(FNAF) Broken But Not Unfixable

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(So this is from MarioMania's a.k.a Mario FNAF channel, it's a cute roleplay series, its all from Freddy's (Mario's) pov so i suggest you watch it)

Freddy pov

It was supposed to be Bonnie and Foxy's job to clean the bathroom but they never did, so to make sure no one dies when we do open the pizzaria, i am cleaning out the bathrooms, yuck. Though truth be told I'd rather me do this then my friends i don't want them to get hurt, I mean there's lava! Actual freaking lava! How they even got that in here, or how its not burning down the pizzaria is beyond my understanding and I'd rather not try to find out. I hear a -Clang- coming from behind me "Foxy that'd better not be you." silence, i know for a fact Foxy isn't silent, i start to turn to face who is behind me, when something strikes the back of my head and sends electricity through me causing my systems to shut down.

Pain, that's the first thing i registered when my systems came back online. I did a systems check and received {Error, Error. Malfunctions found. Right Optic missing. Left arm damaged and no longer fully attached to body. Oil percentage at 25 and decreasing. Exoskeleton spine damaged. Left foot missing. Right foot damaged beyond repair. Audio receptors offline. Overloaded electric wires.} I groan in both pain and the annoyance on how hard I am going to be to repair since almost all of my parts are rusty and need to be trashed and that includes the ones already in me. I online my optic to see im laying on my back, I tilt my head to the left to get a look at my arm, only to hold in a shout of pain, despite my pain i still turn my head. My arm is across the room and there is literally only one wire attaching it to my body. I tilt my head back to look at the ceiling and offline my optics, knowing my body is on the fritz, to relax and conserve power.

I'm rudely brought out of my blissful black by someone grabbing me, and i scream in pain, optic onlining quicker than Chica eats. What is before me is not an enemy, but my friends, I can tell they're trying to tell me something but with my Audio receptors out of the picture I can't hear them, "Can't hear you. Audio receptors are offline." I say. Not really sure what they heard but they all freeze mouths agape, Chica's hands are over her beak, and i know if she could she would be crying. I feel a tap on my stomach and look to see who did it, 'Foxy' i think seeing him with his finger still on my stomach. He opens his mouth and says something slowly so i can read his lips [How. Bad. Are. You. Damaged.] I relay what my system's check said to me, he looks horrified, as do the others. My eyes start to offline, when I feel a tap on my stomach again, I look to see Foxy once more [Do. Not. Shut. Down. You. May. Not. Wake. Up] I speak "I'm tired, though." they all look to each other, then Chica kneels down and mouths [Transfer. Your. Mind. To. Your. Hard. Drive. I. Will. Carry. You. Around. That. Way.] I blink, then focus on my Hard Drive, transfering my conscious to it, I look to see my friends fading as my optics offline with nobody has no one to control it.

I'm just floating, been doing that since I went into my Hard Drive, unable to do anything since all I really am now is, memories and functions. It gets lonely in here, that's why we never do it to often, we can't do anything but just float, we can't even access the memories that take up half the data in here! I'd groan if i could, sadly now throat, so no groaning. I feel a click and when I feel something that means the Hard Drive is in something. I slowly transfer myself out of the Hard Drive to find myself in a body, "Wha?' I ask aloud, "Freddy!" I hear three yells and am tackled in a hug. "Guys? What? Where did you get a new Freddy suit?" I ask as I look over myself. "We ordered it Freddy." Bonnie says, I look at them and ask "How long was I in my Hard Drive?" "A week." Chica says, I stare shocked at her, "And how long was I missing before you found me?" I question, "Two hours." Foxy supplies the information. I nod and try to get off the repair table, to which all three yell "No!" and grab a hold of me, keeping me from moving. "Uh? Guys?" I question, "Sorry Freddy, you just...." Chica starts, "You really scared us man." Bonnie finishes. "Oh, guys." I say in a comforting tone, "Come on, I'm fine see you guys got me a new suit and I'm alive, so perk up, because i'm not going anywhere." I continue and start hugging them in return.

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