(ALL CROSSOVER)The Tale of the SCP

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Red's pov

I sigh, then begin my tale "I was born this way." I say as I revert back to my normal form, galaxy swirls and all, "I've never been outside in the sun before, I've lived my entire life in the prison of the SCP laboratories." Hunter, Soarin, and Flame are watching me, listening. "I was born with this power and was unwanted by my real family, i think their last name as Afton or something." Soarin's eyes widen (He, He, Shhhhh) but i continue "I was raised as a weapon, I was supposed to be used to travel to different places and conquer them or learn their techniques and bring them to our world to use against others." Atlas makes grabby hands at me and I make a small portal for him to look through "When you have lived there for a certain amount of years without causing harm or damage to anyone or anything you get one gift it can be anything except for freedom, i never had a family, and since the doctor that raised me as well as made sure to help me with my powers was so nice to me i asked that he become my family," happy tears fall, as I remember Dr. Ivan Films (Just realized I gave both SCP and FTO Bryan's dad the same name).

"Since I was abandoned, i never got a name so Dr. Ivan Films, gave me the name Bryan, and since he also adopted me, Films. I was happy, i had a parent, because of that, I learned to become ^human^" i make bunny ears on both of my hands the symbol for saying but not literally the truth (I have no idea what the move is called) i turn human then back into my natural form, "Becasue i had a human form my dad went to the higher ups and asked if I could become his assistant, he even had a plan for what would happen when someone was curious as to where I went." I chuckle, then continue "I became ^invisible^ when in truth I just walked around the compound helping my dad with other SCPs and if anyone entered my cell, then i would activate a special device that let me hear and see what was happening and i could respond and so I became, a small version of a therapist for the workers." I look up and sigh, "it all changed when i was on rounds with my dad one day, we had just gotten in a new SCP, with the ability to speed up time to the person's death, if contact was made." tears start to fall, "the SCP was mad, he wanted to be free, he fought against his restraints so hard, it caused him so much pain but he didn't care he wanted out." I hiccup, "H-he got out right as we got through the door, he was heading straight for me, but my dad jumped in front of me taking the contact." my knees buckle, "I-I watched as he died, his cause of death was someone slitting his throat."

Tears stream from my eyes "Of all the SCPs that I knew, only three would ever be considered to use a knife to slit throats and I was one of them. I was so terrified that i was the one to kill him if he was alive, the other two I had never met, I honestly don't remember either of their numbers but one he was called the Immortal Dummy, he had used a knife before in one of his crazy moments but that's only because they left him alone for a long period of time, the other was called The Knife Supplier, who grew knives out of his body." I take a shuddering breath in "After my dad died, I grew desperate to stop the SCP, so I released my human form on my hands and grabbed the SCP to which he froze since i didn't die at the contact, "Y-you can touch me?" he asked shocked to which I nod and whispered in his ear, "i am also an SCP, but i'm less dangerous so i have free roam." he looked so happy he actually hugged me, I didn't die because I deactivated my human form underneath my clothes, and I realized he just wanted contact without killing someone so I hugged him back." I pause and smile "He started to cry, he was so happy someone could touch him without dying, he calmed down afterwards and went willingly with the scientists, they killed him since they deemed him too dangerous to be around." I close my eyes remembering him, his happy tears flowing down his face as he hugged me.

"After that, i went silent, I still did my duties as a lab assistant but my SCP duties as a therapist went silent, that was until my next Doctor, Dr. Maria Reaver came along." I smile and stand back up, "She didn't go to my cell and say she needed me to talk to her, no she literally walked up to me while I was doing my assistant job and said, "so this is why you're the one they can't see." I froze and she laughed "how did you know?" I asked her, she smiled, put a finger to her lips and whispered "I'm physic." I remember giving her a blank stare to which she laughed and said "I'm kidding the real reason is because i'm your cousin." I gave her a confused look so she explained "Dr. Ivan Films was my uncle." it hit straight through the heart this girl was my adopted cousin and she had become my new doctor, I cracked the first smile I had made since my dad had died, "Well I'd like to know the name of my cousin." I told her she smiled and said "Maria, Maria Reaver." shaking my hand.

After that we became the best of friends, and did everything together, but then i had to be moved to a different floor, and then I got caught up in the escaping SCPs and well i never heard from her again, I recently saw a clip of one of the assistants for me, and well they said Maria made the excuse of taking me somewhere safe, when I wasn't even there, I don't know where she went or where she is, but more than likely she's dead by now since almost every SCP in that building is lethal." I say finishing up my story. "Wow, you had it rough." Soaring says, "Not as bad as some of you I'm sure." I say in return, Hunter just walks up to me and places Atlas in my hands, to which he babbles at me, and I laugh. "So who's next?" Flame asks, "I'll go." says Hunter, we all face him and are ready, and he begins his story.

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