(SCP) SCP 123 "The One You Can't See"

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Mario pov

We just reunited with Bryan and Kay-bear, thank goodness, I was worried that Bryan would have gotten the two of them killed, and since im the only immortal guy here..... "What level are we on now Xylo?" I ask the scientist turned bear. "Eh this isn't much of a level as it is a SCP therapist." I see Bryan tense up in the corner of my eye but choose to ignore it for the better question "Therapist?" "Well, yeah everyone needs to rant to somebody, this SCP just so happens to be the one who will always listen." Xylo answers. "Well they don't seem dangerous." Kay says "That's because he isn't" Bryan says quietly, "Wait, Him?" I ask turning to Bryan, he looks frightened for a moment, but it's gone before I can question him, then says "Yeah. Him. This was the level I used to be on before I went to the flower level, where you guys found me." "Well no wonder you have no clue about half of these SCP's" Xylo says. "This is the least dangerous SCP out there." "Even against, me!?" I say in disbelief "Yep, the SCP literally does nothing but listens to everything going on around him and then gives feedback on the problems." "What's he even called?" Kay asks "SCP 123 The One You Can't See." Xylo informs us. "Wait why is he, The One You Can't See?" I ask worried, "Its because no one has seen what he looks like, well actually there was one scientist but they died from another SCP, who sped up time until the person's death. SCP 123 was able to calm that SCP but not before the scientist was killed and SCP 123 was never 'seen' again." We all are silent registering the news, "Welp, let's go." Xylo says as he enters the halls.

Turns out halls is actually only one hall and one room at the end of it, Xylo told us the room was soundproof, per the SCP's wish, not a single conversation within the doors was heard by anyone but who was in the room, "I mean yeah, sure, they were recorded but no one wanted to sit down and watch the lips to see if they could figure out what the speaker was saying. So no conversation left that room." Bryan stares into the room's window sadly, like he new the SCP, "Bryan did you know the SCP?" Kay asks before any of us could, "In a way...." we hear the soft reply of Bryan. He shakes his head and says there's another set of stairs through that door pointing to the door on the other side of the walkway. We start to head towards it, before Kay sees something and runs over to it, "Hey! What's this?" she asks pulling out a laptop. "A laptop?" I question, she shoots me a glare, I think it's a glare she is after all a living teddy bear. "No dummy. This." she says pulling out a USB thingy (I forgot what they're called!) from beside the laptop, "Plug it in and find out!" Xylo says, to which Kay does.

We power on the laptop, there's no password thankfully, and we open the USB files, there's only one. Kay opens it and up pops a video of a female scientist "Hi if you're watching this that means that i have not come back to get this. I'm telling you the secret of SCP 123, he's not what we think he is. he is not in fact invisible as we all thought no he's walking around the Building without anyone watching him. I was able to uncover that his previous scientist Dr. Ivan Films was the one to take him from the hospital where he was born, as an SCP! The SCP was brought here to learn to control his abilities, which I learned were teleportation and dimension hopping. At the age of 10 the SCP was able to get one gift of anything he wanted, the SCP wanted Dr. Ivan to adopt him and that's what he did! So SCP 123 didn't have a name before, sadly I wasn't able to find out his name or what he looked like, but he was able to bend his appearance to be more human cause before he literally was a walking portal looking thing," she shows a picture, then continues on "Be wary becasue after Dr. Ivan died SCP 123 was devastated so he stayed quiet for so long. Then Dr. Maria Reaver (Me) comes out of nowhere and gets him to talk again, i smell something fishy. But besides the point everything is getting out and I don't know why, but I do know that Dr. Reaver is taking SCP 123 somewhere, so he can be 'safe'. Disgusting, that's what i think of the Scientists who treat these SCP's as if they're human when clearly they're not. In fact I-" a fist slams into the screen, cracking it, making us all jump, we turn to Bryan who is the one who punch the screen we see tears down his face, and his fist bloody. "Bryan! Why would you do that!?" Xylo yells at him, "Yeah we needed that she may have been able to tell us some more information about SCP 123!" Kay joins in, i just stare at Bryan, right in his eyes and see the truth "You're SCP 123, aren't you?" I ask both Kay and Xylo go wide eye and their jaws drop. "Yeah.... I am" Bryan says turning his head away, I walk up to him and hug him, he hugs me back "So that means we're all just a bunch of SCPs trying to stop a breakout huh?" Kay asks. "Yep, it would appear so." Xylo answers "Well no matter who, or what, we are or even where we came from we're all in this together." I say pulling back from Bryan, my hands still on his shoulders, he looks up at me tears still falling, but they have taken a galaxy appearance to them and i wipe them away little portals open where they land. Kay looks through one and giggles, "This one is about a guy flirting with three other guys" (Seven Deadly Sins Roleplay from Ritchie, David, Brandon, and Micheal) we all look and see the guy who was flirting, getting knocked off a small cliff. To which we all laugh, then head towards the stairs and leave the floor.

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