Chapter 37

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                       "Pay up", a rude voice woke Shaurya from his delirious slumber. It was difficult to make out time in the den when you are high most of the time. Yet from experience, he knew it was past morning. "I need the money you owe me, you scumbag", Francesco screamed. The half Italian young blood demanded his attention but Shaurya ignored him. "Call Jen", Shaurya spoke vaguely. "I am in charge and demand to settled your dues!", Francesco yelled. "Leave him, Bro", Jennifer walked beside them.

"No, I won't. Why are you so lenient towards him?", Francesco asked Jennifer. "Simple reason. He is a regular and never a nuisance. Although delayed, he pays up eventually", she replied her brother and then turned to Shaurya, "Time to leave, Dude. And needless to repeat, bring cash next time". Shaurya smirked and mocked saluted her. When he tried to stand up, he staggered and Jennifer swiftly supported him. She felt pity for most of her customers but Shaurya was special. She wished he would get a grip and leave the messed up life he had pushed himself into. With passing time, Shaurya was getting worse.

"What's this?", Francesco pointed at the object that hung from the black thread that was around Shaurya's neck. "A ring", Francesco flashed a greedy grin looking at the expensive piece, "maybe I should keep it until you pay up". "Don't touch it, Buddy", Shaurya warned but Francesco didn't relent. Jennifer shook her head in dismay. She knew that ring was precious for Shaurya. Her brother was eager to prove that he is mature enough to handle their business. But coming of age is occasionally painful. Jennifer knew Francesco had it coming. When her brother grabbed the ring, Shaurya punched him hard. Jennifer rolled her eyes when two men started to fight. She had seen too many brawls that she didn't care, so did anyone else in the pub. Yet a stranger walked briskly towards them and shouted, "Stop it".

Francesco pushed Shaurya down wiped away blood from his chin. Shaurya was still high and didn't care about his pain or person who stalled the fight. "Who are you?". Jennifer asked. "None of your concern. I am here to pick him", she pointed to Shaurya. "He owes me money and won't leave until he pays up", Francesco told firmly, telling about the amount. The lady pulled out her golden bracelet and gave it to Francesco, "I hope it suffices". When Francesco wickedly nodded , she bend down to check on Shaurya. "Are you okay, Shaurya?", she asked with concern. Jennifer wondered about the identity of the lady when Shaurya called out her name , "Mehek". He chuckled and held her face.

"Jen, what's the stuff you gave me last night?", Shaurya sounded ecstatic, "I can see my Mehek. I guess I need it more. Save some for me". Mehek sighed and with help of Awara made him stand up. "Baby, you are here. Atleast in my intoxicated dreams you came", he whispered holding her face closely. Mehek look away in embarrassment while he tried to peck her. "Awara, please take him to car", she ordered and Awara complied. Mehek sighed and faced Jennifer, "I know it's difficult to give up on good customers but please don't allow him here if he comes back". Jennifer just stood silently, studying Mehek. "I will arrange some money to compensate your loss but please don't entertain him next time", Mehek requested again. Jennifer smirked, "So you are his MEHEK". She laughed sensing Mehek bafflement.

"I am Jen, by the way", she introduced herself while Mehek stood awkwardly. "Don't be surprised sweet heart. Anyone who knows Shaurya in his intoxicated state knows you well", Jen explained. Jen recalled the night when Shaurya saved her from few thugs. She misunderstood it as his pathetic attempt to get into her pants but Shaurya was least interested. Later Jen tried to sway Shaurya but he didn't seemed to be inclined. He was always full of Mehek and his love for her. Lost in her thoughts, holding onto her thrown away ring.  Although at first Jen was annoyed, later she started to know depth of his love for Mehek and also his agony. She wished he would come out of it but he never tried and rather wished to drown himself in it. Slowly Jen didnt bother. Above all, Shaurya was good for her business.

"He is not a lost case", Jen told Mehek matter of factly, "he is not an addict. Not yet", she acted sly, "He visits only when he can't keep his mind occupied and threatens to run insane". Mehek was a bit surprised by Jen's comments. She sighed and tried to walk away, hoping that Jen will consider her request. "Did she take him? Another customer lost for good", Francesco came inspecting Mehek's bracelet. "I guess, we won't see Shaurya for a while", Jen sighed, "the biggest intoxication of his life is back. His Mehek".

Shaurya fell asleep on Mehek's shoulder while Awara drove them back to ancestral home of Khanna. Awara helped Mehek to carry Shaurya to his room. The room was clean but messy. Mehek wondered how Shaurya who was a neat freak dwelled in it. Mehek went to the wardrobe to pull out his cloths and gasped when she found her clothes in it. All neately arranged, not giving a sign that she never used it for past years. 

"Sir, rarely gets any sleep. He spends nights talking to your photograph or hugging to your old clothes. When it becomes unbearable, he seeks solace in drugs and alcohol", Awara explain sadly. Mehek tried to remain unmoved but it was difficult. She found his clothes, pulled out a sweat pants and loose shirt from the wardrobe.

"Mehek", he moaned her name in sleep. He was panting and sweating when Mehek came beside him. "Shaurya, it's okay. Just a bad dream", she tried to console him. He quickly opened his eyes and seized her palms. "Don't leave me", he begged her while repeatedly kissing her palms. Mehek didn't know how to react and remained silent. She had decided to wait until effects of drug wears off from Shaurya. He chuckled while feeling warmth of her palms, "I don't know whether you are real or my hallucination. But if it is a dream then I am ready to sleep forever". She slowly helped him back to bed and he dozed off holding her hand.

Shaurya slept off until late evening. It's been long since he had a peaceful slumber. When he woke up, he felt energetic and joyful. He had dreamed about Mehek. It was so realistic that he felt she was beside him and looked around to check whether she is really there with him. When he failed to find her, he laughed at his own folly. He took a quick bath and changed his cloths. He made a mental note to thank Awara who changed his clothes. 

"Awara, get me a cup of strong coffee", he ordered Awara while he came out of his room. "Are you sober? Or do you still need more rest?", Mehek's familiar voice startled him. He was so shocked that he was unable to utter a word. He took small steps towards her and tried to touch her face . Mehek quickly withdrew as if his hands would burn her. Her swift movement woke him from trance, ensuring him that Mehek is real. 

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