Chapter 29

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                         Finally the day came. Mehek 's restaurant was inaugurated and got a good opening. Shaurya stood beside her, being proud of her achievement and posting their images in social media. According to him, good marketing is needed for prosperity of a novel business venture. Her heart swelled sensing his love and consideration. She wanted to thank him but he shot down her intention. According to him, he did nothing and it was truly her achievement. He posed as an investor who was looking forward for good returns. But Mehek knew that he was standing beside as her husband,  bestowing his entire support to boost her career. 

"You need to work hard to keep the same momentum, Mehek. Competition is severe and you need to be on your toes. Never compromise on quality", he advised her. "I will be, Mr Investor. However...",she moved closer to him, "If things go haywire, will I get an extension to return your money?", she dramatically bashed her eyelashes at him. "No way", he shook his head adamantly. "Even if I pay a visit to your office in my favorite pencil skirt", she pouted. Shaurya came beside her, "Why waste time? You can seduce me here in your office". Mehek pushed him playfully , "My office has fragile furniture and not sound proof". "What a shame. I am willing to invest to upgrade your office", he told her plainly. Mehek pinched him hard and he yelled in pain. Sonal was aghast hearing his sound and rushed into their office, "What happened Jiju? I heard your scream". "Nothing to worry Sonal. Shaurya was just leaving", Mehek pulled him outside.

"How will you compensate me for this rude torment? I expect a full return tonight itself", he asked haughtily. "I am too tired and sleepy", Mehek yawned. "Then take rest between your working hours. Tonight, I need you fully awake. Don't forget that I am a very demanding  Husband", he tapped her nose and bid farewell with peck on her cheek. He congratulated Sonal and parted after wishing both them all the best. Soon Mehek got busy in kitchen and Sonal in managing the guests. 

Finally they delivered their last order and closed the kitchen  It was late evening and both friends sat down for checking their first day. They both were glad that opening day went fine and hoped that good word of their work will spread. Shaurya had offered his marketing skills to help them and probably one of his employee will soon arrive to help them out. They called it a day and was about to leave. Mehek suddenly felt dizzy and Sonal quickly supported her.

"Mehek, don't take tension. Stress never went well with you. I still remember how you fainted in examination hall during boards", Sonal advised her. Mehek laughed softly and brushed aside her concern. But soon a wave of pain hit her head and she sat holding her temples. "You still get those awful headaches, don't you? Does Shaurya Jiju know about it? I think you better get it checked", Sonal kept on shooting advise. "Chill Sonal. It's all in my mind. As you said, Stress never agrees with me", Mehek tried to calm her. When Shaurya's driver came to pick Mehek, Sonal held her and spoke, "May be we need to get you checked". "Stop pestering me, Sonal. If it occurs again, then I promise to visit a doctor", Mehek calmed her and parted.

Days passed. While Mehek's restaurant bloomed, Shaurya started to face issues at his work. He remained tensed and started to spend more and more time at office. Mehek tried her best to keep him calm and he was thankful for her support. "Mehek, I need to leave for Mumbai tonight", Shauyra informed her when he reached home one night. Mehek wasn't happy to be left alone but she knew it was unavoidable. While she was packing his bag, he hugged her from behind. "I am so worried, Mehek. This is my dream project and I have invested everything on it", his tension was evident. 

Mehek cupped his face and pecked his forehead, "It will all be fine, Shaurya. Your hardwork and honesty will succeed. This is a tough time but I know you will come out of it valiantly". He pressed her closer and their foreheads met one another. For past few days, he had been ignoring his newly wedded wife. Not even two months since they got married and he was already not giving her enough time. He missed being with her but was helpless. He was so tensed with his office issues that he couldn't muster enough words to apologize to her. "I love you, Mehek", he kissed her affectionately before leaving.

Couple of weeks passed. Mehek was missing Shaurya terribly. Since he got more and more engrossed in work, their communication reduced considerably. She was eager to know about him but apart from quick calls they didn't share much. When Mehek tried to know from Karuna, she rebuked her to keep her nose out of Shaurya's business. "My son is doing fine and Khanna empire is prospering under him. I can't help if you are too dumb to realize that he is avoiding you with excuse of his work", Mehek winced at Karuna's hurtful words. 

Karuna still remained prejudiced that Mehek is a huge mistake happened to her son. Mehek felt terrible being alone with a woman who hated her to core. Mehek burst into tears while she ran back to her room. She couldn't help being emotional. Dilruba came in shortly and tried to cheer her up but Mehek couldn't stop her tears. "Why don't you surprise Shaurya Sir and fly to Mumbai? ", Dilruba suggested. Mehek brushed the grandiose idea. "You are upset because you miss him. I bet he is missing you too. So take my advice. He will be least expecting but be really happy to see you", Dilruba insisted, forcing Mehek to rethink.

Mehek waited at the reception area eagerly to see Shaurya. Staff in Mumbai treated her well and was ready to inform her arrival to their boss but Mehek declined. She wanted to surprise him and moreover her visit should never hinder his work. After waiting for quarter of an hour, she saw him walking down with his team. He was indulged in discussion and seemed serious. While he quickly caught sight of her, Mehek softly waved and smiled in joy. However she failed find expected reaction from him. Surprise, confusion and then possibly embarrassment. She read it all from his face. May be her mind was tricking her, Shaurya quickly walked towards her and pulled her to a corner, "Mehek, what are you doing here?". She stammered sensing his unhappiness, "I thought...of surprising you". He sighed in irritation, "Mehek, your restaurant just started and you need to focus on your work. Stop wandering behind me".

Mehek winced by his sharp words. But then she consoled herself that he was speaking the truth, "I was anyway leaving by evening flight", she lied while acting cheerful, "I know about notorious traffic of this city. So better get going now. Bye". She took her small bag to leave. "Wait", his words pulled her stop, "I am so sorry, Mehek", he sighed and pinched bridge of his nose, "I really appreciate your visit. It's just that I am bit lost. Trust me I'm happy you planned to surprise me". Mehek nodded but somehow she felt that he was not by himself. He kept on looking behind and checking for someone or something. Perhaps he is too ashamed to introduce me to his team, Mehek mused. 

"Oh, Hello!!", a voice with heavy American accent greeted them, "who is this beautiful lady, Mr Khanna? I must say you always get best of the lot. How do you manage to charm these lovely women?". Although the man meant in good humour, Shaurya didn't take it kindly. He became rigid and held Mehek closely, "Mr Albert, she is my wife. Mrs Mehek Khanna". Mehek beamed with pride as he didn't hesitate to introduce her. "Oh my God. I am so sorry", Albert apologized quickly, "So you are one who stole this stoic man's heart. Glad to meet you, Mrs Khanna", he extended his hand and Mehek shook it with a smile. 

"My Uncle, Mr Anderson had said many times that only love can truly change a man. Nowadays, he quotes with an incident when Mr Khanna left his important meeting and ran to meet his fiance". Albert smiled but apart from an awkward smile, Mehek and Shaurya didn't join him. Shaurya looked as if he was trying to shield Mehek from his attention. While Mehek perceived that Mr.Anderson would have seen Shaurya eagerness to meet Nehal. Suddenly she felt suffocated and wanted to escape. Being reminded of Nehal being Shaurya's first choice didn't sit well with her anymore. "Get going, Khanna. I guess you can a take a break with your sweetheart before joining for tonight's party", Albert declared and walked away.

Party?  Didn't Shaurya come here to solve the issues? What are they celebrating tonight? If business problems are all solved then why Shaurya is still grim?  Is Karuna Ma telling the truth?  Am I being ignored purposefully? . So many unwanted thoughts scammed her mind. Mehek felt as if her head was pounding and felt dizzy. "Mehek, are you okay?", Shaurya's concerned voice breached through her clouded mind. She managed to nod but soon lost her balance. 

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