(FTO) Can Love be Darker than Shadows?

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Michael pov

I was expecting a normal day when I registered that I stayed up all night long /again\. Nope. Bren comes in not 5 minutes later saying it was the Diabols Twins birthday and we were getting together at the Protectors Guild for a party. My first thought was 'It's the twins birthday, why didn't Ritchie say anything about it?' then it was 'It's Ritchie's birthday and I don't have anything for a present.' so I rushed out of the guild hall to go look for a present. I found something in time luckily, two little metal arm bands with different shapes molded into the bands, a lightning bolt and a cloud, I thought them perfect for the twins, so I got them immediately, and quickly wrapped them once I got back to Grimshade's guild hall. Then we were at the Protectors Guild hall, before I knew it, I walked up to the twins and started banter with Ritchie, noticing that Brandon smile and walking away, but not giving it much thought. It was going fine until a man in a cloak appeared and made some threats, challenged Ritchie to see if he could keep up with his speed magic, then he powered up his sword and time seemed to slow. I watched the man threw the weapon, then Ritchie was jumping in front of me and my eyes widened as I watched the blade impenetrate Ritchie's chest, he started to scream and lost control of his magic, lightning was everywhere and everyone was dodging it. His magic abruptly cut off and he fell limp, I rushed to him only to be met with a gruesome sight, blood everywhere, tears streaking his cheeks, his hair disheveled as if he had been electrocuted, and his eyes /oh gods! His eyes\ blank without a spark, Brandon /when did he get this close\ and myself tried to keep him awake but his eyes shut and he was out cold.

That happened two hours ago, Brandon won't stop pacing, all of the healers of every guild are in the infirmary trying to keep Ritchie alive, the rest of the guilds are all comforting the ones who need comforting, for various reasons. Kay and Bryan are helping Mario, Kit, and Jakey, Bjorn is helping Innmo, David and Boat are in shocked silence Colin is trying to help /though it's not much help\, and Bren is helping me. "Boss, you're still shaking." I look to my hands and they are in fact shaking "What am I going to do Bren? He's...." i start, but can't finish "I know boss, he's your wife's reincarnation, you've told me." he says placing a hand on my shoulder. "I can't lose them again Bren. I just can't." tears prick my eyes, someone walks over, "He's your what?" I look up, to see Boat, "my reincarnated wife." I say he stands there staring at me "it's not exactly reincarnation it was her magic." I clarify. He still stares at me, I turn my head to the side "she and I could/can transfer her/my soul into anyone who had died within the past 24 hours and give them new life without having any memories of dying or of who she/I was." I say "so you've had many ^wives^ and ^husbands^ then?" he questions, I nod, to which he throws his hands up walking away muttering under his breath, "I told him he should have tried." I watch him walk away in confusion until Lo'pho steps out of the room catching everyone's attention. "Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" he asks "the good news." Brandon says desperately, "he's going to live." Lo'pho tells us all, "and the bad news?" I ask, Lo'pho looks down and says "His lacrima was shattered, there is a high chance that he won't be able to use magic." we are all in shock, 'No.' I think horrified. "He'll have magic, worry not." a voice says and we all turn to it, only to see a demon? clad in full red armor. "Who-" Brandon starts to ask "Am i?" the demon interrupts "i am Rijin the lightning devil, and your friend beat me in my own domain, so my power is his to command, i merely needed that lacrima gone to give him, his full potential of lightning." we are all silent and he cracks a grin, "well, when he wakes make him consume this, it matters not what way, just needs to get inside his body." he says lifting up a loaf of red bread, lightning dancing around it, he tosses it to me, I catch it, surprised. He salutes us and poof he's gone, i stare at the bread before walking over to Brandon and handing it to him "Here, you'll get him to eat it better than anyone else." he nods and takes the bread, walking into the room to wait for Ritchie to wake, I return to my place by the door and wait as well.

Outside pov

Hours pass, all is quiet, and it would seem that all have fallen asleep. That's not the case with Micheal, he sits by the door watching over the guilds, as well as waiting for Ritchie. The silence is broken by a loud groan, all are roused and turn to the door not a sound made, "Brother?" they hear Brandon call out softly. "B-Brandon?" they hear the pained reply of Richie, a sigh from Brandon "yes brother it's me." another sigh, but this time from Richie, then "Wait what about Michael!?" shuffling noises "Lay back down he is fine, but you are not!" a shuddering breath "You almost died Ritchie." silence "how?" "Lo'pho said your lacrima shattered, and the raw magic added with the sword in your chest almost killed you." silence again. "I'm sorry, i just couldn't-" "Shh, I know Ritchie, I know." and silence resumes. Micheal stands up and knocks on the door, Brandon calls out "who is it?" "Micheal." Mircheal responds "Come in." Brandon says. Micheal opens the door and light shines out into the area from the infirmary, illuminating everyone to be awake and relieved that Ritchie is awake. Micheal goes up to Ritchie and hugs him whispering in his ear "Please don't ever scare me like that again love." Ritchie freezes but then relaxes and whispers back "I'm sorry Micheal." they pull apart but don't break contact. Brandon rolls his eyes and pushes Micheal onto Ritchie lightly, causing them to kiss, they don't break apart but deepen the kiss. Both of them think 'I've been missing out on so much.' thinking of the other.

Ritchie does get better, it takes a few days, be he does get better, his magic is returns stronger than ever and Micheal stays by his side through this entire time helping him to be the guild leader he once was as well as so much more.

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