mehek tried to keep herself absolutely busy. Kainat's wedding was approaching in few days. Besides, Sharma household was also trying their best to impress the family of Nehal's suitor. Although Nehal is several years younger to Mehek,her family was all set to get Nehal married to a business tycoon named Shaurya Khanna. Fearing that proposal may get out of their hands, Sharma family never revealed to Karuna that Nehal has an elder cousin who she is yet to be married. Mehek tried her best to extend full support and never even once complained that her family was least bothered about her future. As Sonal suggested, she decided to focus on her work so that she can start her own restaurant soon. She decided to give rest to her personal issues for the time being to fulfill her dream.

Kainat's wedding turned out to be a splendid affair. Lot of guests were impressed by Mehek's catering service and she gained many potential clients. Nevertheless at the end, Kainat's departure was indeed painful for all. Mehek felt as if she was losing her childhood companion. Days passed uneventfully. Raziya started to feel lonely after Kainat's wedding. Mehek had reduced her visits fearing she may have to face Azaan. She yearned to get a glance of him or atleast hear from him but never made any attempt from her side. She was ready to give up on her first love if it gives happiness to Raziya Aunty. Moreover Azaan's aloofness puzzled her.

Eventually Azaan called her while she was working. "Mehek, why don't you come home to visit Ammi? She misses you a lot", he told her. What about you? Did you miss me? She wanted to ask but kept quiet. His casual attitude hurt her and she didn't want to visit Mirza Haveli . "I got many orders post Kainat's wedding. So I am really busy. I am sorry but I won't be able to make time for you...i mean to visit Raziya Aunty", she gave excuses. Her callous reply made him furious, "FINE". He disconnected the call in anger.

"Hello Ms Sharma", Shaurya bit his tongue at his own folly,"I mean Nehal. How are you, Nehal?", Shaurya spoke to his fiance over call. Although they didn't have an official engagement function, their marriage is fixed to happen as soon as he returned from New York. Apparently Nehal's horoscope has some issues and it was recommended to conduct wedding at the earliest. Shaurya was glad but wished he could spend some more time with her. 

The time zone difference, his busy working schedule and Nehal's studies made it difficult for them to communicate. To add it to his woes, Nehal appeared to be extremely reclusive. He was unable to decide whether she is disinterested or extremely shy. He couldn't relate her to the vivacious woman whom he saw at Kainat's wedding. "I am fine. How are you?", she asked back formally. Her voice was so different from her personality and it didn't match his imagination. She sounded timid and dormant. He wished she would have been a bit more forthcoming rather than conventional. Yet he tried to understand her state. It would have been difficult for any woman to be suddenly engaged to a man she hardly knew. As usual they talked formally for couple of minutes before ending the call.

Shaurya wished he had a picture of her. It was not needed since her pretty face was etched in his mind . Whenever he closed his eyes, her charming visage beamed infront of his eyes. Yet he wished he had a picture. His dreams were just about her, his Laddoo. He had decided that after marriage he will court her properly before taking matters further amidst them. Eventhough his scandalous fantasies were filled with her, he will keep his desires in check until she got comfortable. He wanted to give her enough time to understand one another. He wished to keep the world at her foot and fill her life with happiness. After many years, he had felt eager to finish his work and return back to India. He wanted to meet his Ladoo.

Mehek timidly crossed threshold of Mirza Manzil to meet Raziya. It's been a week since Azaan had yelled at her. She looked around cautiously , in search of Raziya Aunty. Finally she found her in courtyard, chatting to a young woman. As Mehek walked closer, she got a good at her. She was elegant and beautiful. She looked like a mini version of Raziya Aunty while she spoke or laughed. "Mehek. You have come at the right time", Raziya pulled her closer, "Shayara, meet Mehek. After Kainat, she has prominence in my heart and home". Mehek was truly elated by Raziya's words but her happiness was short lived when Raziya introduced other woman to Mehek,  "Mehek, meet Shayara. Azaan's fiance. The future mistress of this haveli".

It was impossible to detest Shayara. She is so sweet and kind. Mehek was showing her around the haveli as per Raziya's wish. Mehek wanted to remain angry and be rude to Shayara but failed to do so. Good nature of Shayara drew people towards her. Despite her resolution, Mehek bonded with Shayara. "I see that you both have met", both ladies were startled by Azaan's voice. Shayara smiled at him timidly while Mehek remained stoic. Azaan moved and deliberately stood closer to Shayara. "So what do you think about my choice, Friend?", he emphasized on word friend. Shayara blushed at his sudden display of affection while Mehek couldn't utter a word. "Speechless, aren't you? Words cannot describe, my future Queen", Azaan praised her. Shayara turned crimson and ran away since she was unable to handle his flattery.

"Won't you congratulate me, Mehek? Aren't you happy for me?", he asked wickedly. Mehek sighed and congratulated him, "I am happy for you, Azaan. Although it's a bit overwhelming".  "Now that Kainat is married, it is obvious that I bring my bride", Azaan smiled victoriously, "Shayara suits me perfectly. She will be an apt companion for Ammi. She is well educated but not career oriented. Her family is influential and rich. Perfect blend of elegance and lineage. She is ideal for me", his words pierced her heart. In few words Azaan had clarified that Mehek lacked everything he desires in his better half. Despite her efforts, tears welled in her eyes. With a curt bye, she escaped from his side. Azaan felt bad but he didn't pursue her and let her walk away.

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