Final (Final)

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(Ty to Ashl0390, for helping me with this idea)

Outside Villain pov

"We strike tomorrow bright and early." Lucan says angrily, "Agreed, they took one of our own we will take them all." Maxwell agrees just as angry "I will stand by you m'lords." Eden agrees with the two.

Outside Hero pov

The worlds are all hanging out, having a celebration for Chie, since it's his birthday. A portal opens and they go on the defensive only to have four men get shot out each with similar appearance to 4 certain counterparts. "Ugh my head." says the one who looks like the Ritchie's "Are you okay?" asks the one who looks like the Michael's, helping the Ritchie one to stand -SNORE- and the one who looks like the David's looks to the one still on the ground and yells "SERIOUSLY!? I GET YOU'RE THE SIN OF SLOTH BUT SERIOUSLY!?" the first two roll their eyes "Yes -yawn- seriously, i'm tired." says the last one, who looks like the Brandon's, standing up. All the worlds are silent until the Ritchie's lookalike says "Hello. I'm Ritchie, sin of Lust. This is my demonic mate Michael, sin of Wrath. The tall dude is David, sin of Pride, and sleeping beauty, who's again on the ground, Brandon get up," -groan- "is Brandon the sin of Sloth. We're part of the seven deadly sins." no one says anything until "HA! HA! HA!" the David counterparts start laughing. "OH GOOD GODS!" cries out Troublemaker, as he is bent over he's laughing so hard, "BY SATAN-SAMA'S POWER!" cries out Imp, as he is on the ground slamming a fist into the ground, "BY MY STRIPPING HABIT!" cries out Icicle, as he has his head thrown back in a hard laugh.

Everyone is lost as to why they are laughing until Troublemaker says "I knew Ritchie had a dirty mind but to be actually called the sin of lust!? Priceless!" the Ritchie counterparts start blushing. There's a noise, then shouts of "WHEE's!" and yelps of surprise are heard above us, we all look up and see 1 2 3 4 5.....19 people, a large snake, and our mini-selves, drop from the sky they land on their feet with no damage three of the people ask in sync "Where are we?" five of the group say in sync "We're-" but don't get to finish because the parents of the dimensions all call out "KIDS!?" the 19 people all turn to the worlds and the 9 young kids all tear up "MOM! DAD!" they all shout and run to their respective parents.

"ATLAS!" Rian and Scythe shout with joy picking up their son, "ESPERANZA!" Hunter and Jackson yell picking up their daughter happy she's back. "RICHEAL!" Chie and Ritchie (just realized I never gave him a name -_-) shout is sync hugging their son, "LILLIANE!" Wind and Sea-spray call with relief bringing their daughter in for a tender hug. "MALACHI! RAINA!" Lightning and Shade let tears fall as they hug their twin children, "CASTIEL!" Pam shouts while Toffee just falls to his knees as they hug their son. "MARIE!" Viper and Trigger-finger shout and gather her in their arms, "MATTEA!" Flame and Time shout, Flame turns into a dragon he's so happy while Time accidently freezes a couple people in time.

"THE MINI'S ARE BACK!" Maxwell yells appearing out of nowhere, the mini's all pull out weapons, they're bigger than they are, in fact Mini-Lucas almost falls over with the giant sword he's wielding "Oh sweet! Revenge and mini-versions of our lovers all in one go? I like that." Lucan says appearing next to Maxwell, "Well i must say this'll be fun." Eden says popping up behind the two. The Battle commences the Mini's, the Sin's, the Demigod's, the Mage's, the Supernatural's, the SCP's, the Animatronics, and the Guardians, all fight the three villains, Pierre and the three newcomers (Orion, Kyle, and Emmie) all take the kids and hide in the guildhall, still watching but hiding. Illusions, and Shade team up and take down Eden quickly while everyone else takes on the two terrors, Shade rips Eden's soul from his body letting Illusion reclaim his magic and is once again stronger. As soon as Lucan and Maxwell see Eden is gone, they growl and go ballistic they knock everybody back "WE WERE HOLDING BACK BEFORE! NO MORE!" the two re-fuse and there stands Alea "Finally out and about. Free to use my own power as I please." she then begins to attack over and over again, every single person, knocking them back, injuring them, knocking them out, all while laughing. Four sets of eyes meet and nod to one another four individuals who are undamaged rush at each other and then there stands two more females. 

The first female is pale skinned with bags under her eyes, bright blue eyes, ragged brown hair a single purple streak, a smirk in place, black and blue outfit, scythe in hand, "I am Azora." the female calls out. The second female is a few tones darker but still pale skin, bright shining eyes one eye red the other blue, straight blond and albino hair no streak of color, a smirk with a fang sticking out, red-ish-brown jacket and a gray-ish-black shirt underneath, yellow-ish-brown pants, white and red wings on her back, a scythe in had as well "I am Naomi." the second female calls out as well. The three females battle it out each getting many hits on each other but then Naomi falters, and Alea strikes knocking her back and out Azora grows angry and releases her magic the twin gods that the two who fused together had break free and attack Alea with shadows and water, Alea breaks apart into her two halves, Azora raises her weapon and stops then glares at the two males "This is for all that you have done but mainly for making my lover's to cry." the scythe is swung down and the two have their souls ripped out of their bodies, before Azora can destroy them a protection shield surrounds them "I'd like to take them to my domain." Naomi speaks holding out her hand magic on her finger tips, Azora nods and the two women un-fuse leaving four very confused people. "It actually worked!?" Pam shouts surprised "Told you angel. Never doubt me." Scythe says holding the souls in magic "I honestly thought we'd kill everybody." Sea-spray says turning to look at his friend "I thought that too, i mean two god slayers in one body!? Yeah sure sign for doom." Shade says the four lovers rush to their side "That was amazing!" Rian says hugging Scythe "Are you alright?" Toffee asks Pam, checking for injuries. "That was so hot." Lightning says kissing Shade, "Don't do something that stupid ever again." Wind says leaning his forehead against Sea-spray's forehead.

There's a flash of light and a new female no one has ever seen before stands in front of everybody, she has a duck bill, funky blue hair, yellow wings, and has two guns in hand "Good Job. You defeated The Darkness." no one speaks "Name's Duck Queen, I'm another Guardian, A.J. sent me to check up on all of you." still all are silent and the duck-billed girl rolls her eye "Y'all are so boring I don't know how anyone can watch/read this stuff." No one speaks still, and she sighs "Well then, imma supposed to say this." clears her throat "By order of the Guardians i am allowed to give you the option of going home and returning to be seperate worlds with access to each other still or you may become one world, the choice is up to you all. You have before the sun rises to say your answer." she pretends to gag "Man i hate the formal stuff, anyway once the sun rises you choose if you don't then i'll go get the Bean Protectors to choose. Also......" she waves her hand and the Mini's and the Sin's vanish. "There, back where they belong. As i was saying choose or have someone else choose for you. I'll be back at sunrise! PEACE!" she jumps and flies off.

(All you lovely reader's get to be the choosers of what the outcome will me

1 for seperate but still be in contact (meaning going back to normal names and honestly i prefer this option but not going to take the fun away from voting)

2 for them staying together as one big dimension (meaning the four worlds will collide and become one, and everyone will think that the dimensions never were different, well all except those who participated in this whole spectacular thing)

also my guardians, Orion, Kyle and Emmie, will all be joining this book, and The Children, will be put as complete T-T no one found it as interseting as i thought they would.

Peace out my lovely readers)

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