(FTO) Brothers No Matter What [Final]

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Lacrima pov

The three runaway dragon slayers met up outside a forest, all giving a quick greeting before rushing into the dense forest. Running, jumping, flipping, dancing around roots, trees, rocks, drop downs, hills, etc. they make their way through the forest until they reach an open valley. All viewers are in shock to see bodies impaled on stone spikes, blood is everywhere and in the middle of it all, is a rock dome. The three dragon slayers rush to the dome calling out one name 


Bryan pov

"Mario!" me and my brothers shout as we rush to the dome. I hear whimpering from inside and I know my brothers can hear it too because Mitch is growling while Colin's shadow is stretching out to kill anything in its reach. "Shadow let Colin be in control." Mitch says strictly, and the shadows recede into Colin. "Colin shadow jump in the dome and calm Mario down." He nods and does exactly that. "Hey Mario, its me Colin, Mitch and Bryan are here too. We need you to relax so we can help you. Can you do that?" We hear a pained "a-huh." and the rocks slowly fall to the sides revealing a curled up Mario with a sword in his side and a kneeling Colin with his had on Mario's shoulder. I gasp, and mitch sucks in breath through his teeth, "Colin clean up this mess, we don't want Mario back in jail." he nods and goes to clean up the dead bodies. "Bryan I'm going to pull out the sword hold him down then quickly cauterize the wound." I nod, grabbing hold of Mario. Mitch grabs the sword's hilt and yanks, Mario lets out a pained cry {RAH!} and I hold him steady so he won't accidently strike one of us. Once the sword is out, me and Mitch switch places and I cauterize the wound {MMHH!} Mario cries out again, but this time his mouth closed. Mario begins to pant, tears streaming down his eyes, "Sorry" he croaks out, "Shh, it's okay." Mitch says in a soothing tone "you did nothing wrong" Mario numbly nods, closing his eyes. "Alright everything is cleaned up." Colin says coming back, I look around and indeed it is all clean not a speck of blood. "Good. Now let's get Mario to Dragon's Cave." Mitch says, we nod, and slowly lift up Mario (between Bryan and Mitch, Colin is on guard duty). We travel to the forest that we just came out of and we use a special magic, which causes the trees to bend away to reveal a path, and we walk in.

(there are two paths, the main one that normal people walk through, since the forest, called Living Trees, is alive and chooses to let them through, and the forest accepts dragon slayers to travel deeper into it, on a different path)

Reaching our little village consisting of 4 houses, each with the element symbols of our slayer abilities on the doors, we walk past the houses and head to Dragon's Cave in the back. Once inside we walk over to Mario's pool of water and place him into it, he let's lose a sigh and relaxes. "What happened?" a voice rings out around us, "We don't know sister." I say looking up at the dragon that sits in her own pool in the very back (That's me! I know I'm not in the actual roleplay, but I wish I was). She hums, turning human, steps out of her own pool and walks over to us, she kneels down and swirls the water around Mario. "Mario?" she calls in a soft voice, "hmm?" he hums back, "Can you tell me what has happened to you since we last saw each other?" she continues. Mario sighs, then opens his eyes to look up at her "I went on missions like normal, played dodge the lightning, dealt with my guild, and the dark guild called ^The Garden^" he says. She looks to be in thought, "Did you happen to have any injuries during any point of these events?" she asks. "Well about two months back I went to catch an escaped criminal who could counteract all magic except Dragon slayer magic, the towns people warned that he had poison for if he ran into a dragon slayer, but i didn't smell any poison on his weapons, so I wasn't worried when he got a slice in." She sighs "Well you have a fever, as well as a cauterized stab wound." she continues as she rolls her eyes. "Oh, well then I may have gotten poisoned, it just took a long time to affect me. Whoops?" he dumbly states rubbing the back of his head. "Hmph" Mitch grunts out, Colin lets out a chuckle and i enter a giggle fit. "While you are all here, when is it that you and Mario are to enter 'you know what'?" sister asks turning to me. My face turns red and i put my hands out in front of me shaking them back and forth, "No, No, No. I don't like that!" I cry out. Mario chuckles "We start in about two weeks, Jazmena." he says with a sigh. She hums then says "Well then, I expect you two to be here, so you don't accidentally do something you'll regret." I sigh and lower my head "Yes mam."

She turns to Mitch and Colin as she asks "So what's been happening on your two's end?" Colin shrugs and Mitch tsks, "Not much besides, trying not to get killed." Colin says sheepishly. "What's happening?" Jazmena asks strictly, "I'm in ^The Garden^ Mitch says with little enthusiasm, "And I'm forced to be a spy for ^The Garden^ thanks to Shadow." Colin continues. "Understandable for Colin but Mitch?" she questions "I don't want them to be planning anything on my brothers, plus they think I want to kill Brandon and Ritchie." Mitch supplies the information. "Hmm, honorable, but foolish, for this you'll be the one to watch these two doofuses." she says as she points to me and Mario. "HEY!" we both shout, then we all burst into laughter.

Lacrima pov

The watchers are stunned. Mitch is kind!? Colin is a spy!? Bryan and Mario have something starting in two weeks!? These questions flow through the heads of many, then they hear from the Lacrima. "You four need to sleep I'll watch over you guys." and we watch as the dragon slayers each go to a pool of water and sit into it, relaxing. Not long after we hear snores form all around the cave, but that doesn't surprise us, no what does is that the dragon, turned human, turns to the lacrima's position. "I know you all have been watching, both good and evil side alike." and we freeze. She smiles and says "Tomorrow you won't remember, but do keep in mind of this little fact about Dragons and dragon slayers alike." she looks us all dead in the eye or so it feels "We can sense lies and Dragons can't tell lies, so know that when I speak I only speak the truth." We all shudder as we hear the serious tone of her voice "I hope to meet you all someday......the people who saved my baby brothers from the darkness......" then she turns to the dragons slayers and starts to sing.

(She/I sing Brother by Kodaline, you can listen to the one Mitch and Jakey sang in Origins of Olympus)

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