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WHAT!!!!!!!!!!?????????????? JUST HOW!!!!!????? 


While I have y'all's attention, I need help.

So you all know that Maxwell, Lucan, Eden, and Springtrap have all escaped the might hand of the Bean Protectors and the dimensions well, I need suggestions on how those four get defeated, cause I have no ideas.

I will also take requests if you all don't have suggestions, cause I just love writing, 

but I will NOT be making anymore kids.....we have 9 in the other world, we don't need anymore.

while i'm thinking about it RussiaAmaya did your tablet get fixed? if so have you uploaded the picture of Mattea? If not that's fine i'll just start the story, about the kids, without her appearance. Also TaliClaire and Monokumafan## (I forgot the number......-_-) have asked for a change in their Guardian appearance so I will be uploading those momentarily.

Hope you all have had a good day/night/afternoon/midnight

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