(FTO) Secrets Take Flight (final part)

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(Time skip to......well you'll see)

Bryan pov

Me, Mario and Colin are all on a date with our mates, a triple date, that is, and it has to be the most adorable thing, because all of us are blushing messes and can barely get two words out without giggling, giggling! People are watching us and whispering, I can hear what they're saying in fact me and my brothers all can, so we are making it a game to tell everyone at the table what we hear and see who gets their mate to blush the most. We're having a great time and I don't want it to end, but we need to start heading back since Mario's guild is only staying the night at the Protectors, as for Colin and Lily, they are only here because Micheal brought them when he came to visit since Ritchie is here.

We get back the guild hall and are still giggling and blushing, me and my brothers making absolute fools of ourselves but we don't care since, we're making out mates laugh, and feel comfortable with themselves and each other. I can see the guilds and Micheal watching us with amused smirks or grins but I don't care, until i feel a burning pain in back all of sudden causing me to let out a yelp and trip over my feet falling on my butt. My eyes widen and my breath picks up and i think 'I need to get out of here!' I can feel everyone's stares and then a hand is in front of my face "Y-you okay B-Bryan?" I grab Jakey's hand and stand up, "Uh yeah, I just remembered....I forgot something at home," 'yeah that's a good excuse' i think, "I have to go. Bye!" and run out the door.

When I get far enough away from the guild i activate my Dragon Force and take flight, I fly toward Dragon's Cave. Burning pain is shooting through my back and tears spring to my eyes with each flap, but i have to hurry, so i keep flapping. I land outside the walkway and rush in, the forest falls to the side quickly, sensing my desperateness to get to Dragon Cave. I run into the cave and yell "JAZMENA!" falling to my knees, she jumps startled, in her dragon form, "Bryan?" she questions until she sees me on my knees tears streaming my face "It's happening, isn't it?" She asks i nod and fall to the floor, curling into a ball, whimpers escaping my mouth, I feel human hands on my and look to see her grabbing hold of me, "Come on, there's only room in this cave for one dragon." she says lifting me up and taking me outside, i feel the sunlight on my skin and sigh ever so slightly, she places me on some grass and then walks off, i surl back up into a ball, then i hear a thump so i look she's in her dragon form picking up some rocks and placing them around me, "wha-?" I start to question but pain shooting through my back causes me to stop "What am I doing?" she asks and I nod, "I'm creating a barricade, for when you go all dragon." I look at her confused she rolls her eyes and turns back into a human climbs up the rock barricade and lights a match and let's in fall within. My eyes widen and the match hits the grass igniting it, and soon all around me there is only fire, it's comfortable and I sighed, relaxing into the warm embrace.

My transformation begins, scales start grow on my body my clothes rip thanks to my new wings springing from my body, my teeth grow pointier. My nails turn into claws, and my skeletal structure starts to change "BRYAN!?" I hear my name being yelled from a lot of people, my head snaps to the side, to see everyone I had left in the Protectors guild hall. I freeze and feel my eyes change, "G-Guys!?" I cry out, fear filling my heart and mind. "Bryan what's happening!?" Mario yells out, i don't know how to tell them, but before I can pain once again shoots through me and i roar in pain. "BRYAN!" everyone cries out, starting to rush to me only to be knocked back by an invisible force "Don't get close to him he could accidentally hurt you!" Jazmena yells. My body fully becomes a dragon and I roar out, all goes silent until roars of Dragons can be heard all around, I can understand them "THE PRINCE IS ALIVE!" "THREE CHEERS FOR THE PRINCE!" "ALL HAIL KING IVAN DIVIL AND HIS SON THE PRINCE!" I am shocked and in awe until I hear a quiet, "B-Bryan?" my head tilts down to look at Jakey staring at me, in fear, my heart breaks, 'Jakey's afraid of me, I'm a monster.' I think, I collapse on the ground and cover my newly formed snout/face with my hands/claws crying. I feel something on my nose, so I lift my claw to see what it was, only to see Oliver on my nose, staring at me "Hi" a high pitched voice says, i stare at Oliver "Hi?" I question. "So you can understand me know." Oliver says, "If it's Oliver talking then yes." I reply, he giggles, "Yep I'm Oliver. And you're Bryan." he bops my nose with his paw "Yep." I say back "Jakey really likes you, also the purple wearing Jakey is really creepy he watches both me and Jakey sleep sometimes," My eyes widen, "but he can't do anything, since past and future can't make contact if they doo well it's all kinds of crazy." I look at him weirdly "How do you know this?" I ask "Well that's because i'm a time pup." he replies "A what?" I ask confused, "It's a species of animal that can control time, but we choose not to, we usually live outside the timeline completely but this time needed major help when so we implanted ourselves here and made ourselves at home." he explains "Ah, I see." I say.

Oliver giggles once more then i feel a hand on my cheek so i slightly turn my head to see Jakey there his hand on my face "Bryan? A-are you o-okay?" I stare wide eyed 'he no longer looks scared' i think i smile and nod he sighs and then asks "C-can you tell u-us what happened?" I think for a moment then try to speak but it comes out in a grumble, 'welp looks like I can't speak english yet.' I think "He just turned so he can't speak english so i'll translate." Jazmena says stepping forward. She looks to me and nods, I think for a moment then say "As you know i am the son of a wealthy and well known family the Divil's." I stop and see that Jazmena is actually using her sound magic to translate my grunts into english so i continue. "Well my father was actually a dragon, and he's the one who taught me Dragon Slayer Magic." I pause again this time to look at my brothers they looked surprised, and Mitch has joined us, when? probably when i roared in pain. "Since he was a dragon, and my mom a human, i am by birthright half dragon, half human." Everyone nods, "My father's mate was my mother, and cared for her deeply, but he was being hunted, so he decided to hide in plain sight, as a rich, well known family." I pause sadness flowing through me thinking of my parents, I feel a pat on my face I look and see Jakey smiling at me, so I continue, "When I was five, my father took me out to an island he had bought, and told me that he was a Dragon, but not just any Dragon he was the King of Dragons." I see everyone's eyes grow wide. "When the fire started in my house me and my dad were finishing up my magic lessons, because i was ready to become a full-fledged magic user." tears start to fall and I feel hands wipe them away I smile knowing Jakey is doing it, i continue "We rushed to the house but it was already on fire, i tried to consume the fire, but I couldn't, it was wrong it felt weird and tasted weird, it caused me to pass out later, but before I did we found my mom, she was dead burned to a crisp, my dad was in tears, crying his eyes out, then he grew angry and went to find who done it, I followed, but got separated when the hall came down between us." i let out a sob, and jakey hugged my snout to the best of his abilities "I tried to find out who did it without my dad, I couldn't find anyone, then i heard my dad yell, i ran to where i heard it only to find him with a blade in his chest, blood everywhere, he, he," I sob again "He said those guys knew their stuff, for petty criminals, he turned to me and said Sorry Bryan i don't think i'll get to meet your mate in the future." i sob harder sucking in a shuddering breath i continued, "I, I, cried as i watched the life from his eyes fade away, he said right before he died, I pass on the title of ruler to Bri of the Protectors until the Prince is ready. I passed out crying and awoke outside the house, I, I never knew who saved me or why, but I made a vow to find those who had killed my parents and bring them to justice." I continued to cry, Jakey still wiping what he could of my tears, then Jazmena asks softly "Are you ready for me to teach you how to become human again?" my eyes find hers and I nod. She nods, then walks up to me and whispers in my ear "Avan Yield, Nor Van True, Sayrah San, (A-van Yield, Nor Van True, Say-ra Sah-n)From Man to Dragon, and Dragon to Man, revert me to that which I'm not." I repeat it, magic flows around me, and there I am a human, in torn clothes, red puffy eyes, tears streaking my face. Jakey pulls me into a hug and my brothers join in, I whisper, still crying, "I'm sorry," over and over again, they all comfort me, and tell me to hush, and that it wasn't my fault, i slowly calm down.

"Bryan may i speak with you?" Jazmena asks i nod and walk over to her, she whispers "I ask for permission to move my mate mark to someone else." I freeze and ask "who?" she points to Boat I look over and see how Brandon and him appear to be close, I sigh and say "If that's what you really want, but you know you won't have another mark for years right?" she nods, and says "I'm stuck here anyway, my punishment doesn't end for another human two years." I nod and she whispers the magic spell my brothers all go rigid and are wide eyed as they watch the mark leaver her body and go to Boat. Anyone who isn't a Dragon slayer are confused but I wave them off saying Dragon thing, to which they all accept. Jazmena smiles and then returns to her cave, waving us all goodbye, we call goodbye and then leave heading back for the guild "Well at least ^The Garden^ won't be expecting a Dragon to be fighting them." Michael says to which we all laugh, and continue toward the guild. When we get home we bid our farewells to Grimshade, and walked in, I was extremely tired so I stumbled into the building, but Mario caught me, "Come on Sleepyhead let's get you to bed." I yawn and let Mario carry me to my room in the guild hall, he lays me down and leaves. Something occupies the once open space i look to see Jakey he, curls up next to me and says "Y-you're s-so warm." I smile and hug him back and we fall asleep snuggling.

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