Chapter 32

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               Mohit's arrival acted as a healing boon to Mehek. She recovered better and in another week, doctors were ready to discharge her. "Mohit, where shall we go once I am discharged?", Mehek asked softly. Sonal and Mohit exchanged thoughtful looks. Sonal came beside Mehek while Mohit squeezed his Di's hand. "Di, I need some time to manage my career and other things overseas. I left suddenly, citing family emergency.  So I have return soon. If I don't go back in few days, they may even sue me for compensation", Mohit explained. Mehek looked eagerly at both of them. "Mehek, Mohit will try to wrap his assignments and return soon after resigning. Meanwhile, I will try to arrange for a house to move in. Till then....", Sonal paused. Mehek looked at them anxiously. Mohit pitched in as Sonal stood hesitantly, "Till then let's go back to Khanna mansion". "NO", Mehek objected vehemently.

Both Sonal and Mohit expected her disagreement but force of her rejection surprised both. "Mehek, rest assured that nobody will harm you. Until things settle, I will stay with you at Khanna mansion. It's just temporary until Mohit returns", Sonal tried to reason. "He will trap me again,  with his sweet lies and honey coated promises", Mehek couldn't accept their idea and appeared restless. "Di, just listen to Shaurya Jiju once. His reasons may be valid", Mohit pled but Mehek shook her head and kept on denying. 

"Give it a try. Why do you have to be so adamant?", Mohit scolded her. "ADAMANT? ", she sneered at Mohit, "after losing everything if I chose to leave that wicked man then I am tagged as adamant". Mohit understood that he had unknowingly touched a nerve. "Mehek, don't misunderstand us. We want the best for you", Sonal comforted her, "Let's just go back to Khanna mansion. Shaurya will not even come near you. In few days, if you are still uncomfortable then we will leave immediately". 

Mehek understood they have already made decision on her behalf. She shook her head and rambled, "you are going to dump me in that hell hole. I am going to end up being trapped with him. There will be no escape". Sonal and Mohit tried their best so that Mehek sees their point but she quickly withdrew into her shell. She didn't speak any further although Sonal & Mohit didn't lose hope. They had asked Shaurya to stay away from Khanna Mansion for atleast for few days. Sonal promised Shaurya that once Mehek becomes stable and comfortable in Khanna mansion, she will slowly try to make her understand his side of story.

"Where is Di?', Mohit asked Sonal who was packing Mehek's bag. "Bathroom", Sonal gestured to the adjacent door.  They knew that Mehek was not ready to return to Khanna Mansion but believed that they were doing it in her best interest. Mehek remained rather quiet even though Sonal & Mohit tried to cheer her up. Finally they gave up the effort and left it for time to heal her. While Mohit helped Sonal to pack, they were startled by sound of smashed mirror.

Both dashed to bathroom door and knocked on it vigorously calling out Mehek's name but she didn't respond. Mohit tried his force on the bathroom door while Sonal called out for help. Staff arrived and helped Mohit to break down the door. Mehek stood before them, holding a sharp piece of mirror. She had slit one of her wrists and blood gushed out it. Mohit and staff tried to get hold of her but she lunged the sharp piece at them. After much difficulty they managed to overpower her while she lost consciousness.

"Mr Khanna, your wife is a threat to herself and others. She needs to be under strict psychiatric monitoring. We can't let her be discharged", Mehek's doctor told Shaurya. "I will ensure she will get best care", Shaurya promised but Doctor shook his head in disappointment. "You don't understand the gravity of situation. She lost lot of blood and would have killed herself. One of our staff was injured by her. She is not by herself and dangerous to all . You won't be able to manage her at home". "I will hire people who can take care of her. But I cannot bear her to be locked up in an mental asylum with sick people. She doesn't deserve it", Shaurya raised his voice emotionally at the doctor. 

Mohit and Sonal were taken aback by his behaviour. Karuna tried to calm him. "May be it's for her best", Mohit spoke and it was Shaurya's turn to be shocked, "I am afraid she may harm herself. Losing her will be worst rather than letting her admitted. Di, will be safer in the mental institution". Sonal and Karuna looked at Shaurya with pity as they knew he was outnumbered.

Mehek sat in her new room. Sonal had already arranged her clothes in her room. Shaurya had ensured that she got the best treatment and facilities in the psychiatric ward. "Just few days and you will be out of here. Then we will go out for eating samosas and golgappas", Sonal told Mehek. She wondered whether she was trying to convince herself or Mehek. "I don't want to be out of here as I am at peace now", Mehek spoke softly. Sonal shook her head and wrapped Mehek in her arms. "Take care of my brother. He loves you", Mehek talked as if she will never come back, "Manage our restaurant well". Sonal was unable to hold her tears and ran to the door. When she turned back, Mehek smiled at her and said, "Good Bye, My friend".

Days passed. Except Shaurya, everyone returned back to their respective lives. But he stayed back. He went to see Mehek daily but she never agreed to meet him. Doctors told Shaurya that her therapy was ongoing and in time she will be let him in. His career was tumbling down but he cared less. Karuna and his associates pitched in to manage Khanna empire while he waited for Mehek's forgiveness. 

But as weeks passed, Shaurya realised that it was pointless since Mehek didn't show any inclination to see him. Slowly and steadily, a sense of vengeance emerged in his mind against the person who ruined their married life and broke his love. It was time for him to nail the culprit and he started his investigations.

Miles away. A middle aged woman was enjoying soft music at her huge mansion. Her peace was disturbed by a phone call. "Aapa, sorry to disturb you. But I am really distressed so decided to call you at this hour" the person apologized. "Zeenat, please come to point", the lady seemed to be vexed. "I am in Mumbai and visited a hospital as part of my NGO. Here I saw Noor, your daughter at the ward meant for treating crazy people", Zeenat told in one breath, "What happened to Noor? Why is she treated in Mumbai?". 

The lady looked at her daughter, Noor who was sleeping peacefully on her lap. She contemplated for few minutes and replied, "The girl you saw is Noor. If I am not mistaken, then she is Mehek". She thought for a moment while Zeenat gasped in shock. She asked,"Zeenat, do me a favour. Get as much as details possible about her and send it to me immediately". "Anything for you, Yasmin Aapa", Zeenat was eager to help.

Few days days later. Mehek was gazing aimlessly in the recreation room. While others were interested in various activities, Mehek chose solitude. A consoling hand fell on her and she looked up. A lady stood beside her with a pleasant smile. She looked so familiar but Mehek was unable to recognize her. Yet her smiled was so infectious that Mehek gave back a smile too. 

"Hello Mehek, You may not recognize me so let me introduce myself", she sat beside her, "I am Yasmin Qureshi". Mehek stiffened hearing her name, it was necessary to jolt her memory. No wonder she looked familiar as she had same features as her mother. "I know who you are, Mrs Qureshi. My mother's step sister". Mehek didn't hide her dislike and Yasmin sighed in dismay.

"Meera Didi, always hated me although I was never at fault", Yasmin explain while sipping tea. "Naani left my mother and went away with her lover since she was carrying you. I guess it is enough reason for her dislike", Mehek spoke rigidly. "Mother was widowed at a very tender age and left with a daughter. When she found love again, she moved on. What's wrong in it?", Yasmin tried to reason for her mother. "Nothing at all.But abandoning her little daughter was wrong", for a moment Mehek though about her unborn child, "I wonder what kind of mother she was to desert her own flesh & blood".

"She was a good mother. A helpless unfortunate mother who had to choose between her daughters", Yasmin tried to explain, "My father's family agreed to accept a widow who belonged to another religion but they couldn't allow her child to be brought up in their home". Mehek had heard her mother's sob story and somehow failed to see the other side. But today she was atleast able to understand the situation of her maternal grandmother. 

"My mother carried the guilt till her last breath so did my father. I tried several times to reconcile with Meera Didi but she always refused", Yasmin informed Mehek. "What do you want from me?", Mehek asked showing disinterest. "I want to help you", Yasmin revealed her intention.

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