Chapter 6

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                             "Hello, Nehal. I was informed that you came to my office today. Any urgent matter to discuss?", Shauyra asked carefully over phone. He hated the formality in his tone but was unable to break the ice. "Nothing at all. I was just passing by. When I realised you were busy, I left for college", Nehal managed to convince. "Ok", he replied curtly and awaited her to talk further. Somehow he could never comprehend the coldness Nehal showed towards him when they conversed over phone. Either she is too shy or too proud to initiate conversation. After polite exchange of few more words, they ended the call. 

"ANY URGENT MATTER TO DISCUSS??? Are you talking to your fiance or your project manager?", Karuna scolded him from behind,"You need to loosen up and flirt a bit with her". He was embarrassed and dropped down tired into the plush sofa, "I can't, Ma". "Where is my Shaurie who used to charm everyone?", she sat beside and played with his hair. "He is gone for good. I send him away when I chose to handle Dad's business", he humoured but Karuna realised the truth behind those words. Her son had sacrificed a lot to keep up their business. "Nehal will bring back all those wonderful days, Shaurie. I know you like her a lot", she caressed his face affectionately. He nodded and kept his head on her lap. "Make time for her. Why don't you take her on a date or meet her somewhere outside? Try to shake of this rigid attitude and warm up to her. If you put an effort, then I am sure she will warm up to you", Karuna advised him.

Rajeev Kapoor is a good friend of Shauyra. When he asked Shaurya to judge a cooking competition conducted by his restaurant, he couldn't disagree. Rajeev used competition to select rookie chefs for his restaurant. It helped him to find rare talents. Besides, he always preferred a good game. Shaurya was asked to casually roam amidst contestants and taste their dishes nonchalantly. Shaurya was doing a good job until his eyes fell on her.

Mehek was focusing to bring out the best for her dish. A job in celebrity chef Rajeev Kapoor's restaurant meant a lot to her. Mehek was feeling extremely low after Azaan's misbehaviour. Although he had tried to call her and messaged her several times to apologize, she ignored him. She had decided not to waver anymore. Azaan was no longer the sweet boy she knew. He is now practical and clever. He treated her as a possession without bothering to be affectionate. Mehek knew she had nothing to boast or flaunt. Yet her self respect was precious and she decided not to feel low but to make her own identity. Participating in cooking competition was her first step. While she did final touches to her dish, she was surprised when a handsome man tasted her dish.

"Delicious", Shaurya moaned, making Mehek giggle. She never expected to meet her future brother-in-law amidst a cooking competition. Dressed in jeans and casual shirt, he looked down to earth and approachable. Although she never met him personally, she had seen his photographs. She expected a poker faced rigid man, attired in expensive suit but Shaurya astonished her. "Shaurya Sir, I never expected you here", she told innocently. He came near her and whispered, "It's good to keep low profile in public but you don't have to be too formal, Ms Sharma", he winked, "The other contestants are far enough not to hear us. Afterall we are going to be ......", he tried to use the right term. "Family", she filled in for him swiftly.

Mehek smiled at him while he flashed his dimples with a sweet smile, "I am always Shaurya for you". Mehek was skeptical to address him by his name. He will be married to her cousin and be son-in-law of their family. His position demands respect, still she didn't want to address him as Jiju. "Are you one of the judges?", she asked cautiously. "If I am, then are you planning to influence me?", he asked wickedly. Mehek became crimson and shook her head vigorously,"I never cheat". He was pleased by her naivety. "Rajeev is a good friend of mine. He invited me as a guest. I am happy that I agreed else I would never knew your talent", he praised her. Mehek smiled shyly. She was glad to be appreciated. Shaurya indeed made her feel special.

Shaurya was perplexed when he suddenly saw Mehek amongst all contestants. After few minutes of contemplation, he decided to take his mother's advice and act. He dusted out his flirting skills and used his charm on her. He was delighted when it worked the magic on her. Mehek turned out to be a simple woman who got easily charmed by him. He tasted her dish and realised that she is a talented cook. He praised her. His Ladoo was indeed happy hearing him and let her guards down. In person, she sounded different yet lovely & cozy. He was elated when she shyly smiled at his compliments. He wanted to stroke her face and play with her soft hair. He wondered whether she will blush when he kiss her plump lips and caress her curves. He reined his scandalous mind before it imagined further.

"Ladoo", he addressed her sweetly. Mehek gasped in surprise while he laughed and explained, "I heard it during the Mehendi ceremony of Kainat. It suits you. Cute & Sweet". Mehek looked down embarrassed but didn't feel sad. Her pet name was usually used to mock her curvy healthy figure but from Shaurya it appeared to be affectionate. "Ladoo,  How do you manage to cook such awesome dishes?", he asked her. "Cooking is my passion. My Mother is my inspiration. I have a dream that one day I will have my own restaurant", she studied him carefully and added, "I believe every woman should be given chance to fulfil her dreams even after she is married". "I agree", he told quickly, "I will have no objection if my wife wants to pursue her career". 

Mehek's felt extremely glad for Nehal. Shaurya Khanna seemed to be a kind gentleman and she was sure that he will never stand in Nehal's way to achieve her ambition. Both of them wanted to stay and talk but her number was called for judgement. So she had to leave with her tray of food. She bid a quick farewell and walked towards panel of judges. Shaurya beamed in glee and decided to give a big treat to Rajeev for inviting him.

As Shaurya was driving away, Rajeev called him. "You seemed to quiet taken by one of my contestants", Rajeev teased him while Shaurya laughed. "Good news is she is one of the 5 finalist and most probably will win. You can often visit her in my restaurant and flirt with her", although well-intended, his humour didn't sit well with Shauyra. Rajeev is a good friend hence Shaurya is aware of his nature. His Ladoo is not supposed to be taunted under his womanizing ways. "Rajeev, please fail her. She shouldn't quality for the next round", Shaurya requested him but it came out more like a command. "Fail her?", Rajeev was shocked, "She is brilliant. It will be unfair. Ms Sharma is most competent among all of them", he wanted to be just. Shaurya sighed. Ofcouse his Ladoo is a talented cook and deserves to win. But she doesn't have to toil under any tyrant. He will open a new restaurant where she will reign as a Queen and fulfil her dreams. 

"I thought you liked her, Shaurya. What did the poor lady do to land in trouble?", Rajeev asked him earnestly. He knew Shaurya for long to be aware of his true nature. Although Shaurya is noble and kind, he possessed a ruthless trait too. People who dared to cross him were taken down vengefully without mercy. "I have nothing against her, Rajeev. Just that I don't want my fiance to work under a bad boss like you", Shaurya spilled the truth. "Bad boss? And Me?", Rajeev was aghast but he quickly turned his attention to news Shaurya shared, "Wait a sec. Fiance? Is she the one you are marrying? Why didn't you tell me before?". Both friends talked for some more time and Rajeev was happy for Shaurya.

After disconnecting the called, Rajeev was deep in thoughts for few more moments. He felt bad to lose a talent but couldn't go against wish of his close friend as well. He believed that Shaurya has a good intention behind it. Eventually he called his secretary and instructed to fail Ms Sharma. Secretary was puzzled but didn't question his boss. He opened his files, and scored on the name 'Ms Mehek Sharma'

Wishing all my lovely reader "A Merry Christmas". Stay blessed and Enjoy life 😃

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