(Storybook Saga) Melting Ice

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Bro-lof?(I honestly have no idea who to spell that)/Xylo pov

We were heading to the trolls to heal Kay, like in the actual story, I nearly melted when i went into the Sauna, but you know had a brain blink for a moment and forgot I was made of snow, magic snow but still snow. "Are we almost there?" Kay/Kayana asks, Jakey/Elsen asks hovering over her, "Yes, it's through these woods." Mario/(I forgot who his name in the roleplay) says we all start to head into the woods. About a few minutes after we enter, I notice we're missing someone, "Uh? Where's Jakey?" I ask the other two stop "He should be here there's no part of the story where Jakey has to be Elsen." Kay says shivering, we turn around and head back the way we came, looking for Jakey. We can't find him until I see something blue on the ground out of the corner of my eye, "Jakey?" I ask and the other two turn to me, I point at the blue thing and we all walk over. It is Jakey but he's face first on the ground, not moving, "JAKEY!?" we all shout, Mario grabs him and turns him upright, only to see that he has a red face, and looks awful, "Jakey?" Kay whispers, he blinks and groans "I-I'm not f-feeling so w-well." he whispers before groaning again, he rolls over, out of Mario's arms, onto his hands and knees, and proceeds to puke. "Jakey!" we all call, and all make a grab at him, Mario is able to get him to lean back against him, Kay is at his side feeling his head "He's so warm." Kay whispers, then it hits me "Oh Glob!" I say jaw dropping "What is it Xylo?" Kay asks me "He's made of snow and ice, and we're bringing him to the summer trolls." (in the movie they remind me of summer so shush) i say and they both go wide eyed "You mean to tell me he's melting!?" Mario asks shocked "Maybe? I don't know, it could be that he's just having a side effect of him being here when he's not supposed to be." I say, "Well we can test it." Kay says "How?" Mario asks. Kay picks me up and puts me in Jakey's arms, who lets out a sigh and the red of his face lessens, "There, test conducted, he is melting." Kay says then shivers "Great, just great. So we have a melting Brother and a being frozen to death Sister." I say grumpily form the hug I have found myself in, thanks to Jakey. "Huh? Wha?" Jakey asks slowly waking up, "Morning sleepyhead." I say still in his arms "Uh? Xylo what are you doing?" he asks looking down at me "In your arms? Well it turns out you melt." he blinks "What?" he asks "You got sick because we are going to see the summer trolls when you are winter." Kay explains, "But in the story Elsa didn't have a problem going when she was young." Jakey protests, "That's probably because her powers weren't fully developed, like they were when she was a teen, and since you've taken on teen Elsa....." Mario says with a shrug from behind Jakey. "So? What? I just need to hug Xylo the entire time i'm here?" Jakey asks, Mario and Kay share a look, "No you need to go back to the cold." Kay says placing her hand on Jakey's "Nope, i like being hugged, he's coming." I say and wink at Jakey he gives me a thank you smile. So we continue our journey to finish the story and get home.

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