Chapter 23

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           Sun had just shone up. It was very early but Mehek managed to drag herself to shower and clean herself. She gazed at her image. Her eyes were reddened due to constant crying. Her body bore aftermath of last night. She had cuts on her knees and palms, probably glass splinters were still in them. Shaurya's huge palm was imprinted on her cheek while corner of her forehead was reddened with a slight bulge. She turned out to be a perfect mess. But more than anything, it was his vindictive words that hurt her. She wanted to do nothing but escape.

Mehek cursed that she didn't have any thing decent to wear. She finally pulled out a sleeveless, deep necked, black frock that covered till her shins. With a heavy heart, she had to steal one of Shaurya's shirts to wear over it to cover her victimized body. She didn't take anything else, not even her phone. It was still early morning and even staffs were not appearing in the resort. Mehek aimed at the beach and kept on walking, until her feet felt warmth of sea sand. She sat alone, gazing at the noisy wrath of waves. Soon she started to tremble in agony and wept. She didn't know how much time passed since she sought comfort in the isolated beach.

"Mehek", she turned hearing her name to be addressed. Her eyes shone with fresh tears but she was fuming too. There he was, walking towards her in quick strides; the man who destroyed her life. Why can't he leave me in peace?, she stood up, pitying her ill-luck. "Mehek, I was so worried for you. What happened? Did...Did Shauyra hurt you?", Azaan asked with concern. Mehek didn't waste another moment. She raised her hand and slapped him hard on his cheek. 

"How dare you, Mehek!!!", he sneered while holding his bruised cheek. Mehek landed another tight slap on his cheek, "You deserved worst". "All I ever did is love you and cherish you. Now also I am trying to protect you", Azaan told vainly. "You trespassed into my life despite my severe protests. You tried to violate me. Above all, you turned me to a battered soul", she hugged herself as if trying to hide her messed up life. "Mehek, what happened? What did he do to you? I couldn't sleep whole night being worried about you", Azaan expressed his concern. Mehek had the urge to slap him again but she controlled herself. "You are a coward, Azaan. You had the audacity to force me but doesn't have the balls to protect me. Else you wouldn't have cowered when Shaurya threatened you", Mehek's words made him guilty. Azaan had no defense and remained ashamed.

"You. Shaurya. You all are the same. Treating women like possessions. Whenever you please, you will cherish us and when you are upset, you will thrash us. But we are also living beings and not furniture ", tears made way through her cheeks. She took a deep breath to continue, "I had feelings for you, Azaan. You were my Hero; my prince charming. But slowly & steadily you destroyed it all. And today, all I could feel for you is utter disgust and hatred". "Mehek, please don't say that. I love you a lot", Azaan plead before her. "I DESPISE YOU", she yelled, "And don't dare to stalk me. Else I will tell everything to Shayara and Raziya Aunty", Mehek warned him and walked away. Immense pain ran through her mind and body but she didn't stop. Someone stood before her. Mehek was shocked as she wasn't prepared to face the person who had witnessed it all.

"Shayara"..."Shayara"...Both Mehek and Azaan took the name simultaneously. She was the last person Mehek wanted to encounter. Mehek felt her burning tearful gaze and got ready to receive her strong words. But soon she realised that Shayara was looking at Azaan. She turned to Mehek and studied her condition. From whatever she heard and she could see, it was clear that Mehek is not a vamp. Even if Mehek is the cause of her sadness, Shayara managed to overlook it and tried to act humane.  "Come Mehek", Shayara said softly and extended her hand. Mehek didn't know why but she simply ran to Shayara and wept holding her tightly. Shayara consoled her and provided comfort Mehek badly needed.

Shaurya's head was pounding. He had worst hangover and groaned in pain when he finally woke. He checked time it was almost afternoon. He looked around saw the disastrous condition of the room. "Mehek",he whispered and quickly called out her name repeatedly but none answered. Fear started to seep into him. Events of last night flashed before his eyes. He knew Mehek will try to run away so he frantically looked around. 

When he found her luggage and even phone in the room, he was relieved yet a part of his mind scared him that she may be on run leaving behind everything. He knew Mehek cheated on him with Azaan but he felt guilty for ill-treating her. Alcohol and Nikita's evil words made him a crazy as*hole. He yelled at himself when he realized if Mehek was ever indecisive about their relationship then last night was the definite push she needed. He had indeed driven her into her lover's arms. He balled his fists in anger while imagining Mehek with Azaan. His thoughts were interrupted by a curt knock at door. He eagerly reached the door, half expecting it to be Mehek.

A woman of Mehek's age stood before him. Shaurya tried to politely greet her but she didn't return the gesture and remained rigid. "I am Shayara Sayeed", those few words justified her cold demeanor. He too remained poker faced while contemplating why Azaan's fiancé chose to pay him a visit. Meanwhile, Shayara walked inside uninvited and checked condition of the room. "You will be charged for the damage done to our property", she told sternly. Shauray was speechless while she continued, "Although damage done to humans are far fatal and irrevocable". He remained quite since he was unsure how to address the elephant in the room. Afterall her fiance had cheated with his wife. 

Shayara quickly pulled out a pen drive and gave it to him. "I came here to give this to you and inform that the source of your distress is evicted from my property". "What have you done to Mehek?", he shouted in anxiety. Shayara was taken aback but she quickly spoke, "I meant Azaan. He was asked to leave the property and my people have put him on immediate flight for home. I have informed Raziya Aunty also about his ill deeds". Shaurya nodded, assuming that Mehek may also have left with Azaan. He couldn't muster enough courage to confirm it from Shayara. "What is this?", he asked her about the pen drive. "Security footage from the bar where you found Mehek with Azaan", her words were like a bucket of ice water poured over him. He wondered why this woman chose to taunt him with his wife's adultery. Before leaving she added, "Mehek is with me. I believe you will want to see her once you watch the footage".

Shaurya pressed the bell of Presidential Suite where Shayara was staying. He understood his mistake once he saw the CCTV footage. Azaan had forced Mehek while entire time she was struggling to escape him. He wanted to shred himself for the damage he done to Mehek and their marriage. After several careful deliberation, he decided to go to Shayara's room. Once she opened the room and let him in to the sitting area, his eyes frantically searched for Mehek. "She is sleeping in the bedroom. I gave her sedatives as she was on the edge", Shayara explained while pouring  a cup of tea for him. "I want to take her with me", Shaurya told Shayara. "Ofcourse you can, Mr Khanna. Once she is awake and in her senses, you can. But I am not confident that she will be willing to accompany you", Shayara warned him subtly, "And unless Mehek agrees I won't allow you take her with you".

Shayara is the cool breeze that Mehek desperately needed. A noble woman helping another helpless woman. Do you think it is possible? or some viciousness masked beneath it?

Hope you are happy with Azaan's exit after Mehek bashed him (probably Shayara's guards too 😁 landed few punches on him).

I know many expected cold & rude Shaurya. But now you will see him as love sick puppy 🐩, roaming around his Madam 👰 to forgive him. LoL 🤣😂🤣😂

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