Chapter 27

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                             A week passed, since Mehek & Shaurya became man and wife in true sense. They crossed the line of physical intimacy and since then their life have been blissful. They acted like true honeymoon couples. They roamed around to explore the place but spend most of their time locked up in their bedroom exploring one another. They talked about their dreams, fantasies, naughty thoughts and even watched adult movies. Once Mehek crossed over her inhibitions, she became an active partner for Shaurya. She didn't shy away from his advances and was eager to please him as well as take pleasure from him. Finally it was time for them to return back from their honeymoon.

Mehek woke up and found Shaurya being busy on phone. She smiled at his silhouette, being dressed in just sweat pants. He was talking seriously over phone. He already had a huge cup of coffee at his hand, indicating that his work mode is already on. Tonight they will be leaving and Mehek wished they could stay for longer. She sighed and went to freshen up. Mehek was wearing his shirt as she loved to soak in his smell. Shaurya was still on phone when she came beside him. She didn't feel good about it.

She hugged him behind and rubbed her cheek on his broad back. Apart from giving a acknowledging smile, he didn't pay attention and went on explaining over phone. She slowly started to place soft kisses on his back and rubbed her palms up & down on his as* cheeks. "Baby, this is an important call. Give me a couple of minutes", he whispered to her and went back to the phone. She softly came before him and took the coffee mug and placed it elsewhere. She made him wound his arms around her waist while her hands went to his neck. 

Still Shaurya just gave a soft peck on her forehead and remained focused on his call. Mehek had enough and decided to take the lead. She softly kissed his jaws and neck, slowly leading down to his chest. She sucked his nipples hard, earning a yelp from him. "What the f***", he whisper yelled despite being on phone. Mehek giggled while he apologized over phone. It was evident that he lost his concentration and his eyes were on Mehek. She sucked his toned stomach and softly bit him. She was happy to find her marks over him and wanted him to have more.

Shaurya gulped when Mehek knelt and pulled down his pants. His junior was already aroused and welcomed caressing of her soft hands. She looked up at her baffled husband with a cute pout. But he knew she was far from innocent. He shook his head as if warning her but she didn't relent. She licked tip of his member while stroking it gently with her hand. He grabbed a fistful of her hair when she took him in her mouth. She wasn't sure whether he was asking her to proceed or making her stop. "That's all for now Mr Mehra. We will discuss further when I am back", Shaurya quickly cut short his call and threw away his mobile. 

He roughly pulled Mehek up and hauled her to nearby table. "What is wrong with you? It was an important call", he was a bit irritated. "Maybe. But someone didn't mind the interruption", Mehek gazed down at his arousal. Shaurya sighed in dismay while trying to pull up his pant. "Only few hours left in our honeymoon and I want to make the most of it", she told alluring while snaking her arms around his neck,"I don't want any interference .

"You have become quite a temptress", he teased her. "Only for you", she replied hoarsely while wrapping her legs around him and kissing him passionately. She pulled him closer to feel his hardness against her core. He lifted her like a koala bear and threw themselves on the bed. He swiftly got rid of his shirt which was covering her body. In few days, he gained knowledge of his wife's anatomy and all pleasure points. He kissed his way down and licked her swollen bud vigorously. She moaned his name and moved her hips in rhythm to meet his tongue. She was at the edge of her peak when he retrieved, leaving her unfulfilled. She gave a disappointed moan and glared at him. "That's for disturbing me. Now we are even so let's get serious", he pulled away his pants and freed his hard soldier. He hovered over her, kissing her hungrily; easing her anger and eagerness. His hands went to nearby bedside table to grab a c*nd*m. But Mehek toppled him. She straddled him and pushed down her wet folds over his c*ck.

Shaurya never approved of her hastiness which throws all precautions in air. Yet he couldn't deny that he enjoyed every bit of her boldness. She is no longer his blushing timid bride. Once she tasted the forbidden fruit, she was game to explore new horizons with him. Being a good learner, she was eager and he obliged to upskill her. "Ride me, Baby. Just like I taught you", Shaurya grabbed her ass cheeks and groaned in pleasure. Soon the room was fumed with their moans and groans. Later, while they lay side by side bed being sated, they knew they had built quiet an appetite for breakfast. 

Shaurya was putting their suitcases in taxi while Mehek was frantically searching in their room. "Mehek, hurry up. Else we will miss our flight", he told her. "Shaurya, I am unable to find my ring", she was really worried. He raised his eyebrows in confusion. "The ring which you gave me near the church", she was annoyed. "You would have packed it with your other accessories. Let's check it when we reach home", he tried to pacify her. "No, I didn't. It's very important. I won't leave until I find it", she was determined. 

Shaurya was humoured. "Mehek, it's just a ring. We will find it or else I will get you another", he calmed her. "No, it cannot replaced. It's the symbol of your love. It held your promise. I can't stand losing it", Mehek yelled and broke down in tears. Shaurya was taken aback by her outburst. He held her close before she fell on floor. They both sat together on floor while she sobbed. "Mehek, it's just a ring. The man who got it for you, my love for you and the vow I made to you will always remain even if it is gone", he tried to calm her. But she shook her head and cried, "I need it, Shaurya. I need it close to me".

Shuarya realised that despite their new found love and closeness, Mehek still harboured a deep sense of insecurity. Trust is still something that they both need to work on and built amidst them. While he tried hard to console her, a shining object caught his attention. "Mehek, I found it", he showed her ring which laid abandoned at the foot of the bed. Her joy knew no bound when he took it and made her wear it. "I love you,Shaurya", she squeezed him tight. "I love you too, Mehek. You will never be alone. We are together, forever & always", he engulfed her in his warmth. I will kill myself if ever you get hurt again, he promised himself and made a note to build her confidence.

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