(FTO) A Brothers Care part 2

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(Starting off from when the battle started)

Brandon's Pov

Chaos, that's what i will call what happened after Ritchie shot lightning at the dark guild. Everyone started attacking, or defending when one of our own went down. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Bryan had taken a hit for Jakey, and was about to go help, when I myself was struck. Pain coursed through my side and i couldn't hold back a yelp falling to the ground, "Brandon!" I hear my brother yell. A shadow passes over me, and I look up to see my brother standing in front of me, he takes a look around and I do as well. 'Ritchie, and Micheal are the only ones still standing, how!?' I think worriedly, I know there is no way I'm getting back up. "Micheal shoot some shadows at me!" my brother yells to Micheal, my eyes snap to Ritchie's back horrified at what he just said, "Just do it i have a plan!" he yells to Micheal once more. My head shoots to Micheal and see him gather shadows and shoot them toward Ritchie. As the shadows reach Ritchie, he opens his mouth and eats them!? my eyes grow wider as i see shadows start to trail off my brother. He looks to be in pain then he shouts "DEVIL SLAYER SHADOW TEMPEST STORM!" black lightning strikes the dark guild causing those who are conscious to become paralyzed unable to flee, and knocking them out. When the magic dies down my brother sways dangerously and I jump up, despite my pain, and catch him. "Ritchie!? Please Ritchie! Answer me! Are you all right!?" He just stares at me until his eyes close and I know he has passed out.

(Time skip to everyone is healed and awake)

'Everyone else is awake and healed, but my brother still hasn't woken up' i think as i pace the Protectors infirmary. "Groan" my head snaps up to look at my brother and i see him moving in his sleep, I rush to his side. "Ritchie?" I call out worried, i place my right hand on his arm, while my left goes to brush some hair away from his eyes. My eyes widen as I feel the heat coming off his body, fully placing my hand on his forehead i feel he has developed a fever. Knowing full well what happens when we eat a magic that wasn't our own, I knew this was coming but it still doesn't make me feel any better. I stand up and walk to the door, opening it i see Lo'pho standing there about to knock i give him a small smile and ask "May I get a bowl of cool water and a towel my brother has a fever and i need to cool him down." Lo'pho nods and goes to get it. I sigh and walk back over to my brother, pulling up the chair that was placed there for me, i sit down and grab my brother's hand and give it a gentle squeeze. Lo'pho comes back with what I asked and he seems to have gathered a train of my own guild members, all with worried expressions. I smile at their care, and say "He will be alright, he just needs some time for his body to fully digest the shadow magic he consumed." Mario nods in understanding, while the rest of the guild looks a little lost but relieved that Ritchie will be okay. I shoo them out, saying "Mario you explain the whole eating magic thing, while I take care of my brother." He nods and the guild leaves, I turn back to my brother with a smile on my face, soaking the towel and dabbing it on Ritchie's face, i whisper out "We did good brother, the guild has become such a good place for us and we are all happy." He smiles in his fevered sleep, and I continue to take care of him for the rest of the night.

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