Chapter 24

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                         Mehek groaned in discomfort as she slowly came out of her drowsiness. Involuntarily she rubbed her forehead that throbbed. She hissed in pain when her untoward act caused her pain. She looked around and recalled that she was with Shayara because she had taken her under her wing. Mehek didn't how to thank her and felt guilty for the trouble she caused in Shayara's life, although she never intended to harm anyone.

Shayara had got a fair picture of Mehek's distressful condition, still she probed further and Mehek broke down, revealing everything to her. Shayara remained as a sympathetic listener who didn't judge Mehek. After Mehek finished Shayara just asked her permission to tend her bruises. She took out the shirt and nursed her wounds. Later Mehek took medicines Shayara gave without any questions and had quickly slept off.

After a curt knock, Shayara entered. Mehek gave a weak smile but soon it faded away and she tensed when Shaurya  entered in tow, behind her. "Why are you here?", Mehek raised her voice as she cowered to the corner of bed, clutching the duvet to her chest. It pained Shauyra to realise the damage he had done to her, both physically and mentally. "I just want to talk", he explained but Mehek shook her head vigorously, "I don't want to". "Mehek, I am here to apologize. I realised my mistake so I beg your forgiveness", he requested folding his hands. 

Mehek mocked him, "What changed your mind, Mr Khanna? How did you suddenly revive your trust on me?". Shaurya stayed silent unable to reply her accusation. "I showed him the security footage", Shayara explained, earning a glare from Shaurya. Evenif she had helped Mehek, Shayara was constantly irritating Shauyra. He knew he deserved the mistreatment yet it was annoying. He couldn't fume on Shayara because unless she helps, Mehek will never come with him.

"Mehek, please listen. Think from my perspective. What I saw at the bar...the way it appeared to me...It was vile and contorted. Anyone in my position would have misunderstood", he tried to reason. "He got a point. Even I wasn't sure of the entire picture, until I saw the footage", Shayara supported Shaurya. He was relieved that at least she saw his side. "Still getting drunk and abusing me cannot be justified", Mehek spoke vehemently. "True. She could get you arrested for domestic violence", Shayara told Shaurya. The momentary solace he felt was replaced with irkness again. "I didn't ...I wound never....", Shaurya fumbled nervously before the two ladies. "Your cursed me to die alone", she sobbed, "you called me a bad omen and accused me for my parent's death. What more do you want to say?", Mehek wept bitterly. "I will take a break", Shayara left them alone as if she had heard enough.

"Mehek, let's talk and work it out", Shaurya plead her. "There nothing to talk. I am leaving", she spoke firmly and tried to stand but her steps faltered. Shaurya was quick to be at her side but she denied him with a curt 'Don't'. Shaurya sighed as she sat back on the bed. "Where will you go? To Sharma house? To Raziya Aunty? Or overuse Shayara's kindness?", his questions pierced her heart. She felt so lonely and helpless. She wanted to call Mohit for help. She knew her brother will hop on next plane and come for her rescue. 

As if reading her mind, he told, "You don't want to spoil your brother's future with your personal problems, do you?". Tears started to roll down her cheeks. Shaurya realised that he had hurt her again but he needed it to manipulate her. "I am sorry, Mehek. I really am. Please give me a chance to make amends. At the end, if you still feel to leave then I won't stop you", he bluffed. He knew he could never allow her to leave him. But he was honest about the part to make effort to move mountains to set things right amidst them.

"I have an idea", Shayara barged in. Shaurya started dislike her more and more. She was interfering into their private conversation and he couldn't do a thing. Mehek chose to listen to her rather than him. "My father owns a holiday home nearby. I propose you both stay there for the rest of the trip", her suggestion sounded reasonable. Mehek needed time to ensure a safe abode once she leaves Shaurya. While he needed time & place to win her forgiveness. "Don't worry, Mehek. Our housekeeper is a robust hag who is very devoted to our family. She will handle Shaurya incase he tries to harm you", Shayara gave solace to Mehek but it was actually a warning intended to Shaurya. "I am not scared. Not anymore", Mehek managed to utter, "he cannot break the broken". "But the broken can be fixed", Shaurya told her softly. "Yet it will leave scars", Shayara told softly. Mehek wondered whether she was referring about Mehek or herself

"You are acting cocky. I am not used to this side of yours", Mehek spoke to Shayara when they were alone. "It is an unpleasant day for me too, Mehek. My fiance is no longer the man I perceived", she smirked, "I was a fool to have kept blind faith on him. Even after his showdown on your wedding day, I thought he was acting as a loyal friend. It's difficult for me to come in terms with the truth". Shayara tried her best not to cry. She has been acting out of her character to hide her distress. Mehek was lost of words. She wanted to comfort Shayara but was skeptical to do without hurting her. Distress brought them together yet they were not friends. "Thanks for everything", Mehek spoke the best words suitable amidst them. Rather than a curt node Shayara didn't respond. She helped them to pack and check out of the resort. Shayara left for home once she dropped Mehek and Shaurya.

Shayara's holiday home was contrary to the opulence and extravagance that usually accompanied her family name. It was a two storey buidling with four bedrooms, hall and kitchen. It situated away from hustle of tourists although an isolated calm beach was quiet nearby. The housekeeper who introduced herself as Mashuqa was extremely friendly and showed them around. "If you need anything just call. I stay in the bedroom near kitchen", she left after placing their luggage in master bedroom on first floor. The balcony of the master bedroom gave a beautiful view of the beach. It was quiet and calm. While being lost in view, Mehek accidentally grazed on her forehead and hissed in pain.

"Mehek, are you okay?", Shaurya asked in concern. "What do you expect when you manhandle me like a cattle?", she sneered at him. "Let's apply medicine on it", Shaurya offered but she smirked. "You can never heal me, Shaurya. I will never forget anything that happened last night", she declared boldly. "I agree. You shouldn't forget. Infact I shouldn't forget it either", his words surprised her, "But give me a chance to heal you and seek forgiveness. Please let me tend you". She walked away in anger, clearly indicating her denial.

Mehek was tearing inside and she desperately needed to talk to Sonal. She checked her phone and found that there is no range. Mashuqa had already informed that landline was faulty and will be fixed soon. "Would you like to go out, Mehek?", Shaurya asked. She didn't reply but turned her face away from him. "A bit of fresh air will make you feel better", he spoke again. "I am in no mood to accompany you anywhere", she sneered at him. He sighed but didn't give up, "We can go to nearby town. There will be range and you can use your phone", he suggested. Mehek was a bit surprised by his words. It was difficult to spend time with him but she was in dire need to talk to her friend.

Dressed in casuals, they both walked towards town like a normal couple. Mehek wore her salwar kameez which she had worn when they arrived. It irked her more that she didn't have any other of her own clothing and hated to wear short & skimpy western attires in her suitcase. "I need to buy some clothes", she told plainly. "Ofcourse. Let's look for a shop", Shaurya agreed. Mehek wasn't able to find any shop satisfactory to her choice. So finally she bought few cotton maxis that covered her body properly. She was annoyed at herself since she had no money to pay. When Shaurya paid, she snatched the bill and made it clear that she will pay him back later. Mehek tried to reach Sonal many times but her phone was switched off. She had to agree to roam around with Shaurya so that she will get more time to reach Sonal. Mehek was getting irritated and each failed attempt to reach Sonal added to her misery.

It got towards the end of the day and both had not eaten anything yet. Shaurya led them to a beach shack restaurant that looked decent. Mehek gave another try to reach Sonal but unsuccessful. Finally her handset gave up and ended up dead. Mehek tried hard not to break down in public. "What would like to have?", his casual query about food startled her. But soon anger took over her and she boldly replied, "DIVORCE". 

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