Chapter 16

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                         Mehek waved at Mohit who turned back from the departure gate. He gave a sweet smile to her and Sonal. Mehek was sad due to his travel yet happy for her brother's achievement. Mohit had qualified for a scholarship program. He could work oversees and also complete his final year simultaneously. Chances are very high that at the end of tenure, he will be offered a full time job there. Only very few students were chosen every year and more than merit most of the time recommendations & connections worked the required charm. So it was a surprise that Mohit got selected.

Mohit had cleverly avoided his family coming to airport. He lied to his family that he didnt want a tearful dramatic farewell. It made it easy for Mehek to see him before he left. "You should be proud of him", Shaurya consoled her when she sat in the car after Mohit's flight took off. She nodded, trying to wipe her tears while he drove off. 'So long brother-in-law. Get busy in your studies and stop poking your nose in our lives', he mused. Sonal squeezed Mehek's hand while they found comfort in each other. Before leaving, Mohit had specially asked Sonal to take care of his Di. He was still not confident with Khanna family although Sonal was sure that Shaurya is best for Mehek.

Mehek was delighted while getting back and handling her catering business. It's been a week since she joined back with Sonal. On her first day, Shaurya insisted to drop her at her tiny office. Despite the humble surroundings, he took pain to visit her office and meet her staffs. Not even for a moment, he acted snobbish but looked proud of Mehek. Her swelled with warmth by his affectionate deed.

It's been 2 weeks since their scandalous marriage. Mohit had found out that Nehal was chosen for movie as heroine and she moved to Mumbai with the film crew. Nehal never tried to contact anyone from Sharma family. Mehek couldn't claim that things have turned for better at Khanna mansion. Karuna Ma remained upset with her and obviously most of the staff was aloof from her. Awara and Dilruba tried to make feel at home. Yet now & them Karuna pricked her with painful taunts.

Then there is Shaurya, her husband. He continued to be a riddle. He always treated her respectfully and was considerate. She wondered why he chose to bound to her while she is a complete misfit for him. She still felt so diffident in his presence. Her guilt, puzzlement, fear and inferiority complex prevented her to open up to him. She tried to remain friends with him but knew that soon he may wish to take it to next level. But for Mehek it was not an easy step. 

Mehek had shared her turmoil with Sonal but she brushed it aside. Sonal was sure that Shaurya is a good man who cares for Mehek. She consoled Mehek that in due time things will fall into place and she need not stress about it. Mehek sighed and prayed for strength. She was not in a position to decipher her feelings for Shaurya but in short time he earned her respect and trust.

Mehek had just returned from work when Karuna confronted her with a stoic face. Shaurya was yet to arrive from office. Mehek trembled in her presence and wished her politely. "Few guests are expected for evening", she informed Mehek, "So wear a good saree; simple but elegant. And behave properly. I won't tolerate any mistakes". Mehek nodded nervously and walked towards her room. Dilruba was waiting for her and had already selected one of the designer sarees from the wardrobe and helped her with suitable accessories. "Shaurya Sir's Dadi (paternal grandmother) is expected to arrive. She was unwell and couldn't attend your marriage", Dilruba helped to clear the air. "I never knew that Shaurya has a grandmother", Mehek was surprised at her ignorance. "She lives in village and a bit peculiar. Karuna Ma'am and Dadiji are typical Saas-Bahu combination", Dilruba spoke with a giggle. Mehek too smiled a little, wondering whether indeed history repeats itself.

An elegant old woman, dressed up in traditional wear and exquisite jewelry, walked confidently into Khanna mansion. Age had taken toll on her but she was still classy and poised even with a walking stick. Mehek sat quietly with veil covering her face. She was nervous when the old lady lifted her veil to see her face. "Lovely!", her cheerful voice warded off Mehek's fears. She gave heavy gold bangle with intricate design as gift for Mehek. Karuna smirked at the sweet gesture of Dadi as if Mehek didn't deserve any of it. Soon Mehek felt low again. She bend down to touch her feet but Dadi forbid and embraced her. 

"Hello Bhabhi. I am Vikram Khanna, Shaurya's cousin. But you can call me Vicky", a charming young man introduced himself. Mehek smiled at him amicably while he went and embraced Karuna, "More like black sheep of family". "Lazy Bones", Karuna spat at him but affectionately, "How many time I have asked you to join Shaurya?". "Business is not my cup of tea, Aunty. I am happy with my art and managing our ancestral properties in village", Vicky replied playfully.  Karuna pulled his nose. It pained Mehek that Karuna Ma's wrath was just reserved for her. She wished her mother-in-law will treat her with affection.

"Dadi!", a screeching sound startled Mehek. Shaurya ran towards his Dadi and hugged her tightly. He quickly began his childish banter with old woman. Mehek couldn't believe that he is the same mighty business man who doesn't even spare a word carelessly. For the first time, Mehek saw a child in Shaurya. It was refreshing and easily acceptable for her. "Handsome, you got lucky to have a pretty wife. how are you going to treat your granny?", she asked playfully. "How about I ask my Laddoo to serve you the world's best tea?", he offered and Mehek got up to prepare tea. But Dadi stopped her, "Tea? At this time? No way. I want champagne". "Dadi, you just got well", Vicky spoke with concern. "True but it is my right to celebrate my Shaurie's marriage", she declared. "Anything for my Dadi", Shaurya declared and asked Awara to bring the best champagne.

Shaurya elegantly poped the champagne cork and served it to everyone. Mehek watched them all enjoy and wished that they will remain like this for long. "Mehek, why aren't you drinking?", Dadi asked out of care. "I don't drink alcohol", she replied politely. "Champagne is harmless. You can take few sips", Dadi extended her an untouched glass. Still Mehek remained skeptical and shied away from accepting the champagne flute. "Let it be, Ma", Karuna interfered, "She is not used to it and may fall sick. Probably none in her family may have even seen such expensive drink or even a good quality champagne flute", she taunted Mehek. She managed to prick Mehek again. Her joyous mood dampened and she quickly excused herself to escape.

Shaurya didn't like that way Karuna taunted Mehek yet he didn't wanted to create a scene by scolding his mother infront of Dadi and Vicky. He wanted to pursue Mehek but he stayed back as he didn't want to disrespect his grandmother. Vicky looked uneasy, possibly becaouse he had never seen Karuna so rude. "That was uncalled, Karuna", Dadi scolded her and turn to Shaurya, "Why are you still here? Go to Mehek and ensure that she is okay". Her words were enough for Shaurya to leave. 

"Care to explain yourself, my dear Daughter-in-law", Dadi was stern with Karuna. "You don't know anything", Karuna shook her head in dismay. "I know everything, Karuna. Words spread faster. Why do you think I rushed my visit?", Dadi replied her. Karuna gasped in surprise but she let Dadi continue. "Mehek is a good girl. Pretty, cultured and soft-spoken. It's better you accept her", Dadi advised. "She is a low class illiterate tramp who tricked us", Karuna spoke vehemently. "She seems to be harmless. I have seen enough life to judge people", Dadi advised again. Karuna got disturbed and sat sadly shaking her head. Vicky excused himself as he knew he could do little to pacify the scene. He thought perhaps he should try to have tete-a-tete with his Bhabi and try to cheer her.

Dadi kept a consoling hand on Karuna's shoulder, "When Harish expressed his wish to marry you, I was really disappointed. You were modern and worldly while I preferred to have a simple & homely daughter-in-law. But his love for you, made me change my opinion. He was content in his family life". Tears welled in Karuna's eyes, "Love, only love matters, Ma. Shaurya was in love with Nehal. He was so eager to spend his life with her and readily agreed to the proposal. It's heart wrecking that he has to spend rest of his life in loveless marriage with a cheap woman". Dadi looked at her intently. She agreed that Karuna was not wrong. But somehow Dadi felt that Karuna is prejudiced and unable to see what her aged eyes saw. Her grandson seemed to care for his new bride or even started to like her a lot. Maybe a little push is required to bring them together. Dadi was sure that Karuna's anger will melt, once Shaurya is happily settled with Mehek. When Mehek bears her grandchildren, Karuna won't be able to stay mad at her for long. History indeed repeats itself.

Mehek stood beside the window and gazed at the star studded sky. She was sad and agitated. It was unfair that even momentary happiness was not granted in her favour. She got startled when a pair of hands embraced her from behind.

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