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Lucas pov

Everyone was hanging out at Ashbourne, reasons? well Atlas got into some potions and is now a bean lookalike. I can see that Brandon is really trying not to take him, and i find the both of them adorable. Micheal and Rian are panicked arguing with everyone, Bryan is searching book after book to see if there's an ancient relic to reverse the potion, and Esperanza is playing with Bean Atlas and Spore. I feel a cramp in my stomach then wetness between my legs, I freeze, "uh? Guys?" I ask quietly afraid to move, no one hears me, "Brandon? I, uh, think my water just broke." Brandon has joined the arguing, and doesn't hear me, the only ones who do are the children because they turn to look at me. Angry, I shout "OH FOR THE LOVE OF TOFFEE! I GET YOU ALL ARE WORRIED BUT I THINK MY WATER JUST BROKE!" everyone freezes and turns to look at me, Brandon rushes to my side, as does Mario, and Rian, they all take me to the infirmary house that's been set up, and get me comfortable, I don't feel any pain until after I'm comfortable on a bed. "GRAH!" I shout in pain and the three help me, Brandon grabs my hand so I can squeeze it, Mario and Rian help with my birthing. I don't remember much except for the pain, and the soft whispers of Brandon, telling me I was doing a good job, that I was almost done on loop. Finally when the pain stops, i can see that the two werewolves are helping clean off a little baby boy, the baby is handed to me, and I can't help but cry "He's beautiful." I whisper to which the baby opens his eyes, they're multicolored, one read and one green, "Hi there baby, i'm your mommy." I say and the baby blinks at me then reaches for me, smile on his little face. "What name did you come up with?" I ask Brandon, he blinks then says "Castiel." I nod, turning back to the baby "Castiel, that's your name little one." and he laughs.

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