(FTO) Accidental Magic

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(Request from Ashl0390, hope you like)

Brandon's pov

Ever since we learned of the other worlds we've been visiting each others worlds to our delight, I am not to fond of my counterpart form Camp Oasis, but that's only because he reminds me of what I used to be. Right now the dimension of the Supernaturals are visiting, the reason was because the wizard Pat needed a special plant that only grew on our island, apparently. Mario of our dimension was hanging out with the Bryan's, the Protectors were here as well, pretty sure because of our Bryan, David was messing with his ice, Inmo (Someone corrected me on the spelling of his name not sure if i even got it right this time) was running from Imp, and his little minions Dat and Dot (is that right? I don't watch David's pov), my brother was speaking with the Alpha of Packhaven, while the rest of his pack was milling about, Boat/Lucas was bending water to entertain Little Atlas who Bryan of Packhaven had brought along.

"Ha, ha i did it, now to add the, whoa!" Pat says as he is bumped into by Inmo. I watch as the potion goes flying and lands on Lucas "wha!?" he shouts, then a flash of light and he's the size of Kay, with blue wolf ears and a tail, and.......wings? The werewolves freeze at the new scent of a werewolf, and turn to look at Lucas "Oh My Devil! He's So Cute!" Bryan from the Supernatural world cries out Lucas looks at himself surprised, The alpha yells at Pat "What did you do!? I thought that was supposed to be a potion for fighting off wild creatures that are attracted to magic for your house!" Pat is panicking as he replies "Th-that's what i-it supposed to d-do b-b-but it didn't ha-have the last in-ingredient!" I nod to my brother and he places a hand on the Alpha's shoulder, while i go calm Pat, "It's all right breath, we'll figure this out." He calms and the Alpha is calm as well, so i walk over to Lucas and ask "Are you alright?" he blinks up at me then looks to himself, then back at me "Other than being as tall as Kay, and my pride being slightly damaged, i'm good." I nod, and proceed to pick him up turning to my brother i give him a twin thought 'I'm going to make sure he stays okay you get the antidote made.' he nods and I walk out with Lucas in my arms.

I take him to my personal favorite place on the island, a little cliff behind the old guild hall where the sea can spray you but the sun dries you almost instantly. He looks at his tail and wings over and over again, as well as reaching up to feel his ears, I sigh and place my hand on his head, he freezes "Uh Brandon? What are you-" he begins but stops as i start to pet him. He looks happy which i smile at, we sit there for a couple of minutes in silence me petting him and him sitting content and relaxed. Then I stop and he looks at me hurt, I chuckle then say "Let's see if you can fly with those wings." pointing to his new wings, he nods, stands up and starts to flap them ever so slightly, he flaps a little harder and soon he's off the ground, I join him in the air with my magic and we start to fly around the island. He touches my arm and yells "Tag!" and so we begin our midair tag game, we play for hours before collapsing on the roof of my house, both of us panting exhausted, "That was fun, now i see why you like to fly so much." he says to me I smile and sit up saying "Well if i'm being honest i always did prefer the water." he says "Really? Never pegged you as to like water" as he sits up.

The sun starts to set and we watch it go down he leans against me and I, in turn, bring him closer, when the stars are out, we still sit there watching. Then I see a shooting star, more follow after and i say "Make a wish." he closes his eyes as do I 'I wish to be like this with Lucas forever' is what I wish for. I open my eyes and look at him, he opens his eyes and looks back at me, we slowly lean in until our lips meet. When we pull back he whispers "My wish came true." I give him a -what are you talking about- look he smiles and says "I wished for my crush to kiss me, and he did." I blush and whisper "my wish was to stay like this with you forever." he then blushes and snuggles closer to me.

Im awoken to my brother shaking me, "Brother the antidote is ready." I nod and sit up, waking Lucas in the process, "Who-huh-what?" I roll my eyes with a smile and say "Ritchie just came to tell us that the antidote is ready "Oh, okay." he says sitting up, then standing and stretching. He gives me a playful grin "Last one there is a rotten egg." he says fluttering his wings "Oh you're so on." I state, gathering my magic. He grins and we both shoot off toward the guild hall, "Come on, I clearly won." Lucas says grumpily, "In your dreams that race went to me." I say back, "you're both wrong it was a tie." my brother states with an eye roll. We glare at him then we see each other and begin to laugh, "Uh? Did that potion do more that just turn rain drop into a small winged werewolf?" David asks quietly, to which he gets a glare from Bryan of Packhaven. Pat comes over and hands Lucas the antidote "Here you go, drink this and you'll be back to normal." Lucas drinks it and in a flash of light is returned to normal. I then grab and kiss him on the lips, he squeaks then relaxes and kisses me in return. "WOOT!" our Bryan and Mario yell, and Jazmena whispers something, but I don't really hear what, though I'm to happy being with Lucas to care.

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