Chapter 25

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'Divorce'.  Mehek's single worded demand shattered Shaurya. He had to grip onto the cutlery for getting hold of himself before opening his mouth. He knew any wrong word or untoward move will make their situation worse. "Mehek, please...", Mehek didn't wait for him to finish. She stood up and walked briskly towards the less crowded beach. She halted only when the waves touched her toes. She let the wind and waves caress her wounded mind and body. 

Mehek knew that Shaurya was just behind her. He was contemplating how to converse with her. Even the thought of losing her, petrified him. "It's for the best. We are not meant to be together. My foolishness led to our marriage so I am taking the initiative to end it", she told bravely. She didn't know how she will survive or what her life will be after divorce yet decided not to be tortured anymore.

"Mehek, I beg you. I am extremely sorry for everything", Shaurya appealed her. "Save it", she ordered him, "you never trusted me and now ....", she bit down a sob, "I can never feel safe around you. I am scared to be with you". Her word pierced him but he had no defense. He understood that Mehek badly needed to vent out her feelings and he gave her the chance for it. He had made his bed, now its time to lay on it.

"You called me a Slut. A women who sought pleasure in arms of different men in matter of few hours. You threatened to violate me and then tormented me with your revengeful words", Mehek cried out bitterly. It was all true and he didn't have any option but to accept his guilt. Eventually when she was too tired to go on, he chose to speak, "Mehek, I was drunk". She smirked as if it was a valid excuse. "When I saw you with Azaan", he paused to gather his words carefully, "I was shattered...The pain was too much to bear and then anger got the best of me". Still Mehek was unable to accept his apology and stayed silent holding her tears.

"Having a tiff, love birds?", a drunken voice disturbed them. In reflex, Shaurya stood before Mehek; as a protective gesture to cover her. "Mehek, let's go", Shaurya held Mehek's hand and tried to walk away. But another one appeared and blocked them. "Your Lady seems to be in distress. She doesn't want to leave with you", he smiled vilely, "Let her be here. We can lift her spirits". Those men looked like thugs, probably drug peddlers who were high on their own stuff and alcohol. 

"Shaurya", Mehek was scared and held on to his arms. It was past evening and they were quiet far away from the beach shacks. "Please let us leave", Shaurya tried to pacify them. He knew that playing hero will be stupidity. "What do you want? If its money then take it", he threw his wallet at them. "Thanks for the cooperation", one of them told while Shaurya tried to escape with Mehek. But unfortunately the other one grabbed Mehek's shawl, "I need your woman too". Mehek quickly jerked him away and moved closer to Shaurya.

"We don't want any trouble. Take the money and let us go", Shaurya spoke firmly. He wished someone will spot them and help arrives. A terrified Mehek was shivering and held on to Shaurya. "May be you need some persuasion", one of them pulled out a revolver. Mehek gasped and shouted, "Shaurya". "Leave the Lady and we will spare your life", he threatened. "Never", Shaurya held Mehek closer. "Then we will kill you and take her", he laughed and pulled the trigger. In fraction of second, Shaurya pushed Mehek out of the way and stood before like a protective wall so that the bullet will not hit her. A loud sound of firing startled Mehek as she fell on the sand. "Shaurya", she screamed on top of her voice.

Shaurya had closed his when he fired. Time stood still got a second. It took few more moments for Shaurya to realise his state. Thanks to the prick being drunk and a horrible shot, the bullet passed a bit above Shaurya's shoulder without causing any damage. But the sound of gunshot alerted civil population and they all rushed to their side. The miscreants were taken away and Mehek & Shaurya were assured to safety. A petrified Mehek held on to Shauarya as if he will vanish if she loosened her hold on him. After alerting authorities and filing complaint, they were safely taken back. Despite his efforts to comfort her, Mehek squeezed him tight and wept against his chest. 

A couple of days passed but Mehek was still in shock

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A couple of days passed but Mehek was still in shock. She was traumatized by near death experience she had witnessed. She couldn't help but feel concerned for Shaurya. He was the man who promised her hell but also the same one who jumped before a bullet to save her life. It was more difficult for her to hate him. Above all, Shaurya was trying his best to make amends. He stayed in a separate bedroom beside her, giving her enough space . He cooked for her and pampered her with her favourite treats. He even got the landline fixed so that Mehek can talk to her friends and family. Finally when Mehek managed to reach Sonal, she was unsure about herself and failed to share anything with her friend. Shaurya wanted to take Mehek around but she was too tensed to venture out.

"Mehek, there is an old church nearby. It's a very picturesque picnic spot. Let's go there today", Shaurya suggested while having lunch but as usual Mehek disagreed. "It's a safe place, Mehek. You need not worry", Mashuqa also tried to boost her confidence. They both knew that Mehek had to get over her fear. Mehek denied and ran away to her room. Shaurya followed her and found her panting in her room. "Relax....Breath...", he helped her to calm down. Shaurya felt extremely guilty for her condition. He was equally responsible as those miscreants. He got afraid that Mehek may fall into depression. 

"Stop, playing this caring husband. I hate you", she lashed at him suddenly. Shaurya stood mum, accepting her hatred. "Why did you put yourself in danger and try to save me? Did you even think what would have happened if you were hit by the bullet? You could have died", she shouted at him. "I didn't think. All I wanted was to protect you, Mehek", he told honestly."Protect me. You are the one who tried to harm me. Where was this sense of honour then?", she taunted him tearfully.

Shaurya tried to apologize but she didn't allow, "I hate you so much that I want you out of my life. Even breathing same air as you hurts me", she screamed on top of her voice. She sobbed while Shaurya tried hard to contain his sorrow. "But at the same time, even thought of losing you scares the hell out of me", her agonized words startled him, "I don't want to be with you still I cannot bear to live without you. You have messed up my life, Shaurya. I am so lost". She fell on the floor and broke down.

"I am here, Mehek. I will never leave you alone", he hid her in his arms and wept with her. "I shouldn't love you. You are a bad man who wronged me", Mehek whimpered. "I accept my guilt, Mehek. Please don't punish yourself for my mistakes. It hurts me to see you in pain", he cried holding her tight. Tears helped them to vent out their emotions. Once they both calmed down a bit, he begged her, "Please give me a chance, Mehek. I promise I will not hurt you again". He anxiously begged her.

"I am so scared, Shaurya", she uttered between her sobs. "Please, Mehek. One chance", he knelt beside her. "I will not survive another trauma, Shaurya. I will wither and die", Mehek shared her truth. He kissed her forehead, "I promise, I will not fail you. You will be protected under my care. I will be always there you". "Why should I trust you?", she asked him earnestly. "Because I love you", he declared his feelings, "always & forever". Mehek didn't know how to react to his declaration of love. When he brought his lips closer, she didn't pull back and shut her eyes. He gently kissed her lip, sealing his confession of love.

All image are taken from internet. I don't have any ownership over them

You may bash me that Mehek is so weak that she forgave him so easily. But she is vulnerable and emotional. The moment when she would have actually lost him made her waver her decision to leave him. Love makes you stronger as well as weaker

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