Who are you?

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(I was already planning to make a part 2, just took me a bit. Welcome to part 2 of Aftermath)

Bryan pov

Lefty is going to be the death of me, and I mean that in a good way. He's not letting me leave my room all because i may, or may not, have a fever of 102, "Lefty i have to make sure the park runs smoothly, so let me out." I say sternly "No Bryan. You've driven yourself to the breaking point, you're exhausted and add to the fact that you're running a fever." I groan and shake my head exasperated "Lefty if i don't work the park will be shut down, so move aside." "No!" "LEFTY! SO HELP ME IF YOU DON'T MOVE I WILL-" -fwish- a flash of light and we're in........minigames!? "BRYAN!! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU NOT TO MESS WITH THE PORTAL!!!" I hear Rockstar Freddy yell from somewhere, "I WASN'T EVEN NEAR THE PORTAL I WAS TRAPPED IN MY ROOM THANKS TO LEFTY!!!" I yell back "I can vouch for that." Lefty says, "Ugh, so then who did?" Freddy asks as he walks up to us "OOO, this looks fun." Twisted Chica appears around the corner "AHH!!" I yell and take off. I run around in panic until i realize i'm the detective, so i pull out the bow and start to creep around looking for the murder, i hear footsteps and turn the corner, bow ready, only to be met with the most gorgeous man i have ever seen in my life. Brown and blue hair, a crown with a crystal, piercing brown eyes, a white long sleeve poncho with a striped shirt underneath, and blue shorts to show off those well toned legs. I snap out of my ogoling when i see Twisted Foxy running behind the hot guy, with a knife in his hand, I push past the guy and shoot Twisted Foxy winning the round. We go on for a couple more rounds, and I see a couple of strangers, a girl in red with wings and horns, a boy wearing in white, gold, and blue wearing a leaf crown, a boy in black poncho and black shorts blue hair and a black mark on his face, a boy with white and red raid with pale white skin in red, and a guy with a beard in purple and black. None of them seem to be able to talk, well actually they are talking to each other but no one from where i come from can hear them.

The games finishes and we are thrown out, we groan but there are more voices than just me and my animatronics. I look around and am met with the sight of the 6 strangers from the minigames, i see that they are dazed so i walk over and offer my hand "Hey, you guys all right?" they all turn to look at me and the guy i ran into first takes my hand hesitantly, "Um, yeah we are." I smile and speak my thoughts "I've never seen you in minigames before, is this your first time? Or did you get stuck in the portal?" he just stares at me and i see the other stranger get up "pardon for being rude but may i ask what your name is?" the guy in front of me asks "Oh! How rude of me! I'm Bryan, Bryan Films." I stick out for him to shake, to which he does "Jakey, Jakey Olivers. And these are my friends and brother," he says as he waves his hands to the other strangers "I'm Kaykeray." (Kay-cur-ray) the girl in red says, "Im Mario." says the guy with a leaf crown, "Mitch." the scared guy says, "Brandeen." says the white haired guy, "Xylo." says the bearded guy. "Bryan time for you to go back to your room." Lefty says tugging my arm, I yank my arm out of his grip "No Lefty, I already told you i have work to do." and start to march off, Lefty sighs "You're really going to make me do this?" he questions to which i keep walking, he sighs again, then in a robotic tone "Error detected, Bryan Films temperature above regular temperature of humans, take the best course of action. Cooling down with ice and resting." I freeze and everything is silent "Bryan?" Freddy asks, "Yeah. Bye!" I shout and bolt out the doors. "BRYAN!" the animatronics yell and take chase.

I make it to my office and lock the doors, to which the animatronics yell at me through the doors "Bryan you're sick go rest." "Bryan you can die if your fever rises." "Bryan you're only human rest." I grow angry 'they think they can act like they care about me!? OH no, no, no, they hate me that's never going to change.' I turn from them and walk to my desk and sit down, opening my laptop and start working. The animatronics soon leave fed up that i won't do anything for my health, but Lefty and Ballora remain, I sigh and look at them over the top of my screen "I'm not coming out until i finish." I say knowing they can hear me. "We know, but we're not watching you." Lefty says, i freeze then feel a hand on my shoulder I turn to see.......Jakey!? "Your friends seem worried about you, you should go to make them feel better." I shake my head and knock his hand off, scoffing "They could care less about me." "Bryan that's not true." Ballora says. To which i ignore, Jakey sighs "I had someone i cared for a couple years ago (they have the same time schedule so years for Bryan is years for Jakey) but I didn't realize they were hurting and because of that they left and I haven't seen them since." I look into his eyes and see a heartbroken person, so I hugged him "I'm sure your friend had a good reason for not telling you they were hurting." Jakey let out a small laugh, "yeah he did, he left everyone a note explaining what he had to go and apologizing for what he had done and for leaving, but that doesn't make it any less painful." he pulls me away from him to look me in the eye "Go rest, make sure the friends you have now." pointing to the door, I turn and see Lefty and Ballora, "don't leave you because you push them away, and it will be too late to ask for help." I nod and walk to the door, unlocking it and walking with Ballora and Lefty to my room. They take care of me through the night and it's nice, comforting.

Morning comes and I apologise for my actions, but don't get out of bed because I feel awful. Jakey comes in early and is just staying with me, which I find really nice, half-way through the day i get the courage to ask "Jakey?" "hmm?" he responds "What was you friend like?" he freezes then relaxes and smiles "He was like a shining star always there despite no one seeing him. He did so many things that caused me to fall in love with him," my heart sinks ever so slightly "But he was hurting and no one had any clue until it was too late, he rebelled and started hurting people, he went to hurt my brother Mitch because he tried to confront him, and I jumped in front of Mitch so I almost died." I gasp hands going over my mouth "Thankfully Brandeen was able to save my life, and my friend was able to finally be helped. He asked if we could start over, take things slow, and try to be a good boyfriend. I still loved him so i agreed, over a week later he was gone and all that remained was letters to each of us in the camp, and a map of where he went." "where?" I ask "A portal, in the woods, he went through it and we never saw him again. It's been 6 years (I'm going off that Bryan appeared in his last year of College and was 21, and since somewhere in the show he said he was 26, that would make him 27 this year so yeah 6 years) and I still miss him." Jakey puts his head to his hands and lets out a sob. I hug him and say, "I'm so sorry for your loss. Maybe I can help you find him." he lifts his head and gives a small smile, then says "we have a trinket that will tell us where he is, it led us to your minigames, so we aren't sure it works." I smile and say "well you at least have something." he nods then his friends all burst into my room "JAKEY!" Mitch all but yells tackling him in a hug, "Mitch!?" Jakey cries out from under his brother, Brandeen sighs, then says "The trinket didn't make a mistake, this is the right place and one." looking over at me. I gulp nervously and wave, "You're not joking right?" Jakey says from the floor, I look and see he's crying again "please tell me that this isn't a joke." he is pleading with Brandeen. "DO I look like someone who jokes around?" Brandeen looks ticked, and Jakey shoves Mitch off of him and rushes at me and engulfs me in a hug.

I let out a squeak, and return the hug I hear him whispering "It's really you. I finally found you. I'm never letting you go again." over and over again, I'm so confused. Mario speaks up "you have no clue what's going on do you?" I believe he's talking to me so i answer "No, not really." Jakey shudders and tears fall harder, Mario sighs then proceeds to explain "We had a camper who did some bad things but was a good person-" i intrupt him "Jakey told me about him." Mario hums, then continues "well his name was Bryan." my eyes widen, "he left and the trinket we made locates him, which just so happens to be you." I pull away from Jakey but he doesn't let me go. "That can't be" i say, "And why not?" Xylo asks "Because I've lived here my entire life." I reply, Brandeen groans in annoyance, hands me the trinket then says "Bryan, Son of Aphroditie." and my head flares with pain, I slam my eyes shut and drop the trinket. Memories course through my mind replacing with what I thought to be my life but not, there was no Bryan before i came 6 years ago. I start to cry, my eyes open, I look at my friends and say "I am so sorry." They all smile, even Brandeen, "It's good to have you back Bryan." Kay says wipe the tears from my eyes and look to Jakey, "i'm a horrible boyfriend aren't I?" I ask he laughs and says "So am i." then he kisses me and I kiss back in return.

We tell the animatronics who are all surprised, Left states "Now it makes so much sense as to why you kept going to the portal!" and we all laughed. I had to remain in this world but we kept the portal locked onto my home dimension so i could come and go as I pleased same with them. Bri bonked me in the back of the head for worrying her then hugging me for being still alive, the other campers rolled their eyes but were happy to see me alive. The twisted animatronics still chase me wanting information, but now i have two protective families caring for me, and it couldn't get better than this. Well it could if the twisted's left but we're not counting that.

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