Chapter 21

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                            "Mehek, we need to talk. I was trying to get you alone", Azaan told her swiftly. "Leave me, Azaan. We have nothing to talk", Mehek tried to wiggle out but he was too strong for her. "Mehek, I beg you. I just need few minutes and I promise you won't regret", he appealed emotionally. Mehek stopped her struggle, sensing that it was best to listen to him. "Mehek, I realised your worth. I understood that I cannot live without you", he revealed his truth. Mehek smirked and jerked away from his touch. 

"On Nehal's wedding day, I had decided to end my engagement with Shayara and propose to you. Please believe me. If you doubt,then you can ask my Ammi. I told her everything before coming to Sharma for the wedding", Azaan's words shocked her. Indeed if fate was otherwise, she would have ended up with her first love. Tears brimmed her eyes, sensing the surprising way their life changed. "Mehek, I love you. I love you a lot. That night, when I agreed to marry you infront of everyone, it was not out of charity or chivalry. I am truly in love with you", he cupped her face affectionately. Tears made through her cheeks and fell on his hands, "It's too late, Azaan".

"It isn't Mehek. Nothing is lost", Azaan coaxed her. "I belong to someone else now, Azaan. Shaurya is my husband", Mehek managed to convey. "He may have captured your body, Mehek. But there is no coercion in Love. I know your heart still belongs to me.", Azaan was on verge of tears. Yet his words quickly brought Mehek back to her senses. She pushed him away, "You know nothing about Shaurya. Till date, all he gave me was respect and care. Unlike you who always humiliated and hurt me". "Mehek, I am sorry. I was trying to push you away, thinking that my feelings were just an infatuation. But when I realised my mistake, I decided to amend and chose you. If Nehal hadn't ran away, we would have been together. All I ask you now is to choose me, choose your Love", he plead her. For a moment, she went silent as if pondering on Azaan's request. "Then listen carefully, Azaan. I choose, Shaurya", Mehek confidently declared her decision.

It didn't take much time for Mehek to understand her feelings for Shaurya. Although Azaan managed to make her weak, he cleared her mind and she knew she loves Shaurya. Her decision was clear and firm. It was tough for Azaan to accept that despite knowing everything, Mehek still wanted to remain with Shauyra. "Mehek, you are acting in anger but please think carefully. Shaurys will never love you or accept you. He is just playing with you. I know him from childhood and aware of his ruthlessness. He will use you and throw you away once satisfied of his revenge", Azaan tried to explain. "Enough, Mr Mirza. I know my husband well so please keep your thoughts to yourself", she tried get away from his hold. "No Mehek, you don't get it. Shaurya will hurt you", Azaan still couldn't give up. "Azaan, if you don't leave me this instant, I will scream", she threatened but Azaan didn't relent. Being desperate, Mehek open her mouth to cry for help. To her utter shock, Azaan slammed his lips on her forcefully.

Azaan pinned her wrists to either sides and continued to kiss her. It was not the way he had imagined their first kiss but nevertheless he enjoyed torturing her lips. While Mehek struggled vehemently, he put her entire weight on her to lock her between him & dark wall. Mehek moaned in pain to make him hear her protest still he didn't withdraw and tried to deepen the kiss. She bite his lips, making him hiss in pain yet unfortunately for Mehek he took it to force her more. "MEHEK", a roar broke them apart. They turned to find a furious Shaurya glaring at them.

A moment. All it took was a moment to shatter Shaurya. He was frantically searching for his better half who may have got lost in the resort. When he casually checked in the isolated bar, he never expected to find his wife smooching her lover. She was shamelessly moaning and grinding herself on him. When he took her name with full wrath, they broke apart as if their bubble of glee was busted. Shaurya marched forward and grabbed Mehek's hand to pull her apart. Azaan still had the audacity to block him but Shaurya raised his voice sharply, "Think carefully before taking next step, Mr Mirza. You don't want news to reach you future father-in-law that you were found cheating on your fiance". Azaan shrank back cowardly while Mehek looked at him disgustingly. Before she could utter a word, Shaurya dragged her away.

"Shaurya, please listen....", she tried to explain while he was literally dragging her with full force. "Shush", he kept finger on her mouth, "not another sound until we reach our cottage", he was fuming and hurt her wrist with his grip. Mehek complied since she didn't want to embarrass him further. She controlled her tears while cursing her ill luck. Shaurya's anger and disappointment were justifiable since anyone would react the same way. Mehek just prayed he would atleast give her a chance to explain before showering his wrath on her.

Once they entered the cottage Shaurya hauled Mehek inside and locked the door. She fell on the floor with a hard thump as he had pushed her forcefully. "You are going to regret the day you were born", he roared at her. She shook her head with tearful eyes as words betrayed her. I am innocent, those eyes tried to convey but none tried to read them, especially him. She felt so weak and helpless that she remained on floor and wept hard. Her tears hurt him but he assumed she was trying to fool him. "Your tears won't melt me so stop wasting them", he ordered her. But she wailed continuously and it led him to another thought. "Are these tears for HIM? Have you already started to miss him? ", his fumed while she tried to deny and explain herself. He grabbed her shoulders and yelled, "You belong to ME and I am going to make your life living Hell".

Shaurya went around and thrashed everything that came into his view. The cake, the bottle, candles...they all suffered his wrath. Mehek shuddered in fear when shattering noise filled their room. She cowered to a corner but he grabbed her and pulled her up. "How could you do it, Mehek? I trusted you with my heart, soul and body. But you just chose to betray me", he was on brim of breaking down. She shook her head and tried to speak but he slapped her hard. "Few hours back you were in this room ,with me , your husband. Loving me and giving yourself to me. Relishing the pleasure I gave you and yearning for more", he laughed like crazy, "then you ran to Azaan's arms. I never imagined you to be a bloody SLUT". "STOP IT", Mehek finally managed to yell, "Stop it", she screamed and wept bitterly covering her ears.

This chapter concurs with the prologue. How many of you think Shaurya's reaction is justifiable? Or do you think he is over-reacting? 

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