Chapter 13

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                            "We are here to meet, Mehek", Sonal informed Awara. She timidly added when Awara stood silent, "wife of Shaurya Khanna". Awara studied the visitors, a young couple. The man's features were similar to his master's wife, so probably a sibling and the woman could be his girlfriend. From his experience Awara could perceive that it will not be agreeable with Khannas to let them inside.  I am afraid you cannot meet her now. I will take your message if you have any.Sorry for the inconvenience ", he tried to be polite. "Listen, you jerk", Mohit who was till now silent tried to bash him but Sonal pulled him back. 

Mohit had tough time to simmer his anger. It's been 2 days since his sister got married against her wishes. His tension reached it's peak when he was unable to contact her. He was anxious for her safety and wanted to meet her as soon as possible. Sonal shared his worry yet she acted a bit more mature and pitched in to manage the situation, "He is Mohit Sharma. Mehek's cousin. And I am her best friend. We are worried about Mehek and want to meet her for few minutes". Awara was skeptical still refused, "Mehek Ma'am cannot meet you now. I will let her know that you visited. But please leave now as I cannot let you in". "If she is okay then why are not allowing us to meet her", Mohit shouted and grabbed Awara's collar, "if your master is abusing my sister then I swear he will pay for it".

"What is happening here?", Karuna came from mansion. "Where is my Di", Mohit stormed onto her. Karuna was a bit taken aback when he charged on to her like an angry bull. Sonal acted as a pacifier and came in between. "Karuna Aunty, we are anxious about Mehek. It's been couple of days since we had talked to her. Hope you understand our concern. Please let us meet her", she explained. "She is not well and resting. So better you both come later". Karuna tried to avoid them. "What did you do to her?", Mohit roared again and Karuna got scared. Sonal sighed in dismay and requested, "Can you please let us meet her? Just for few minutes". Karuna wanted to escape from Mohit's wrath so she ordered Awara, "Take them to her".

Shaurya kept a bowl of warm porridge infront of Mehek. She looked better but still weak. He wanted to feed her breakfast but was interrupted when Awara entered with guest. He knew Mohit but didn't recognise lady friend with him. "Sonal", Mehek cried out seeing her friend and opened her arms. Both ladies went emotional when they embraced and Shaurya decided to move aside. "Di, what happened to you?", Mohit asked her but kept his gaze over Shaurya. He smirked at his puny brother-in-law and took his leave. But he stood beside the door since he wanted to listen to their conversation.

"Did Nehal come back? Is she okay?", Mehek asked being concerned. It startled all that she was eager about Nehal while her life in pure mess. Mohit shook his head but told her that Nehal is old enough to take care of herself. "How is everyone at home?", Mehek asked again. "Going on with their life happily after telling everyone that both their daughter are dead", Mohit scoffed. He couldn't feel more disgusted by his family. Mehek started to shed tears and Shaurya felt like strangling Mohit who made her cry but he knew that actual culprit for her tears were not Mohit.

Sonal squeezed Mehek's palm, "Mehek, is everything okay here? How did you fall sick?". Mehek quickly replied that she is fine and was about to make excuses about her illness. "Swear on me", Mohit kept her hand on his head and Mehek couldn't lie. Reluctantly she told them everything but pointed it out that Shaurya had been taking good care of her. "Don't think that you are alone, Mehek. We are always there to support you", Sonal consoled her. "If they are ill-treating you then just leave this place and come back", Mohit informed her. "To where? Where shall an orphan like me find shelter?", Mehek asked while tears made way through her cheeks. "Until I am alive, my Di will never be an orphan", Mohit promised and embraced her. He took her promise that Mehek won't think another minute to reach him if things go haywire. Shaurya's heart skipped a beat when he fathomed about Mehek leaving him. His dislike for Mohit mounted up with each minute.

Shaurya pretended to climb up the stairs as Mohit & Sonal came out of the room after bidding farewell. Karuna watched the scene from downstairs and her anxiety was visibly on face. Mohit didn't spare another minute to warn both of them, "If you ever harm my sister, then be ready to face consequences". Shaurya admired courage of the young man who evidently is the single person in Sharma family who cares for Mehek. But he couldn't make himself to like Mohit who is a threat. 

Shaurya kept poker face when Mohit went on admonishing him, "You may be powerful and influential but not above law. I won't hesitate to approach media too ". Sonal didn't stop Mohit because she knew it was necessary for Mehek's safety. She tried keep her manner polite and exited with Mohit. Once they reached safe distance from Khanna house, Sonal pulled his hand, bringing him to halt. She quickly hugged him tight. "I am so proud of you. What you did for Mehek is not a small thing. You are good guy and a person whom I can trust my heart with", she told him lovingly. Despite the situation Mohit smiled. He was happy that Sonal finally accepted his feelings and decided to be a couple.

"Ma, are you fine?", Shauyra asked his mother who was restlessly roaming around her room. "I am not, Shaurie. That rowdy is the reason. How dare he threaten us?", she was aghast. "Ma, Relax", he tried to console her. "Why didn't you counter him, Shaurie? He left unscratched after misbehaving under our roof", she was puzzled. Shaurya sighed and spoke, "Because I wanted to contain the situation". Karuna was still not convinced. "Whatever it may be, Mehek is now my wife and my responsibility. It will be considered as domestic violence in case she is ill-treated and I will be the culprit". Karuna nodded while he squeezed her palm in reassurance, "hope you understand". "I do, Shaurie. But I cannot stop feeling bad for you that you are bound to that cheat. I want you out of it", she told emotionally. "Trust me, I will handle it", he assured and left. Karuna gazed at the door through which her son exited. She felt extremely sad and felt responsible, "i promise you Shaurie, this nuisance name Mehek will be removed from your life. I will deal with her so tactfully that she will leave you on your own".

"Mehek", Shaurya called softly. She responded and tried to sit but he forbid. "Tomorrow a reception is arranged for us. Please be ready for it", he informed and she simply nodded. It felt awkward that he still didn't know how to converse with her. "You will be introduced as my wife so I request you to act respectfully. I don't want any more dramas", he added although he knew he was being unfair on her. Mehek nodded mechanically. "This is your new phone. Don't go off radar and cause havoc", he gave her a new handset. Shaurya managed to shock Mehek again. She was not used to accept gifts that too expensive ones. "There is no need for it. Mine works fine", she opposed vehemently. "But I want you have it", he insisted. While she remained skeptical, he spoke, "C'mon it's not a bomb. Let me get it up for you. Where is your old handset?". Mehek informed it was in her bag. 

Shaurya placed her sim card in new handset and set it up for you. "There you go. All your contacts and apps are synced. Now you can talk to your family and friends", he tried to cheer her. "I don't have many friends. And about family, it's just Mohit", she told softly. "Now I am your family", he told a bit firmly. When he realised she was uneasy, he changed the subject. 'My young brother-in-law seems to be really fond of his sister.Nice guy. What does he do?", he asked. Mehek looked happy while she talked about Mohit. In few words she shared that Mohit is in his final year for Engineering and a bright student. Shauyra managed to break the ice and make her talk. In her enthusiasm she even spilled out that Mohit has a huge crush on Sonal. "Take rest, Mehek. You need to be well for tomorrow's function", he made her lay down and decided to take leave. "Thank you", she told timidly. He didn't answer and smiled at her, "No need to thank me. It's my duty, Mehek. I am your husband". He could perceive that she got tensed.

"Hello", Shaurya spoke over phone once he reached his study, "the device is active now". "Okay, Mr Khanna. The bug will be active too. You will be able to listen to call, access location and read all messages. In short, you are having a carbon copy of it in your laptop", the other side explained. He nodded and spoke again, "Good. I have another assignment for you. I need information about a person. His name is Mohit Sharma". The detective agency took Mohit's details and agreed to provide results at the earliest. 

He opened his laptop and accessed application that had full access to her new phone. "I love you lot Mehek. But you don't have my trust. Not yet", he spoke to himself, "And your dear cousin, Mohit won't be between us for long. I will remove him like a thorn from a bouquet "

Precap: MehRya reception

Happy festivities my dear Readers. I know this chapter is kind of a filler but here you will get glimpses of Shaurya's shrewdness and madness 🤣. Motivate me by voting and posting your comments. I will try to update the next chapter soon

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