X Reader

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(sorry for not updating I have been busy since Thursday of last week but here is the much waited X Reader and the last chapter of this book, go check out my next book for more chapters and stories)

Reader POV

I had just finished watching the newest episode of Origin Z, from -insert favorite's- point of view. It was really good, but I really wish that they'd made more of the other series. Call me silly but I always believed that the characters each continue to live their lives, even if no one is watching them. I get up to use the bathroom, once my business is finished I head to the kitchen to find a snack, I find (insert favorite snack) and I eat it, day-dreaming about writing fanfiction as I do. I get back to my computer and sit back down ready to write the fanfic I dreamt up, I pull up youtube and prepare to type in a song I like, when a new notification from both Ritchie's and Brandon's channels, curious I click on Ritchie's channel. A blank video is what I see, no title, no background, not time limit just blank, I open Brandon's channel in another tab and look at it as well, blank again. Surprised, curious, worried, and slightly scared, I open both blanks in a new tab. I click on them, shrink them, and place them side by side. Silence for about 10 seconds then "Entering, Fan Number 40,944. Enjoy." Then a flash of light, I slam my eyes shut because it hurts, I feel a tug on my body and then I know nothing.

When next I am aware, I hear voices, "Are you sure he/she is alright?" from a male, and and another male speaks "Yes, I'm sure. I told you that the spell would only send someone to help us get out of here." Both of their voices sound familiar, but I can't place them, so I open my eyes with a groan. "See! What'd I tell ya, they're fine, and I mean that in more ways than one." a smack is heard and a yelp of pain, then a albino haired male is in my vision "Are you alright miss/mister?" he asks and my eyes go wide. "B-BRANDON DIABLOUS!" I shout and shoot up into a sitting position, scooting back slightly away from him. His own eyes widen "How do you know my name!?" he asks surprised, "I told you! She/he is going to know who we are! The spell said it'd send someone who knows of our adventures, and troubles! Meaning they know our names!" the other male says walking into my vision, "I'm glad it was you beautiful/handsome." I choke on my air and whisper "Lust Ritchie!?" He nods and I just blink, probably going into shock. Brandon sighs and begins to explain what's going on, "We woke up here with only a message on a scroll, it said you'll go home to your family and friends if you can cast the spell. I then went on into demonic which I'm not all that fluent in despite being a devil slayer." SDS Ritchie speaks up "Luckily I do, thanks to my Cap, the munchkin that he is. So I read what the spell dies and yadda, yadda, and bam your here now. And can I just say the spell chose right cause mhm you are one fine looking woman/man." I blush hard and turn my face away, "uh thank you....I guess." then I realize who I'm talking to, "Wait, what about you letting your demon control you, and you went to.....Maria? The love of your life?" I ask. The both smile sheepishly, and both supply their answers, "I tried to get back control from my demon by saying that I knew there was a power source here and well now I'm here." "Maria, as you called her, was actually a witch and wanted to get rid of the sins, so she sent me here." I hum in understanding, then Brandon asks "So what's your name and how'd you end up here?" I shrug before answering "I'm Y/N, I'm a fan, and i was planning to write fanfiction, but i like to listen to music so i opened Youtube and saw that Ritchie and Brandon had new videos up so i looked, flash of light and bam here i am." They both stare at me confused, so I begin to explain Youtube, why i said their names and videos. They both smile and nod understanding "So you like these supposed people who voice and move us. So in turn you follow our lives because you watch these videos they make of our lives?" Ritchie asks clarifying what i said, I nod and they both turn to look at each other and shrug, "It's not the weirdest thing i've heard." Brandon says. I realize I was brought here for a reason so i ask "How do i help get you two home?" They both smile at me and we begin preparations.

(timeskip [insert time period] CAUSE I CAN)

It had been (insert time frame) since i got here and i've spent it with Brandon and Ritchie each, so much i think i've fallen in love with them both, but i know i can't have them. First off we're all from different worlds. Second there is no way they'd be okay with a threesome....well Ritchie maybe but not Brandon. Lastly i'm not worthy of their love, they're both so cool, while I'm just me. I watch them finish up the last bit of the spell and then they'll be able to go home, same with me, and i let out a small smile and a tear falls from my eye.

"Alright i think that's all of it." Ritchie says stepping back, "I hope so, i do miss my brother and my guildmates." Brandon says also stepping back, I wipe my tear away and walk over to them. "So we good to go?" I ask and they nod. I pick up the parchment and ask "ready?" they both shake their heads and i give them a confused look "why not?" I ask. They look at each other then back to me "I like you!" they say in-sync and i freeze, then i begin to cry "i like you both too." they envelope me in a hug and I return the hug. I feel hands lift my chin and i look into both of their eyes, Blue and Green, and they both lean down and kiss me, i kiss back happily. The parchment in my hand glows bright, bruning my hand i gasp and leap back, dropping the paper, it floats into the air and a light flashes and all is black.

I groan as i sit up, in a bed i do not recognize, from my left and right there is also a groan and i turn to look one way then the other, seeing both of my lovers on each side of me. They sit up and look around before eyes landing on me and jumping onto the bed i'm on, and cuddling up to me. I smile and bask in their warmth, then a throat is cleared and we look over and i'm greeted with FTO Ritchie, SDS Michael, and FTO Michael, standing there watching us amused expressions on their faces. Brandon and Ritchie leap off the bed and into their friend's/brother's arms in a hug. I smile softly then i feel a pull on my head and i sigh sadly and whisper "goodbye you two." then a flash of light and i'm back on my bed, the blank videos are gone and no time has passed, i smile and whisper "i'll forever watch you two, keep up the good work." Then I pick a song and begin my next fanfiction.

From outside pov of the lovers

The group blinks confused then shrug not sure why they were in the infirmary. They all walk out and to their respective lovers or children, FTO Ritchie and Michael went to talk to their children, Brandon went to find Lucas and his daughter, SDS Ritchie and Michael went back to their home, because Ritchie was wanting to have some fun with Michael. Their memory of Y/N lost in time, and never to be remembered.

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