Chapter 19

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Its a slightly matured chapter with MehRya romance 🥰. You may skip it, if not comfortable 😀. 

All images used are taken from internet and I don't have any rights/ ownership on them 

Shaurya uncorked the bottle and gulped down the wine while the bath tub was being filled with warm water. He needed to relax and bring down his anger. He angrily poured the entire contents of bubble bath into the tub. It was getting uncomfortable to stay in wet cloths so he quickly stripped them. He sank into the refreshing warmth of the tub. He sighed and tried to relax. He knew he was over reacting. May be he needs to understand Mehek and give her time. But her reluctance was bothering him a lot. He grabbed the bottled and took another sip from it.

He ignored the soft knock at door and didn't pay attention to Mehek who entered timidly. "I need some lone time, Mehek. So LEAVE", he ordered without sparing her a glance. "I won't", her boldness amazed even herself still still she went on, "this is our honeymoon. I don't want to leave you to sulk". He laughed softly while holding bottle in his hand, "Really? I never knew. Thanks for informing me that we are in our HONEYMOON". Mehek didn't like the way he mocked her. While she was trying to make an effort to pacify him, he behaved like a spoiled child. Her temper rose when he failed to understand her side. In heat of the moment, she snatched the bottle away from him and drank wine from it.

Shaurya was aghast, "I thought you didn't drink". Mehek wiped red liquid from her lips and smirked, "Guess what? I lied. Infact, I love red wine". "Enough. You won't be able to handle more", he forbid her to drink further and pulled the bottle back. Mehek felt saddened and pouted, "I am sorry, Shaurya. I got conscious since we were in open. It's nothing else. Can't you see that I am trying too", she tried to explain. "Ofcourse I can see that you are TRYING", he told for sake of it, "Fine, you told your side and I get it. Now go away". It was evident that Shaurya stayed annoyed with Mehek. "Please, don't be mad. Can't you forgive me?", she appealed. A wicked idea popped into his mind. "I can consider your apology but not let you scotfree. There will be punishment", he told plainly. She nodded and eagerly waited for her sentence. "Strip", he ordered. Mehek wondered whether she heard it right. "Are you deaf? I said STRIP and get in the tub with me", he clarified that she didn't hear it wrong.

"We are cocooned in privacy of our bathroom, Mehek. What's your reason now? Still trying?", he taunted her, "stop making bold claims when you are not upto it". He turned his face away from her in dismay. He already knew it was a long shot to count on her. He expected her to flee. So he closed his eyes to relax but sudden sound of zipper woke him up. Although she was behind him, the spotless polished wall of tiles before him mirrored Mehek's silhouette. She had undid her kurta and pulled it over her head. Vaguely he could make out her skin coloured bra and wondered whether she will boldly strip as he had demanded. He was skeptical but his doubts were in vain when he saw her hands untying her salwaar pants. He looked away when it pooled at her feet. It was supposed to be her punishment yet to his dismay his body was being tortured.

Mehek's hands shivered while trying to reach hooks of her bra. Alcohol made her feel brave and less shy yet it was not an easy task. She knew he wasn't looking but soon she will have to get closer to him. Being naked beside her husband was not easy for her. As if sensing her distress, he decided to give her a bit of comfort. Mehek watched him curiously as he took the satin ribbon tied around the wine bottle. He blindfolded himself with it. "Relax, Mehek. I am not looking", he spoke gently but with wickedness . She blushed and slowly walked towards the tub. She tested the water with her toes and carefully entered the tub all the while keeping an eye of Shaurya to ensure that he is not peeking.

Shaurya expected Mehek to pick farther end of the tub. With less contact and facing him. But she surprised him when she sat amidst his legs with her back towards him. Mehek relaxed when bubbled & scented warm water covered till her chin. His hands touched her body and drew relaxing patterns on her skin. "I asked you to strip, Baby", he reminded her, "Why are these still attached to you?", he teased as she was still had her bra and panties. Despite being blindfolded, he could feel her biting her lips in embarrassment. He didn't push her further with his taunts but softly rubbed her back, "Anyways,it's nothing that I haven't seen before". 

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