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                      Mehek woke up when her alarm chimed. She snoozed and stretched her limbs to   register ache of her body. She recalled their passionate night and smiled shyly. She looked around for Shaurya and got disappointed as he was amiss. She wrapped sheet around her body and was about to search for him. But suddenly the door opened and Shaurya walked in with coffee. 

It was evident that he had showered and changed into new cloths. "Good morning, Baby", he pecked her cheeks and gave her coffee, "How are you feeling?". "Tired and Sore. Feels like I have been working out for hours", she replied lazily. "Last night we actually did workout for long", he told sheepishly. Mehek pulled his cheek, "Then why are you not in bed? Come and rest with me".

"Oh no! I may be a passionate lover but I have responsibilities. I need to pick up my son", he told haughtily but quickly looked tensed. They have still not talked about their relationship and he wasn't absolutely certain whether Mehek wanted to give him a chance. He looked at her eagerly until Mehek nodded with a smile. "Yuvaan is so lucky to have a father like you", she spoke into his ear and kissed his cheek. He felt relieved and squeezed her palms.

 "Mehek, let's promise that we will never give up on one another. Whatever the issue we face, we will communicate and sort it out. We may fight. Hell!, we should fight like crazy but never leave each other", he held her palms in his hands. "I promise. We will face our fears and insecurities together. We are never alone but together", she promised. 

"Besides, I think that makeup s*x is the best", he humoured. "Totally", Mehek chuckled and hid herself in his warmth. Soon she asked sweetly, "Can I have my ring back?". Shaurya emotionally took the ring out of his chain and made her wear it, "I love you, Mehek". "I love you too, Shaurya", she whispered and held him tight.

Few hours later, they both walked to the hospital reception. "Patient is Name Yuvaan", Mehek gave the details to the staff. She checked the computer screen, "Doctor has completed the discharge sheet. You can take him home. Shall I draft the bill?", she asked and Mehek nodded. "So you must be Mehek Sharma", receptionist asked and Mehek nodded. 

The amiable lady turned to Shaurya while the bill was being printed, "And you are?". "He is my husband and Yuvaan's father", Mehek held him possessively. Shaurya couldn't suppress his grin while feeling her claim on him. "I am so sorry. Yuvaan's father's details were missing here. I will add it now itself", she went back to doing her job. She took his name and age details. "What do you do, Sir", she asked Shaurya.

"Nothing", Shaurya gave a wry laugh, "I stay at home with Yuvaan while my dear wife goes out and earns for our living". Mehek was proud of his humility but didn't want other to look down on him. "He was a successful entrepreneur but chose to stay at home for us", Mehek corrected while he agreed to her words. " A male home maker! Isn't it wonderful?", the receptionist exclaimed in awe. 

Mehek rolled her eyes while the lady showered praises on Shaurya. But quickly Shaurya side hugged Mehek,"I didn't do anything special. For ages, women had been staying at home forsaking their career to take care of their children. I did the same". The receptionist gave a cute aaawh while Shaurya turned to Mehek and pecked her cheek, "Actually my wife is the wonder woman. He saved me while I was in my lowest point and struggling to survive. She managed me, her career and Yuvaan. I am happy that I am able to do my bit".

"How do you feel while staying at home as a house husband?", an old lady queuing behind them asked. "I feel good. Actually great. I love taking care of our son and home. There nothing to feel awkward about it", he replied calmly. "You know it will make a great story. You should think about sharing it to inspire others", she advised while Shaurya gave a thoughtful nod. "Let's go", Mehek held his hand after paying the bill, "I can't wait to meet Yuvaan. I miss our son", Shaurya was overwhelmed to hear her. "Our son", he repeated her words.

They spend the entire day playing with Yuvaan and taking care of him. Eventually they all got tired and yielded to an afternoon nap. Mehek was first to wake up. She left her room without disturbing father & son. A bit later she called her Aunt. 

Yasmin was happy to hear her decision. Over a short span of time, Shaurya had made a soft corner in the tough matriarch's heart. Besides, it was clear as day light that Shaurya and Mehek were both victims of situation and their relationship deserved another chance. She was happy that Mehek overcame her bitterness and decided give in to her heart.

"Hmm.. Lovely", Shaurya smelled soothing aroma of cardamom tea when he walked into the kitchen after waking up from his slumber. "Wait a second. Am I sleep walking?", he was surprised, "Are you cooking?". Mehek ignored him while pouring tea into cups. "I can't believe it!", he was still aghast. "Drink to believe it", she offered a cup to him, "it's been a long since I stepped into kitchen to cook so I hope it is edible". He took a sip, "wonderful as ever", he praised her and hugged her behind resting his chin on her shoulder. "I am so happy that you started to cook", he told softly.

Both sat on couch enjoying their couple time while sipping tea. "What do you want for dinner?", Mehek asked. "Aloo ke parathe and Dal Makhani", he told her. "Don't be so greedy. I will cook Pulav and Raitha", she humoured. "I was joking Mehek. I will make diner", he offered. "No. Today is leave for you. But be back on routine from tomorrow", she acted bossy but added sweetly, "even efficient home makers need a short break".

"So will you get me a mani-pedi also? A massage perhaps? ", he pulled her leg. "How about waxing & eye brow threading?", she retorted while he cowered in fear. Mehek laughed out loud at his antics. He just sat their enjoying the mesmerizing view. When she caught him glaring at her, Mehek look at him ardently. She pulled him closer and moved to capture his lips. "Ppa...Ppa...", Yuvaan's murmur made them pull apart.

"Your son is calling you", Mehek pouted faking anger. "OUR son", he corrected, "Don't be envious. He is absolutely a Momma's boy. He doesn't want to share his mother, even with his father. These are his ways to keep me away from you". They both laughed at his comment. 

Mehek pecked his lips before Shaurya walked away to Yuvaan. She couldn't feel more content while she heard their cute talks & laughs. Finally she felt home. With Shaurya and Yuvaan, her life seemed to be fulfilled. It was time for them; the Golden Sunflowers to bloom.


A huge applause to all my readers who supported this story. So far 'Withered Golden Sunflowers" has been the longest story I had written. Thanks for your constant encouragement and love that kept me going.

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