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An year later

Shaurya was busy trying to work sitting before his laptop. He was past the deadline, he had set up for himself. His next article for his blog was due in few days and he wanted to atleast start it before Yuvaan was back from his play school. But unfortunately, he was still stuck and running out of ideas. 

Calling bell of their apartment chimed, making him wonder who it could be. Maid had already left for the day and Yuvaan will be take another hour to return. Being a weekday, guests were also not expected and no play dates were planned for Yuvaan. Letting out a groan of frustration, Shaurya moved to answer the door

He was surprised to see Vicky at the door. They hugged eachother enthusiastically and Shaurya pulled his brother inside. "Shall I make some tea? Or hold on as it is almost lunch time. We will have lunch together. You have stay and try my cooking", Shaurya offered. "No Bhai, I will be leaving soon", Vicky didn't want to impose himself. "Nonsense. I won't let you leave", he quickly got him a glass of water. 

Vicky looked around the hap-hazard decorations, "Any celebrations planned for today?". Shaurya chuckled before answering, "It's Yuvaan's art work. He wanted to celebrate Father's day. These play schools put silly ideas into kids". Vicky laughed with him. Even though Shaurya conveyed it as silly, it was evident how proud he was about Yuvaan and enjoyed fatherhood.

"I got something for Yuvaan. I didn't know what he likes so tried a bit of everything", he extended the parcels in his hand. "You will spoil him", Shaurya chided. "That's what Uncles do", Vicky accepted. "Yuvaan will love it all", Shaurya appreciated his efforts. 

"I follow your blog", Vicky informed him, "It's pretty cool and popular". Shaurya had started a blog to share his story of being a stay home father. Soon it gathered viewers and became famous. He had touched not only parenting tips or managing home but also topics involving married life, depression, drug addiction, maintaining healthy lifestyle etc. He was earning decent from his hobby and able to manage taking care of Yuvaan. "Hope you like it and do give me your feedbacks", Shaurya beamed with joy. Vicky nodded.

They were surprised when door opened and Yuvaan launched himself on to Shaurya, "Papa, Happy Father's day". "Oh this boy!. He was running from the moment we stepped out of the lift. So eager to wish his father", an exasperated Mehek came behind him. She quickly saw Vicky and became rigid. "I thought of surprising Shaurya but got a surprise for myself", she spoke plainly. "How are you Vicky?", she greeted him politely. VIcky too replied properly. Both didn't mention anything about Nehal.

Shuarya grinned and held Yuvaan closely, "Yuvaan, meet your Uncle. Vicky Uncle". Yuvaan was shy and hid behind his father. But when Vicky gave his gifts, he looked at his parents for approval. Once they nodded, he took it happily from Vicky. Soon he warmed up to his Uncle

The afternoon was joyous. They cooked and ate lunch together. Vicky played with Yuvaan and he seemed to like his new uncle. Finally Yuvaan got tired and took his afternoon nap. Mehek, Vicky & Shaurya sat around for a cup of coffee. "I am glad you both have settled well", he congratulated both of them. Mehek and Shaurya smiled at eachother while he squeezed her palm. 

"Bhai, why don't you join back our business?", Vicky asked. Mehek looked disinterested while he continued apologetically, "I went a bit over board last time". "A bit?", Mehek scoffed while Shuarya gestured her not to be rude. She rolled her eyes in anger. "Bhabi is right. I was completely out of the line. I apologize for my mistake. Khanna empire belongs to you as you are the rightful captain to lead it ", Vicky told honestly. 

"It belongs to our family, Vicky. When I faltered, you bravely took over. You have been running it splendidly for past years", Shaurya praised him, "I was a complete misfit when I tried to rejoin. Infact, I am happy that you kicked me out else I would have not got back my beautiful family", he kissed Mehek's hand. "So will you join back? ", he asked his brother.Shaurya looked at Mehek warily. "Don't look at me. It's your decision", Mehek raised her hands, giving him freedom to choose.

Shaurya took few moments to think before speaking, "I don't want to", he declined the offer, "I am happy here, Vicky. Being a father to my son and supporting my loving wife, for me these give immense satisfaction. I don't wish to leave any of it". Mehek smiled at Shaurya while Vicky nodded understanding his brother's decision. 

Finally, it was time for Vicky to leave. They bid a warm farewell and Vicky promised to frequently visit them. "Bhai, you are as much owner of Khanna empire as you were earlier. So please don't hesitate if you need anything", Vicky reminded. Before he exited, Mehek handed him a box, "These are some laddos (Indian sweets) I made. Nehal used to love them". Vicky's smile beamed. Although they haven't forgiven Nehal, it was an olive branch. "Thanks Bhabi. She will love it". Mehek just nodded nonchalantly while Shaurya side hugged her.

"It eventful day, wasn't it?", Mehek murmured when she came beside Shaurya. She was glad that Shaurya chose them over his business. They sat together enjoy a calm evening. "You did great by letting go", Shaurya appreciated her effort to forgive Nehal. Mehek sighed, "It's difficult but I understood it was better to let go rather than holding on to those negative emotions", she leaned onto his chest, "I have everything I ever needed. A loving husband and a cute child. My family is all I need. There is no need to hold grudges". He pecked her forehead and held her close. He knew it was harder than she portrayed. Vicky was dearer to both of them and they wished for him the best.

The more he thought about the better its relevance unfolded before him. He decided to write about it as his next article, 'Let Go'. Mehek smiled when he shared the idea and encouraged him. 

"I am still suffering from writers block", he whined. "May be I can inspire, my handsome writer ", she told mischievously while straddling him. He looked at her eagerly while she touched him alluring but soon she started to tickle him. He laughed out loud and begged her stop but she didn't relent. At the end, he too returned the favour. They both fell on the floor carpet, laughing out loud holding their stomachs. "You are worse than your son", she mocked him. "So are you", he gave it back.

"I love you, Mehek", he pulled her closer into his arms. "I love you more, Shaurya", she replied hoarsely. "Now let me try more conventional method to cheer you up", with those words she captured his lips for an ardent kiss.

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