Where Are They?

270 21 22

Outside pov

Night comes, all have decided to camp out in the Dining Room of the guild hall, couples snuggled close together, all but a few are sleeping. Those awake are on watch to see if anything will strike, the breathing of all is the only sound made. Two shadows sneak into the guild hall undetected, both normal men with a medallion around their necks. The two make it to their assigned targets, force them to drink a sleeping potion without waking anyone, pick them up and leave, just as quiet as they came.

Morning rises and two lovers turn over to hug their respective love, only to find their place empty and cold. They think nothing of it at first assuming that their lover had already gotten up, or was on watch, so they take their time waking up. They both bid good morning to each other then get on with their morning, no sign of their lovers throughout the morning, when breakfast is called, they still have seen nothing, so they ask "Has anyone seen our Micheal/Lucas?" in sync. All look around, no one has seen them, panic sets in on the two, the ones with the best noses, werewolves and dragon slayers/dragons offer to sniff them out, the two nod but are only led to their beds, where they slept the night before. A searching spell is used and still nothing can be found "I'll go back in time." FTO Jakey says to which he does, a few minutes pass for them. In a flash of light Jakey is back panic dancing on his face "Jakey?" FTO Bryan asks grabbing hold of FTO Jakey's arm "They're gone!" he cries out, fear courses through the two lovers "What do you mean?" FTO Ritchie and Brandon ask in sync "They were taken! Two people came in and forced them to drink something, then took them away!" FTO Jakey says fearfully. All go silent a dark aura can be felt, the Bryans, Jakeys, and FTO Mario recognize it from when FTO Bryan was taken by their counterparts "Oh, somebody's going to die." FTO Mario says casually, the twins grin, then are gone.

(Meanwhile with Micheal and Lucas) (I keep typing Lucan, lol) (still outside pov)

The two males brought their targets to their leader, "Good work, you two may return to you're Hunt." the female speaks, the two males use their medallions to turn back into the Hunters, and leave her with the prizes. The one with black hair groans, waking up, which in turn wakes up the brown haired one "Morning thieves." the female says with venom in her voice, "Huh? Wha?" the brown haired one says trying to wake up while the one with black hair glares at the female. "Oh don't glare at me like that, I'm just doing what needs to be done to get back what's mine." she says leaning down to be face to face with the two males in front of her, an evil grin on her face. "Who are you?" the black haired male says "Who? Me?" she asks faking innocence then laughs "I'm Alea, Master of the Dark, and you are Micheal and Lucas." she continues booping their noses. They both growl at her and she merely laughs, "Oh don't worry you're just here for bait, so I can get what I want, when I have it you'll die." then she walks off and out the door. The two struggle against their bonds until they here a storm they both look to each other, eyes full of hope, knowing their boyfriends were here to save them.

"MICHEAL!" "LUCAS!" the twins can be heard shouting, and the two yell back "RITCHIE!" "BRANDON!" but they don't come closer, and the two know the room is soundproof. They try to release their magic but the cuffs that bind them cancel magic out, they sigh in annoyance, until the door is opened and in reveal their lovers "MICHEAL!" "LUCAS!" the two shout, grabbing the other two and freeing them. "You found us!" Lucas says happily, "Of course we did. You honestly think we wouldn't?" Brandon asks to which Lucas rolls his eyes and kisses Brandon, same with Micheal and Ritchie. A lugh rings out and collars shout out from the walls and attach to the twins, "wha?" Ritchie asks grabbing the collar, then it squeezes and both brothers grab them trying to remove them, as they slowly suffocate them. Micheal and Lucas try to remove it as well but they're not coming off, Brandon can't use his magic to help them breath because the collar is tightening to fast, they soon fall to the floor, unconscious. Chains shoot from the wall and grab Lucas and Micheal once more dragging them away from their unconscious lovers, "NO!" they both shout, and struggle on their bindings.

The cloaked female, Alea, returns and picks up the twins "Perfect, I have what's mine, and you are of no use to me." she looks to them, "I don't think I'll kill you yet, i think i'll let you suffer." she walks out of the room leaving behind a lacrima with a view of the twins. She leaves them in a cells locked up against a wall, and leaves, ten or so minutes later the twins reawaken, only to see their predicament and struggle in their bindings until the door opens and in reveals Lucas and Micheal, secretly sneaking over to them "You two are-" Ritchie starts but Micheal cuts him off "SHH! We barely got out of there." the twins go silent and their lovers free them, the four kiss their respective lovers and leave.


The two locked in chains watches as their lovers walk leave the island with another that is not them but looks to be like them, they watch the kiss and their hearts break "Ritchie/Brandon.........That's not me........." they whisper out and their apparent counterparts grin evilly at the Lacrima knowing it's there and heard what the two locked up said. The counterparts boop their noses and then wink before turning their attention back to the twins.

(I'm Evil I know.)

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