Chapter 8

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                      Finally the day of his wedding arrived. Shaurya's heart fluttered with excitement eventhough he tried hard to cover it. He wished for everything to be perfect. He was supposed to behave maturely and felt embarrassed acting like a love sick puppy.  For the nth time, he studied his image on mirror to ensure he looked worthy for his queen. "#HandsomeGroom", his mother commented while clicking a candid snap. "Ma", he whined and tried to remain proper. "I know you are excited about your wedding. I am you mother and can feel it", she held his face affectionately. She pecked his forehead, "You are blessed to marry the woman you love". "Ma, this is an arranged marriage", he tried to avert away his eyes nervously. "May be. But I can easily tell that you have fallen for your bride", she made him face her, "Love is a wonderful feeling, Shaurie. Never shy away from it". "I love you, Ma", he hugged her tightly. "I love you too, Shaurie", she blessed him.

"Show me your henna", Mohit tried to flirt with Sonal who was annoyed by him"I know the letter M will be found on your palms,  that's why you are shying away". "Enough Mohit. There is no M in my palms. See for yourself", Sonal angrily showed her palms to him. "Wow!! It's really dark. Atleast now admit that my love for you is deep", he used his charms on Sonal but she was least affected. "Mehek's mehendi has come better. What do you have say for that?", Sonal spat at him. "It means her future husband loves her so much", Mohit joked but Mehek was hurt. She had tried hard to lose herself in work but now & then Azaan's face popped in her mind. Mohit studied her hand and told, "See there is a S in her mehendi". "That's just a design you idiot", Sonal rebuked him. But Mohit didn't give up, "Nope, it's S". "As long as you don't find A , it's all good", Sonal murmured to herself. Soon Mohit and Sonal started to bicker while Mehek tried to focus on her tasks.

"Shayara, can we meet? I need to talk to you", Azaan spoke calculatedly over phone. They agreed to meet during Nehal's wedding and he disconnected the call. "What is the matter, Azaan?", Raziya's voice beamed from behind. Azaan knew he has to come clean before his mother. "I am breaking off my engagement with Shayara", he declared. Raziya was shocked and didn't know how to react. "I love Mehek", those subsequent words from Azaan, clarified all her queries. She suspected the budding romance amidst them but believed that Azaan will always choose his responsibilities over his heart. "Azaan, Mehek is a good girl. I love her like Kainat. If situation was different, I would have been eager to make her my daughter-in-law. But we cannot. You will lose your position if you marry Mehek", Raziya advised him. Their family business was ruled by board of directors who were mostly family heads. Eventhough Azaan is next in line, they will never chose him, if he marries Mehek.

Azaan shook his head in disagreement and spoke sadly, "Abbu would have understood me". "Azaan!!!", Raziya roared. She was fuming in anger, "Your father was a coward who chose easy way out". "May be. I won't argue with you about him. But I am not going to repeat history. Wealth is not everything. I want to live happily without regrets. My heart belongs to Mehek and she shall be it's keeper. Above all, Shayara deserves better. I won't slap her the same ill fate that you suffered", he was adamant. 

"What about me, Azaan? Your father never cared about me until the day he committed suicide for another woman . After his death, my whole life I toiled just to give you the best. It will be unjust for you throw it all away for a momentary lapse of judgement. Once you lose it all, you won't be able to win it again. You will regret and blame Mehek for your misfortunes. She had suffered a lot and needs a man who will cherish her forever. Trust me when I say, it is not You", Raziya told as if she knew what the future holds for Azaan & Mehek. 

For a second, Azaan froze listening to his mother's words. She is not wrong. His family name, status, business and wealth meant a lot to him. He had worked hard to reign over their family empire. He wanted to prove that unlike his father, he is a strong leader. Losing is definitely painful and he contemplated whether it is worth the game. Mehek visage appeared before his eyes. Her sad eyes were haunting him and he got ready to do anything to see her smiling. "I have decided, Ammi. I hope that one day you will understand and support me", he sighed and went on," Shayara needs to know about it before I confess my feelings to Mehek and propose marriage. I owe it to her. So we have agreed to meet during Nehal's wedding", with those words he tried to walk away steadily but Raziya stopped him. "You care for Shayara. Don't do this to her. She will be broken", Raziya appealed but he walked away determined, without giving his mother another chance to talk. "Azaan, you are being impulsive. You will destroy everything. Mehek and Shayara, both will suffer alike for your mistake", Raziya spoke vehemently but he didn't pay attention.

Mehek got ready in the salwar suit gifted by Kumar. She tried to be enthusiastic and look forward for a better future. She didn't want to remain sad on Nehal's wedding day. The beautician had finished Nehal's bridal make up and in few hours, her Groom will be arriving. Mehek tried to smile and walked towards Nehal's room but found it empty. She looked around and got shocked when the bridal lehenga was found abandoned on the dressing table. Mehek frantically took out her phone started calling Nehal. After disconnecting many times, eventually Nehal answered her call. 

"Di, I am selected for final round. This is my golden chance. How could I let it slip?", Nehal said to Mehek. "Have you gone crazy Nehal? In few hours, your groom will arrive. How can you shame your parents and family?", Mehek yelled at her. "I promise to back before they arrive", she tried to convince Mehek. "You are in big trouble, Nehal. Come back immediately before I tell everything to Mansi Chachi", Mehek threatened. "What is it that you want to tell me?", Mansi's voice startled both sisters. Mehek turned to face her Mansi Chachi while Nehal was still in call. "And where is Nehal?", Mansi asked Mehek.

Within few moments Mansi understood entire mess. She snatched phone from Mehek and ordered Nehal, "Come back immediately. Your fate is to be married tonight and not become an actress". "I won't", Nehal half yelled and half cried, "This is my dream. I am meant to be an actress. More than 500 contestants gave audition and I am out of the top 5. This is my chance". Mehek could do nothing but watch helplessly while mother & daughter engaged in verbal dual.Finally Mansi sat defeated with tears flowed seamlessly through her cheeks. Betrayal of her own blood was too much for her to handle. 

Mehek knelt beside and touched her timidly. "Chachi please calm down", Mehek tried to console with tears brimming in her eyes. "How could you do this to us, Mehek? Were you so jealous of Nehal? You made her rebellious and aided her to escape. Why didn't you even think once about your family?", Mansi vent out her agony on Mehek. "Chachi, please I would never...", Mehek tried to explain but Manasi didn't allow her. "Enough of your lies. I heard your conversation with Nehal. You knew about it, didn't you?", she demanded an answer and Mehek remained silent helplessly. 

"God , please help me", Manasi wailed, "How will I overcome this shame?". "Chachi, Nehal will come back soon. I know she will arrive before wedding time", Mehek tried to sooth her. Manasi glared at her, "So you are absolutely sure that Nehal will be back for her wedding". Mehek shivered at her tone but nodded timidly. "Fine. Then let's manage until she arrives", Manasi walked towards the dressing table and took the bridal lehenga. She threw it on Mehek and ordered, "Wear it and pretend as Nehal until she comes back".

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