(FNAF/FTO-ISH) The Secrets of Robotics

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(requested by Ashl0390 for a part 3.....here you go Ash!)

Bryan pov

I was woken up to the sound of my phone, {B-ring, B-ring} I pick up my phone and blearily answer "Hello?" I hear laughter "did I wake you?" I hear Mario's voice once the laughter dies down, "maybe?" I answer trying to wake up, he laughs then continues "It seems you mixed up your phone with Jakey's and he asked me to call you so you can trade out." I pull the phone from my ear and see that it is in fact not mine, "uh yeah sure, i'm at work though so he's gonna have to come here, cause i think if i leave again, Jon's gonna kill me." I say after bringing Jakey's phone to my ear, I hear a growl "figuratively." I say and the growling stops, "well, we'll see you later then Bryan." Mario says "yeah, yeah surezzzzz." I say falling back asleep, my body catching up the sleep I missed while my lungs were full of water.

I wake up an hour later when there's a knock on my door "huh? Wha?" I ask tiredly, "Bryan! You have guests!" Rockstar Bonnie calls through the door, I get up and walk to the door opening it. Bonnie gives me an unimpressed look "Shoot me, i'm tired." I say, he just rolls his eyes and leads me out of the hotel. Outside are my brothers and everyone else "Hey -yawn- guys." I say yawning in between, brushing my hair with my hand, they all greet me. Jakey and I trade our phones back and then Colin asks "So, wanna give us a tour?" I blink at him then shrug my shoulders "Sure why not." then I take them on a tour of the park. As we head around the park we gather a crew of animatronics all saying hi but mainly here to watch me, because i'm me and jump in portals on a whim. "Oh Bryan!" I hear a static-y voice and turn "Hey Twisted Chica." I say and she giggles, "Who're ye friends?" Twisted Foxy asks coming up behind her "They're my brothers and their friends i met them last night." i say "Oh so that's why you weren't here last night." Virtual Freddy says from behind me, making me jump "Good word Virtual Freddy! Don't scare me like that!" i say he just laughs and walks off, Twisted Chica follows, Twisted Wolf leans in and whispers in my ear "Twisted Bonnie be coming tonight, he be wanting the information now, so i'd suggest ye get your friends and brothers out of here." I nod and he walks off. "What did he say?" Mario asks and i just wave him off, "He's just wondering if i kept my promise of ordering parts for him and Chica." everyone buys it, cause I know how to lie, I just choose to act like i can't.

We finish up the tour and i send them on their way, I order my animatronics into standby mode i can feel their glasses but ignore them and place them in the repair room. They all continue glare at me, I just smile "Sorry guys but your lives are more important than mine." I can feel their anger turn to fear as I seal the door closed. I walk to the portal room and hide behind a pillar, "You fools, have no ability to get a simple HUMAN!" i hear a voice, i haven't heard before, shout, and then Twisted Foxy speaks "Many animatronics be protectin' em Bonnie." the new voice huffs angrily and stomps through the door, i take a peak and see a twisted version of Bonnie, once they are all out of the portal room i head over to the portal and jump in.

I land on the other side in a horrible looking pizzeria, i feel the urge to gag at the smell, the smell of rotting corpses. I make my way through stealthily and make it to where i want to go, i see Baby in a cage and she's crying behind her is a twisted version of Ballora "Don't worry dear they'll bring me Bryan and he will fix everything." Baby cries harder "He doesn't know anything please Twisted Ballora." "He does! Otherwise he wouldn't still be here, he'd be missing! Just like ours is!" Twisted Ballora growls smacking the cage Baby yelps in fear and I see that she is damaged, I see red and grab the closest thing that resembles a weapon, a chair, and bash it over Twisted Ballora's head. "That's for hurting Baby!" i shout and Baby cries out my name "BRYAN!" I free her and hear a growl from behind me, i turn, Twisted Ballora is glaring at me and so i bolt away with Baby in my arms. I jump through the portal and make a mad dash for the exit. Twisted Ballora follows behind closely I hear sounds of metal on metal and know Jon got my message to turn on the animatronics to keep the Twisteds at bay. I turn the corner and shout "INCOMING!" the battle pauses and i dash through dropping Baby in my Ballora's arms as i pass her. "GET BACK HERE YOU!" i hear from behind me and i take a peek back see Twisted Ballora at my heels, i hear my name being shout and look to where the noise came from, it's my brother's and their friends they all have weapons and look ready to fight. I trip on something and fall right into Twisted Bonnie, we both scream as electricity seems to shoot across us causing us pain, then i am floating in an ink black void, another me beside me.

I look around as does my other self, then we see a small light and we both head toward it, we see it's a small orb, we nod to each other and grab it. We're thrown into the past, I see we're in the puzzle game thing Sprigntrap made me do i shake and let out a sob, as does my other self "No, please no, anything but this." we say in sync. We are forced to watch as we take down the animatronics, our friends, the pain we felt, but then the one memory becomes two when we reach Molten. The two show different endings, my ending where Lefty broke the glass and Molten burned in lava and the other version, where I gave up and took the Kunai knife to my throat guilty of killing my friends, silence, but the memories continue in the background, and then i speak "You're me, and i'm you, but we have different endings." my other self nods then his form becomes Twisted Bonnie "Springtrap felt it would be funny that i become an animatronic, he forced Lefty to transfer my soul into this scrapped suit. My Animatronics were brought back by Helpy, like yours were but their minds became twisted when Springtrap bragged about how Bryan wouldn't be coming back........they had no clue who i was, only Lefty and Molten, and i begged them to keep it a secret." he lets out a sad laugh "They kept the secret to their grave." he puts his head into his hands "Twisted Ballora went ballistic and murdered Springtrap and Molten for killing me, because i was apparently like a son to her, then she went crazy." i place a hand on his shoulder, "I could only stand there watching as she killed Springtrap then once I was free of his mind control, i was instantly under someone else's, somebody i didn't even know, but they forced to kill all my friends over again, until only the Twisted's you know and Virtual Freddy were left." he looks at me sadly, "I knew that you didn't have the information, because i didn't either but i had no control of myself, i am so sorry." I smile at him and hug him, "I actually need to thank you Twisteds, you helped me get my family back, without you I would have still been too cowardly to talk to them again."he smiles and we're thrown out of the black void.

"aking up! Bryan!? Bryan!?" I hear voices shout, I open my eyes and see I'm on Mario's lap. Many people are standing around me and I sit up quickly "Where's Twisted Bonnie!?" I ask looking around "over here." i hear him call and i turn to face him, he gives a small smile and i bolt over and hug him i glare at Twisted Ballora who is tied up at Twisted Bonnie's feet "You are one cruel person. Next time, instead of blaming other dimensions of me, for your me's death, try asking where yours went first." i say and hug Twisted Bonnie tighter "i may be a machine now but i still need to breath!" he cries out and i let go "Sorry Twisted me." i say and he rolls his eyes then we stand up. He rounds up his group "let's go home everybody." his group nods and they leave. "What exactly did you mean by Twisted me?" Freddy asks i turn to my friends and family, "he's the me of that world, he commited Suicide and then was stuffed into a suit." they all look to where the Twisteds walked away. Jon walks up and smacks the back of my head "OW!" i shout "you idiot! You do not turn off your animatronics when you plan on doing a crazy stunt like that!" he growls out at me. I just smile and then we all head our different ways I head to the hotel, for some sleep, while every other human leaves for home to sleep, and the animatronics to their respective places to recharge.

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