458 13 16

Bryan x Jackson baby: Esperanza (which means hope), female

Brandon x Lucas FTO baby: Lilliane, female

Ritchie x Micheal FTO baby(s): Malachi and Raina, boy is older girl is younger

Ritchie x Michael OoO baby: Richeal or Mitchie (gender?)

So 4/5 babies have been fully named as you can see, I will be writing more on them later 

But first I need to fulfil a request for a SNO Brandon and Lucas lemon, from Luninis

So Luninis, do want childs as well? if so same as before need name and gender

Also Monokumafan226, your request will not come until little Esperanza is born so bare with me it is coming but babies must come first.

(P.S I say this with an accent, a weird one, reminds me Dracula from hotel Transylvania, so read with accent, it makes it funnier)

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