Chapter 10

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                          "Shaurya, you are a good friend and I don't want to fight you. So leave Mehek alone", Azaan tried to be amicable but irritation was visible. "Since you are my friend, you already know that I am really possessive. Mehek is my wife, Azaan. Leaving her is not happening", Shaurya replied with equal vigour. When things threatened to heat up, the crowd was asked to dispersed. Sharma family, Khannas and Mirzas were gathered in family hall of Sharma house to discuss in peace. Yet again it appeared that two alphas were locking horns to gain upper hand. 

"Look Azaan, you proved to be a good friend. Your chivalry is appreciated but I don't think my wife needs anymore of your pity", Shaurya mocked him. "It's not pity", Azaan screamed, "I LOVE HER". All were shocked except Raziya. She remained quiet keeping her head low. Her only solace was that Shayara was spared the sorrow since she was not allowed to stay and send back home. Azaan composed himself and spoke again, "I love Mehek. She loves me too". Shaurya's blood boiled but he didn't show it. He smirked, "But seems like your love is not enough for her. Else she wouldn't have used the opportunity to marry me. A man who is wealthier and more successful than you".

"I know Mehek too well, Shaurya. She wouldn't have done it unless forced", Azaan was sure and looked at Mehek. She stood in the corner with sole support of Mohit. She looked at Manasi Chachi. Mehek wished that atleast now Chachi will show courage to own her mistake but sadly she didn't. "Manasi, are you hiding anything?", Mehek's grandfather questioned her. 

Manasi shivered in fear. Nehal had already shamed her upbringing by running away. If anyone knew that Mehek was forced by her then for sure she will be punished mercilessly. "No Bavuji. I don't know anything", she washed off her hands, putting entire blame on Mehek. Azaan looked eagerly at Mehek. He wanted her to stand up and defend herself. But she didn't. Her silence was mistaken as her confession, even by Azaan and Shaurya. Raziya knew for sure that it was more than it meets the eye. Still she didn't probe deeper.

"This marriage is a sham and Mehek will not leave with Shaurya", Azaan spoke vehemently. "But according to our beliefs and traditions, this wedding is complete. Mehek is Shaurya's wife", Mehek's grandfather opposed. "But Uncleji she was not the intended bride when the groom took the vows", Karuna reasoned, "If Azaan and Mehek are in love then they should be united". "Ma", Shaurya raised his voice, "I will not allow my marriage turn into a mockery". 

It was tedious for Shaurya to make his mother understand that he indeed made vows to his Laddoo, who is actually Mehek. He will look foolish and be mocked by all. On the other hand, he couldn't let her go off Mehek even if she is a cheating gold digger. "Mehek is my wife and belongs to me", Shaurya declared. "ENOUGH", a feeble but firm voice stalled them. It came from Mohit who prevented the verbal battle to turn further ugly. All looked on to Mohit who had till now kept quiet and consoled Mehek. "Has anyone even considered what Mehek Di wants?", Mohit's question forced all to remain tight lipped.

"Di, I know you well enough to realised that this marriage is a huge misunderstanding", Mohit consoled Mehek, "But a decision needs to be taken. Do you want to accept Shaurya or be with Azaan?". Mehek was emotionally drained and unable to think straight. She wished the night will be erased from her life and things will go back as it was earlier. "You have to choose one, young lady", her grandfather's deep voice resonated, "Either ways, you are no longer a daughter of this family". Mehek wept bitterly while Mohit begged his family to show some mercy on her. Raziya and Karuna came beside Mehek. One was concerned for her while other was annoyed by her.

"Decide quickly, Mehek", Karuna fumed, "Azaan loves you whereas Shaurya was meant for your sister. You were never Saurya choice and will never be. With Azaan you shall have a good life". Raziya sighed and touched Mehek's shoulder, "It's your life Mehek and you will chose. By tradition & customs you are wed to Shaurya. But Nehal was his bride. It may be difficult for you to take her place in Khanna family and Shaurya's heart". Karuna was relieved by wise words from Raziya. She was scared that Raziya may sway Mehek to choose Shaurya. 

Raziya spoke impartially trying to clear the situation to Mehek, "Azaan will always keep you happy and love you till the end. But your union may lead to a huge scandal. You shall be branded as a immodest woman who left her husband for Azaan. Not to mention the guilt of spoiling Shayara's happiness. Life will not be easier for you". Mehek smiled pitifully on her state. She was caught between devil and the dead sea. Raziya held Mehek closer, "Whichever decision you take, I promise to be with you". "Count me as well, Di", Mohit surprisingly showed enough courage to stand tall for his sister. "Let's give her some time", Raziya suggested and Mohit led Mehek to her room.

"Di, please tell me the truth. How did you end up being the bride?", Mohit asked her. Since she knew he was the only person who cares about her in Sharma family, she bared him the truth. "I knew it. But it doesn't matter anymore. Let's focus on your future. What do you want to do Di?", he asked earnestly. Mehek sobbed helplessly and Mohit hugged her. "Are you & Azaan in love?", Mohit asked nervously. Mehek shook her head softly, "It's not like what you think. It's complicated". Mohit knew his sister needed space and time to think. But before leaving he spoke, "Feeling are precious than traditions. If you love Azaan then choose him".

Mehek came out of her room with a small bag in which she had packed her belongings. She knew that regardless of her decision, Sharma family will not give her shelter. She walked towards Raziya and Azaan while Shaurya looked at her anxiously. "Good Bye Azaan. I wish you all the best", her farewell revealed her decision. "No Mehek. This is not done. You don't have to sacrifice yourself", Azaan was bewildered. "This is my destiny. The truth is that I am now married and my place is with my husband". 

"Don't be scared, Mehek. We will fight through this tempest. I am confident that we will win, if we are together", Azaan tried to convince her. "I am not afraid, Azaan. I chose this path which is righteous", Mehek tried to remain passive. Her attitude unleashed wrath in him. "How dare you, Mehek? I am Azaan Mirza. I offered you a life with me but you dared to reject me", he roared and Mehek cowered in fear when he screamed at her, "You will regret it, Mehek". "That's enough, Azaan", Shaurya quickly came beside Mehek and hid her behind him.

Azaan smirked at Shaurya's protective gesture. "Do you think your so-called new hubby will care and protect you?", Azaan sneered at Mehek, "mark my words, Mehek. Your husband for whom you chose over me will ruin you and discard you in streets. He is accepting you just to satisfy his ego". Mehek closed her eyes and try to come in terms with Azaan's cruel words. "You still have time Mehek. Come with me", Azaan tried to coax her but she shook her head. 

"Wilful Slut", Azaan abused Mehek. "Shut your mouth, Mr Azaan Mirza. You are talking to my wife and don't you dare to disrespect her", Shaurya warned him. Without waiting for another minute, Shaurya held Mehek' hand and walked out of Sharma house. Azaan tried to reach her but Raziya stood before him thereby blocking his path, "Let her go, Azaan. Mehek made her choice". Raziya turned slowly and watched Mehek being dragged away. She murmured to herself pitying Mehek, "And she chose .....selflessly". She could do nothing but only pray for Mehek.

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