The Past Has Come Back To Haunt Us

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(I apologize for the no updates ran out of ideas, then got one, also TY Galaxy for the title)

Outside pov

"HOw dO YoU fEEl?" the green bunny asks the newly made leaders, "I've never felt better. Excellent work Springtrap." the leaders say, in sync, looking over their new bodies, "I have to agree. They are the perfect instruments of destruction." the albino haired male says looking over them "WAiT uNTil yOu aDD ThE NiGHTmAres." the bunny says bringing out a jar of two worm like creatures "What are those?" the albino asks "Selode does not have magic, but it does have creatures with special abilities that can resemble magic." the black haired leader says, "These are mere, Nightmare Worms, as we call them." the Brown haired leader says taking the jar. "yOU NeVer sAiD whAT yoU WerE DOiNg WiTh tHEm. OR EvEn whAt ThEY dO." the bunny says the leaders look to each other then begin to giggle "They force those who have consumed them to sleep, and not a restful sleep, no, a nightmare infested sleep." "One they can not wake up from until they have suffered so much fear their bodies forces the worms out." "Ooo! Evil, i like it. But who exactly are you going to use them on?" the leaders look to each other "Our counterparts." "We learned their nightly rituals and we know what to expect from them so we can easily predict them and these worms will be consumed." "Excellent. We'll see you when you return then M'Lords." and the leaders disappear in a flash.

Shade pov

Everyone has been on edge since the whole swap out of Lucas and myself, Ritchie and Brandon are having trouble sleeping because of whatever our counterparts did to them before, but they won't tell us and we are really worried. The four of us have now become roommates because only the presence of their brother as well as their lover calms the twins down enough to think coherently. Lucas and myself head to the kitchen to get the tea that Majesty made for helping sleep, Ritchie and Brandon are in the shower, cause why not their twins it's not like they haven't seen each other naked before (I had to make them be doing something first thing that came to my mind). When we get back we place the tea down and head back out cause Shadow wanted to talk to me, and Dolphin had a question for Lucas.

Outside pov

I am in their room and see two cups of tea, I nod to my ally and we place a worm in each cup, knowing our counterparts drink tea before bed because, Micheal needs relaxing to sleep, and Lucas is all about peace before bed. We see the worms dissolve and know its ready so we leave not a trace of us left.

Micheal pov

We finish up talking to our friends and head back into our room only to see Ritchie and Brandon sitting up in their beds just leaning back against the headboard, clearly exhausted. I look to Lucas and he looks to me we're both worried, so we grab the tea and head over to our boys, we nudge them and they look at us, tired, we offer the cups to them, they smile before taking them and drinking, then we all climb into our respective beds and head to sleep. Morning comes and we go and eat breakfast, half way through though, Ritchie and Brandon both freeze, eyes growing wide and they whisper under their breath "Nightmare Worms." before both falling back unconscious. "RITCHIE!?" "BRANDON!?" both myself and Lucas shout catching them, as well as everyone else's attention, "What happened!?" Majesty runs over with Lo'pho at her side I shrug my shoulders and shake Ritchies trying to rouse him. They both then start moving and crying out "No, No, No, Please No. Stop. Stop. STOP IT PLEASE!! DON'T! NO!" I freeze knowing their having nightmares i growl and Lucas says "Micheal, don't you dare." ignore him and gather my magic, whispering "Sorry Ritchie." before having everyone enter their nightmares.

Dream pov

The two boys are running through the castle, trying desperately to escape the wrath of the guard who thinks pranked him, when it was the other two kids laughing at the twins expense, "YOU LITTLE RUNTS I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE THE PRINCES NO ONE MESSES WITH ME LIKE THAT!!!" the twins have tears in their eyes and are afraid. The two boys just keep laughing while the twins run, until a woman with brown hair, wearing a beautiful gown runs into the path of the guard, "M-M'lady!?" the guard yelps, as the woman glares at him "Why pray tell are you chasing my sons?" the woman asks venom in her voice, "Th-they pulled a-uh prank on m-me Your Highness." the guard replies, the woman raises an eyebrow, "have my sons ever played a prank on anyone before?" the guard goes to answer but stops realizing she speaks the truth "MAXWELL, LUCAN!" the woman yells and the two children that were laughing come in guilty looks on their faces "Yes Ma'am?" they ask in sync "You will apologise to the guard and then to my sons." they give her disbelieving looks "I don't care if you are the princes of other lands, you are in my castle and you follow my rules! Is. That. Clear?" she continues, glaring down at them the two boys nod and reluctantly apologize. She nods and picks up the twins, both still crying and fear clear in their eyes.

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