Chapter 11

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Mehek shuddered when sudden break brought their vehicle to halt. For her, the drive from Sharma house till Khanna Mansion was long and silent. Despite having a driver, Shaurya insisted to take the wheel. Mehek remained lost but she could listen to Karuna's anxious voice as she continuously asked her son to reduce speed. Now once they reached the mansion, Shaurya threw keys to guard and walked inside being irritated while Karuna walked briskly behind him. Mehek was left alone in the vehicle. She wondered her fate and was afraid to move. Finally she mustered enough courage to step out of the car but didn't dare to enter Khanna mansion.

"Shaurie, why are you adamant to bring that witch into your life ?", Karuna shot at his son. He tried to avoid but she didn't leave and pestered him. "MA", he raised his voice but controlled himself swiftly and plead her dramatically with folded hands, "please leave me alone". "FINE", Karuna accepted annoyingly, "but this conversation is not over". Once his mother left him, Shaurya sat on his bed being tired. He was emotionally and physically drained. Past few hours were extremely challenging and gruesome. He got married to the woman he loved but she was not the one he was supposed to be married. He didn't care that his bride ran away from the wedding and was least bothered about her. Only Mehek mattered to him.

It was true that he knew next to nothing about his newly wedded wife, not even her real name. All he could perceive was that she tricked to take his bride's space. She is an opportunist who is probably in love with his friend, Azaan. Although his heart refused to believe,circumstances points her as a woman who chose money over love. When an opportunity came, she chose a wealthy suitor over her lover. He sighed pressing his temples. He could have easily abandoned her and moved on. But he couldn't. She belonged to him.He wanted her. They are bound to one another till eternity, whether in happiness or misery. He knew he had a lot to deliberate and decide but tonight he wanted to rest. He quickly pulled out sleeping tablet and gulped it down with water. When he crashed on his bed decorated with rose petals, he didn't fail to imagine her innocent face. Soon sedatives took its effect and he fell into a dreamless slumber.

Slowly Shaurya opened his eyes to a new day. He sighed expecting it all to be a nightmare but  empty side of his bed in his decorated room proved it to be real. He freshened up and changed into comfortable cloths. A soft knock at door was expected since his loyal butler, Awara never arrived late to attend his master. "Sir", Awara's voice was anxious. Shaurya wasn't surprised since news reach servants quickly. Awara was resourceful yet in a good way. He was sure that Awara would have already schooled the remaining staff to behave properly owing to their master's treacherous wedding. 

"Sir, the lady who is outside....", Awara left his sentence midway. "Which lady?", Shaurya showed least interested. "The lady dressed in bridal wear", Awara clarified. In a moment Shaurya turned anxious, "What is she doing outside?". Did she try to sneak away and meet her lover?, he was terrified. "Sir, I believe she was locked out of Khanna mansion and had to spent the entire night outside", Awara informed him. Without another thought Shaurya dashed out of his room.

Mehek's body was stiff owing to the long period she had spent out in cold. Shaurya placed her carefully on his bed and yelled instructions at his staff . She was unconscious and shivering. He quickly covered her with warm duvets. "Imbeciles! Why didn't you let her in? Don't any of you have common sense?", Shaurya roared at his employees. "Sir,Karuna Ma'am had informed us to cancel all preparations to welcome the bride. We were specifically asked to retire early. So none were here when you arrived last night. While we came in the morning, she was found like this and I came to inform you as soon as possible", Awara explained. 

Shaurya inwardly cursed himself, while rubbing Mehek's palms to keep her warm. "Sir, it will be best if we change her into warm cloths", Awara suggested. Shaurya knew that none of the female staffs would have arrived. "Shall I summon Dilruba?", Awara suggested next best option since Dilruba is a transgender. However Shaurya was still not convinced. "No need, I will manage. Pull out my warm clothes from wardrobe and leave". Awara nodded and left after keeping cloths on the bed.

Mehek murmured incoherently before waking up. She looked around and found herself in an unfamiliar room. She realised she was buried under thick cover and she was no longer in her heavy bridal lehenga. She tried to get up but failed due to weakness. "Good effort to gain sympathy", Shaurya's brooding voice shocked her, "Unfortunately it didn't work on me". In reflex Mehek pulled the duvet to hide her modesty. "Don't flatter yourself", he told mocking her attempt to cover herself. Mehek gulped down and realised she was dressed up in a long sweatshirt. It was loose and long but warm & comfortable. 

"Wondering whether I exploited you while you were unconscious", he sneered at her. Mehek was burning with embarrassment still blurted out, "I am not some silly teenage girl". "Oh, so you are an experienced woman. I wonder how many men you have pleased with that fat body of yours", he spat on her furiously. Mehek was hurt and tried to defend but was interrupted when a man in uniform walked in with her small bag. "Ma'am, I believe this is yours", he extended it to her when she nodded. She waited for him to leave to speak with her new husband. Shaurya didn't give her chance to speak. "Get ready and come down before my mother wakes up. Make yourself useful", he ordered and left.

It was not a pleasant morning for Karuna either. She couldn't wake on time owing to her sleepless night. She wanted the bad omen to be removed from her son's life. Her son deserved to spend rest of his life with a person he loves and not in a compromise. She sipped the tea served to her. It was delicious and cheered her. "Who prepared this tea? Is there a new staff hired to cook?", she asked Awara while finishing her drink. "Ma'am, it was prepared by ....", Awara contemplated how to address their master's wife. When Karuna's glared at him, he answered quickly, "The bride". Karuna was visibly angry. She jumped from her seat and walked briskly towards kitchen.

Mehek was about to take a sip of her tea when Karuna startled her. She glared at the other staff in kitchen and they all chose to resume their work. "How dare you enter the kitchen?", Karuna rebuked her. Mehek gulped in fear and gazed at Awara, pleading for help. But he was helpless being unable to help her. "You are a Mistake. No, scratch that . A brutal Betrayal. So don't you dare to act as bride of my family", Karuna warned her and turned to leave. Awara wanted to inform her about previous night but understood that it was not the right time. Since he didn't want to repeat the mistake, he asked Karuna, "Ma'am, shall I arrange guest room for her to stay?". "Guest room is for Guests, not for people like her who barge into our house uninvited. Put her to one of the empty servant's quarter", Karuna ordered and walked away. 

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