(F-FTO) Don't Leave Me Again

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(Was doing dishes last night, and realized "wait a honking minute where did Future Jakey go!?" so yeah evil me decided to make a song fic for it cause this song was perfect)

(also this will be following the timeline of what if Oliver had died; that means no kids, no dimension merging)

Future Jakey pov

'They somehow tricked me!? No! This will not do!' I think to myself as I pace my timeline's wrecked guildhall, I can tell it's been a few years here when it's only been a few weeks for me. I get really angry and throw some magic around as well as some curses, 'I'll just have to go back further and make sure Oliver does die, that way I can become what I'm supposed to be and not be the weak fool i used to be.' I think and get ready to open a portal to farther back in the timeline until I hear

(Play song now, Bold is Bryan, Italics is Jakey, and Both is both)

"I'd sell my soul just to see your face

I'd break my bones just to heal your pain"

There's a weak cough, and i can hear a sob

"And in these times i need a saving grace

Cause time is running out and I'm starting to lose my faith."

More coughs and my heart wrenches, i take a peak around the corner and see....Bryan!? He's looking at the water sitting where my house used to be.

"But if I told you I loved you would it make you wanna stay

I'm sorry for the way I make you feel day after day

And if I wrote you a love song and sang it to you everyday

Would it ever be enough to make you wanna come back home to stay

Would it make you, make you wanna stay?"

He coughs hard, i see blood on come out of his mouth, 'What happened while I was gone?' I think, but then grow angry growl ever so slightly and prepare to stomp up to him.

"My hearts on my sleeve but it's turning black

And without your touch I'm not gonna last

It feels like my walls are cavin' in

And I'll do anything to have you here again."

I freeze at how broken he sounds, not the Bryan i know, well, knew.

"But if I told you I loved you would it make you wanna stay

I'm sorry for the way I make you feel day after day

And if I wrote you a love song and sang it to you everyday

Would it ever be enough to make you wanna come back home to stay

Would it make you, make you wanna stay?"

I walk over to him he hears my footsteps and turns toward me only to freeze mouth agape when he sees me.

"The days are cold the nights are long

And I can't stand to be alone

Please know this is not your fault

And all I want is to tell you I love you."

He recovers and sings along with me,

"And make you wanna stay

I'm sorry for the way I make you feel day after day

And if I wrote you a love song and sang it to you everyday

Would it ever be enough to make you wanna come back home to stay

Would it make you, make you wanna stay

(I'm sorry for my ways)

Would it make you, make you wanna stay

(Will it ever be enough)

Would it make you/me, make you/me wanna stay?"

We sing the last line together and I'm in front of him. "J-jakey, w-where, n-no, wh-when have you be-en?" he asks, his voice weak, "It doesn't matter. What happened while I was gone?" I ask worried, he lets out a small laugh before doubling over coughing, "Bryan!" i cry out, he smiles at me "M-ario d-died b-by poison, o-one Mitch couldn't t-take away be-because it hurt him to." I gasp placing a hand over my mouth, he places a hand on my arm "T-there's m-more." I sit down next to him and nod for him to continue "T-the Diabolus Tw-twins a-are also d-dead. Rit-Ritchie, died protecting e-everyone f-from E-eden, b-by c-consuming a m-magic l-lacrima b-bomb that h-had enough m-magic t-to kill everybody." I let tears fall, tears i haven't been able to shed since Oliver died.

"B-brandon was h-heart b-broken, a-and k-killed E-Eden, b-but t-took his own l-life a-afterwards, c-cause he c-couldn't s-stand to b-be without Ritchie." I shake "it's all my fault, isn't it?" I ask, Bryan looks me right in the eyes "n-no, not your f-fault. M-mine." I freeze and question "how?" he smiles and whispers "I-I-I d-don't remember, b-but thats be-because i b-blacked out a-after m-my Un-uncles died. I-I was already hur-hurting from M-Mario's death, s-so i s-snapped w-when they d-died." he coughs hard and more blood splatters "but that doesn't explain what's wrong with you!" I cry out wiping the blood from his mouth, he smiles, "I-I-I d-did this t-to my-myself. E-everyo-one was a-afraid of m-me after i re-regained a-awareness and n-no one w-would t-tell me why. S-so this is m-my punishment." he pulls out a bottle, one i don't recognize "wha-?" he interrupts me by handing me the bottle, i read it "Sea-Urchin Mana Potion. Use only if you are a Water-Slayer, extremely dangerous for Fire-Slayers." I blink at the bottle then to him "BRYAN! YOU IDIOT! WHAT ABOUT ME!? YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME! PLEASE I ALREADY LOST OLIVER NOT YOU TOO!" I cry pulling him into a hug and banging my fists on his back, he lets out a small chuckle, "No more time magic Jakey." he whispers and i freeze remembering what Bryan's past self said to my past self after i messed with the timeline "y-you remember?" I ask pulling back he smiles and kisses my lips "I'm sorry." then he falls over onto me no breath from him, i don't need to check i can feel it as he lies against me.

I sit there for hours no noise coming from me, when i hear footsteps "He's dead by now Lucas, there was no changing his mind." I hear Colin say quietly, pain clear in his words. "I know but a friend needs a proper burial." I hear many more footsteps then a gasp "J-jakey?" I hear Bri ask i look to her still no noise from me, I see everyone that's still alive standing there all with shocked expressions, "y-you all re-remember?" I ask and they nod I turn my back to them again, I lay Bryan's body on the ground and stand up, i walk to my old home and see the time machine has been uncovered, I say loud and clear "Sorry Bryan but I can't give you your final wish." I jump into the machine landing in the water, I activate my magic and I hear many shouts of my name but ignore them "ARC OF TIME TRUTH RESET!" I yell and everything freezes, slowly it begins to change, I see everything change. 

Beside Lucas stands Brandon and a little girl, beside Michael, Ritchie with two children, one a boy and the other a girl. In between Kay and David Mario appears, Mitch and a little girl, being carried by a giant snake, appear next to Pat. Bryan stands up and is holding a little girl and my past self, just older, stands beside him, I see the guild all repair itself and the marks of the guild once separate now a single entity. I smile and whisper "Truth Rest Complete, Purge Time Anomaly." my magic then attacks me and as I fade from existence i see everything resume in time, like it never happened, my past self turns to look at me and smiles, I smile back, then I know nothing.

(I know i'm evil)

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