Chapter 33

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"What do you mean that my wife was discharged few days back? I admitted her in your care and now she is missing. I will take you to the court if you don't find her immediately", Shaurya shouted at the hospital staff. They stood apologetically before him but none gave plausible explanations. With each passing second, Shaurya became restless and violent. Soon Police was summoned and they took him aside. 

"Mr Khanna, stop creating a scene here. Few days back, hospital had discharged and send your wife with her Aunt, Mrs Yasmin Qureshi. We were asked to be here since it was complicated scenario. Mrs Mehek Khanna went with her Aunty in our presence, wholeheartedly and clearly without any compulsion". Shaurya still couldn't believe that Mehek had an Aunty who suddenly came out of nowhere and took her away. "I am still not convinced and going to file a missing person complaint", he was adamant. "You can come to station and check the documents. Then decided on your action", Inspector replied calmly.

"Sir", a timid nurse came beside Shaurya, "Yasmin Aapa is not an ordinary woman. She and her husband had run an entire cartel of illegal business for many years. It' s been just few years since they had left those trades and spending their time in recluse. Still she is quiet influential and powerful. Hence Police is also not helping you", her explanation caused him more angst. "Don't worry, Sir. Yasmin Aapa is not a bad woman and your wife is her niece, her blood relation. She will be safe with Yasmin Aapa", Nurse told him while extending an envelope. She informed him that Mehek had given it before she left. Shaurya opened it and read the letter in it with shivering hands.

I am leaving. It may be for better or worse but I know it will be satisfactory than going back to a shattered life. Please don't search for me and let me live in peace. I am cutting all my ties with my past life.


Although it was not addressed to him specifically, Shaurya knew Mehek wanted him read it. He found a heavy object in the envelope and emptied it on his palm. It was the ring he had given her A symbol of his promise. By giving it back, Mehek was taunting him on his failure to keep his word. He felt so low and sad. Half of his mind wanted to let her go but another still possessively held on to her. I will find you, Mehek, he decided adamantly in his mind.

Shaurya was desperate to find his wife. He called his investigators to inform about their new task. But as soon as he called they gave him a shocking news. They had been assigned to track the person who destroyed his married life. Shaurya expected it to be Azaan or a Sharma family member and to a mere extend he suspected Shayara also. Yet the result was nothing he had been prepared for.

Vicky walked towards Shaurya when he staggered into Khanna mansion. "Bhai, what have you done to yourself?", he asked being concerned and gave him support. "Me?", Shaurya chuckled, "I didn't do anything Bro. My biggest fault is that I didn't do anything", he laughed crazily. Vicky helped him to hall where Dadi and Karuna were sitting. While Vicky helped him to the couch, Karuna came beside him, "We will find Mehek, Shaurie. I promise to bring her back". "For what, Ma? To torture her to insanity ? Or to finish her life?", he mocked her. 

"Shaurie", Dadi rebuked him. "Yes, Dadi", he staggered to her seat, "your  Shaurie is a huge failure. I let my ego get the best of me. Thereby failing to protect my wife and own child". He wept holding her knee and sat down on the floor. "It will all be fine, Shaurie", Dadi consoled him tearfully. "I broke her once Dadi. But my sweet Mehek, forgave me. I promised to protect her from the world and cherish her. How could I keep my word when I failed to protect her from my evil mother", his last words shocked Dadi and Vicky. 

Karuna didn't deny but stood still. She knew this was inevitable scene of her life. "Say something Karuna", Dadi ordered her but she stood silent, shedding tears. "It was her, Dadi. She hired Nehal and placed her in my team. She gave anonymous tips to Mehek to as a well-wisher. But my Mehek never lost trust on me. But Ma went on relentlessly until Mehek completely broke", he was sobbing holding Dadi.

 "Is it true?", Dadi's staggered, praying that they were lies. "I did for your good, Shaurie. I wanted you to be happy", Karuna finally spoke. "How could you, Karuna Aunty?", Vicky couldn't believe it either. "Because she thought I never loved Mehek and had accepted her for sake of duty. For Ma, Mehek was an ill-omen who barged into her son's life", he looked into Karuna's eyes and asked, "You failed to understand you own son. Mehek is my happiness and you destroyed her". "I am sorry, Shaurie", Karuna begged his forgiveness although she knew she won't gain it. "I warned you, Karuna", Dadi rebuked her sadly, "you were too prejudiced to see Shaurie' s happiness was Mehek".

"Bhai, don't worry. We will find Mehek Bhabi and tell her everything. We will show her the proofs and make her understand. Nehal shall be traced by our investigators and made to accept her misdeed. Karuna Aunty will also confess her crime", Vicky tried to bring out Shaurya from his grief. But he shook his head, "I should have told it earlier, to Ma or atleast to my Mehek. It was always Mehek and just her. I was too proud to accept my mistake that I never even knew by bride. The face for which I fell in love belonged to Mehek but misread as Nehal", Shaurya told them. In few words, he explained how he misjudged between both sisters and agreed to marry Nehal believing her as Mehek. "Ma, don't feel guilty", he held Karuna's hand, "Because the entire fault is on your stupid, unworthy son. I failed to protect my precious Mehek. I made her feel so lonely and pushed her to edge of insanity. I don't deserve her. Wherever Mehek is now, I am sure she is much better. So I am letting her go", he declared.

They all were shocked by his decision. "Are you insane?", Vicky exclaimed in shock. "Mehek almost lost it, Vicky. And I am sole responsible. Isn't clear that I am not good for her? She is better without me. I am afraid she will wither and perish if she is brought back to me. ". "Will you be able to live without Mehek?", Dadi asked him sternly. He laughed, "I love her too much that it burns my soul to let her free. But I deserve this punishment. Once I told Mehek that if I fail her ever then there will be no Shaurya Khanna", he laughed tearfully, "I am already dead, Dadi. There is nothing in me to live", he walked away from them, "Besides, I am happy that somewhere my Mehek is living a good life. She is happy & safe". They all could do nothing but watch him walk away. He was indeed no longer their Shaurie but a shadow of him, a faint one.

Miles away..."You can stay with me as long as you want. You are just like my daughter", Yasmin told Mehek. "Thanks for your generosity. But I want to become independent and would like to stay separately. Please help me to continue my education and pursue a good career", Mehek was determined. She was done being a burden to others. Her clear demand was appreciated by Yasmin as well, "You are inclined towards Hotel management aren't you? I heard you are passionate about cooking". "Not anymore. I have left my old life and my passion is part of my past. I want to study business", she told boldly. "Very well. I can arrange for your studies but I have just one condition. You will continue your therapy", Yasmin told and Mehek agreed . It was one of the best decisions, Mehek had made in her life.

Few days later at Khanna mansion. "Shaurie, till when will you lock yourself in this room?", Dadi tried to persuade Shaurya. But he refused, "I feel happy here, Dadi. This room still has her fragrance. Her memories are here". Dadi felt terrible for her grandson, "Shaurie, you decided to let her go and I respect your decision. But I cannot see you like this. Why don't you come with me and stay in our ancestral house in village?". After much persuasion and emotional blackmail, Shaurya agreed to Dadi's request. Everyone in Khanna mansion felt glad that Shaurya decided to take a break from his isolation but none knew that it was one of the worst turning point in Shaurya's life.

PRECAP : "You invite me very rarely. So I am anticipating some good news", Yasmin told her, "Is there anyone special in your life? Perhaps a man?". Mehek laughed at her query.                            "You have met him. His name is Yuvaan", Mehek told her. 

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