(FTO) Why?

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Mario pov

Me and Kay have been doing fine, especially after The Darkness was defeated and everyone went back home, our love is strong, I'm happy whenever she's around but something is missing i can feel it, but i don't know what it is, add to that annoyance setting me on edge, my heat is about to start again. I groan as i think, slamming my head against the table, cracking it -snicker- "Um? Mario? You okay over there?" Colin asks trying to hold in laughs at me breaking the table "Shush." is all I say and that sends him over the top he falls onto the floor laughing i hear footsteps "What happened to the table?" Alamose asks, and Colin all but dies of laughter. I lift my head up and give Alamose a stare, apparently its not a cold angry one i give him like i'm trying to cause he gives me a sympathy stare back, I groan and replace my forehead on the broken table. I feel Alomose sit next to me and rub my back "Heat coming up?" he asks quietly and I nod, he hums, then asks "but there's more isn't there?" I nod again, he yells "JAZMENA! COME HERE!" I hear footsteps and Jazmena speaks "What's up Alomose?" I hear no words then Jazmena puts her hand on my back "Come on Mario, let's get you to your room." I nod and she helps me to my room.

Once in my room she lies me down, sits on my bed, I put my head on her lap and curl around her. "You okay?" she asks softly i shake my head "want to talk about it?" I nod my head and tears come to my eyes. "I-i love Kay, sh-she's my mate. Y-yet i feel something mi-missing. Why do i feel something missing!? My heart hurts, my head hurts, and i feel sick everytime i say "i love you to Kay" I hear in the back of my mind, "not complete" and I don't know why! I-I'm so tired, I-i haven't been able to sleep properly since the Darkness was defeated and this whole "Not complete" feeling has come about." I say crying. "Mario we defeated the Darkness two weeks ago.......when was the last time you got a full nights of sleep?" Jazmena asks softly but i can tell she's worried "The night before the kids got back." I respond truthfully, "Mario, you need to tell people these things, we can't have you dying on us." she says hugging me, I just shrug too tired to even care. "Good thing i know what's wrong with you though." she says and I sit up in a flash "YOU DO!?" I question hopeful, she nods "It's the simple case of having two mates." I stare blankly at her "You can have two mates?" I ask she nods again, "how?" I ask confused she smiles "It simply means having two people/dragons to complete your heart, to make you feel complete as if you can take on the world." she explains and I nod, "so who is my second?" she thinks then says "your heat will tell you, remember you take on a trait of your mate, well mates in this case, you already munch cookies when in heat for Kay so whatever happens tomorrow, it will help you figure out who it is." I nod and she stands up letting me have my bed "Sleep my little gem." she says tucking me in and kissing my forehead "Night big sis." I mumble and she sings me to sleep.

(time skip to morning)

When I awoke, I felt hot, and in need of cookies, so far nothing out of the ordinary. I stood up though not really wanting to, and stumbled to my door. I opened the door and looked out I could smell and hear everything, so I could smell cookies being made and could hear Jazmena and Jakey were making them. I grumbled out in dragon "i'm awake Jaz, the cookies almost done?" I hear her pause mid laugh then she replies in dragon "Yes we have a few batches already made, I'll bring you some." I grunt out a "thank you" and return to bed, completely leaving my door open like the tired person i am. Jazmena laughs as she enter "i think you forgot to close your door little gem." I grunt and roll over to face her, she pauses mid step, and raises an eyebrow, "Well now I know who your other mate is." she states and I give her a weird look, she laughs and says "look down Mario." I do and see I'm in nothing but my boxers "how did!? When did that happen!?" she laughs and i put it together "no, no. There's no way.......We hate each other!" I say looking at her, she just smiles "do you really hate him?" she asks. I open my mouth to say yes but stop, "No, no I don't. I only argue with him because I love the sound of his voice, and I like that he's paying attention to me and no one else." I sigh and stuff my face into a pillow "shoove meh." I say and she laughs "no can do little gem, but don't worry i wont tell anyone that's up to you." I lift my head up and smile at her, she smiles back and places the plate of cookies on my bedside table then walks out and closes the door. I sigh looking over at the cookies then down to my bare chest, "Kay and David huh? I guess I can handle that." then I grab some cookies and eat them.

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